
-498475-67818000 Social Media and Online Communities Key Messages: Social Media is real. It’s not a “fake” online world. It is actual people who you hang out with and talk to, and we get that. Sometimes it can be hard to explain why a “like” or a comment can have so much meaning, but it is an important part of how we connect and interact with each other. Communication and boundaries are important. As in the rest of your life, communicating well and asserting boundaries is really important online. Because there can be the illusion that you’re anonymous online, or you can talk to people you may never meet in real life, some people feel like they are allowed to say and do anything. That is so not true. There are still repercussions to your actions, and you should think about what you’re posting and commenting. Use your brain! You know what you’re doing. You know the effect of your words. And hopefully, you also know who you are and not to feed the trolls. Try not to get caught up with internet arguments and not take online comments from strangers or jerks seriously. A lot of people feel like they’re free to be idiots online, don’t be one of them. The internet is great. A lot of the time we only hear about how scary and awful the internet/technology is, but it’s also a lot of fun. It can be a place to connect with communities we might not have in our area, a place to engage with ideas and events that excite us, and a place to make friends and explore who we are. Take the time to find supportive, connected online communities that make you feel good and happy. Stay safe, stay critical. Don’t believe everything you see posted on the internet. Be aware of what spaces you’re in and why someone might be saying a certain thing, or asking you to do something you’re uncomfortable with. You are smart, use your judgement and think critically about what you read. Additional Resources Websites NeedHelpNow.caIf you, a friend, peer or sibling have been involved in a self/peer (otherwise known as “sexting”) exploitation incident, NeedHelpNow.ca is here.Yolov.ca Information on cyber violence and resources for youth by youth on how to navigate online spaces and places. Additional Resources mentioned in this session? ................

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