Real Exam English Episode Six - TechnologyUse Of English Exercises(answers at the end):1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:(A) I generally can' t _____ social (b) hate (c) stand (d) bare(B) What does concern me is the ability of computers to somehow ____ us in the future(a) overthrow (b) overtake (c) overlook (d) overthink2. What is the missing word?When we are on our phones you can really feel your mood changing afterwards and it’s very easy to notice in kids, even _____they’ve just been watching television for an hour or two.3. Word Formation – Form a word to fit the gap, using the word in brackets. My computer is sitting on top of two laptops that are ____ but I'm afraid to throw them away because they have photos on them. (USE)I'm not a big _____, no. My girlfriend takes me to concerts. She goes on these websites and she'll look for new artists and she'll drag me along to these things. (CONCERT)I use Reddit, _______. (RELIGION)There is an element of what we would call Big Brother going on, y'know watching from secret, but it doesn't _____concern me. (OVER)I am the technology king because I'm a _______ so I've got lots of video cameras. (FILM)4. Sentence Transformation – Use between 3 and 6 words to transform the sentence, using the word in brackets.The ability of computers to somehow overtake us in the future concerns me.(DOES)What _______________is the ability of computers to somehow overtake us in the future. Transcript:Hello and welcome to Real Exam English. My name is Trevor. Today we are talking about technology. This is another super popular subject in English exams. Love it or hate it we live in a very technological world, and there?s really a wide variety of questions you can be asked on this topic. For that reason, it?s vital to have some excellent vocabulary that you can use in your exam. There are lots of writing questions about technology, which is a great way to practice implementing the vocabulary that you know and thinking how you would go about answering different questions.Ok, as usual we have a great mix of accents for you today, and the transcripts can be gotten on Facebook or Instagram in case you can’t follow all of the conversations.Do you think parents should impose time limits on a child’s use of the computer?Yes, yea definitely yea. Depending on what age they are obviously, it has to change, y?know together with how old they are. But yea, I think so. I think you get…..y?know even as adults when we are on our phones or our tablets or whatever you can really feel your mood changing afterwards and it’s very easy to notice in kids, even if they’ve just been watching television for an hour or two, y’know. You really notice their change in mood, they’re quicker to anger or get annoyed with something so yea I definitely think there needs to be a balance, I guess. Do you use social networking sites a lot? I use Reddit, religiously, I love reddit. I do really enjoy Reddit, I think it?s a good community, although it?s principles are a bit mixed but I generally can?t stand social media. I think it?s a quite damaging platform for everybody involved when you read it but Reddit is pretty well moderated so I go with it. And you can avoid idiots quite easily…………whereas when I use something like Twitter I?m always finding that there was an abundance of idiots just rammed down your throat and it was just have a read of what my horrible opinion is on this. I detest (football), I can?t bear (people who lie), I hate, I?m not really into (romantic movies), it?s not my cup of tea(going clubbing), it doesn?t tickle my fancy (do you want to come for a walk with me…….I?m feeling lazy)I?m keen on (movies), I?m fond of (a beer after work), I adore (banana ice cream), I?m mad about (Harry Potter), I?m a big fan of (Justin Bieber)Some people say we spend too much time checking for updates on social media sites. Do you agree?Yes, I definitely do. I think we’d just be a lot better off living in the moment a little bit more and yes, I would agree with that statement for sure. Do you think that technology will result in more people being unemployed in the future?No, not necessarily. I think it will result in a shift and hopefully it will mean that less people have to do manual labour in the future.Some people say that technology like security cameras and data bases are a threat to our freedom. Do you agree?I don?t know if that overly concerns me, I thinkthere is an element of… certainly does go on, there is an element of what we would call Big Brother going on, but am, that?s y?know watching from secret, but it doesn?t overly concern me. I think that there?s a lot going on that we don?t know about that possibly should concern us more and what does concern me is the ability of computers to somehow overtake us in the futureThis is an example of a cleft sentence. It?s used to add emphasis and it?s a really handy piece of grammar to have for the writing paper because it?s very versatile. Imagine you?re writing a review of a restaurant….What was absolutely delicious was the apple pie, it was out of this world!. Or a formal report or proposal, What is clearly required to improve the business is more training for the staff. Ok, so look up cleft sentences in your textbook or grammar book if you have one and try to get those into your writings. What kind of technology devices do you own and use regularly?Oh my god, I could go on for hours. I am the technology king because I?m a filmmaker so I?ve got lots of video cameras, old ones and new ones of different sizes. I am a photographer so again I?ve got lots of digital cameras and old antique cameras. I work with music so I?ve got lots of djing mixing equipment. I?ve got Go pros, I?ve got web technology. My house if just full of things that you plug into stuff.Some people say we spend too much time looking for updates on social media sites. Do you agree?I think some people do. Some people require the likes to feel good I think. I don?t do anything personal on social media but I do a lot with the businesses. I think people can overshare too much and I think those are normally the people that have issues, and they need that ….they need the likes, don?t they, to feel good, which is a bit sad.What kind of tech devices do you ownI have a laptop computer, I have an iphone, in our household we have 2 ipads and we have a smart TV and actually my computer is sitting on top of two old laptops that are unused but I?m afraid to throw them away as they have old photos in them that I haven?t gotten around to putting on something, to save them, like the cloud or something.Ok, that?s it for today, remember you?d be better off living in the moment and nobody likes someone who goes sadfishing. Having said all that, please make sure to check out Real Exam English on facebook and twitter for some tasty use of English exercises, I promise not to overshare!Thank you for listeningAll the bestTrevorFancy LanguagePhrasal verbs: throw away, get around toSaying what you like: I?m keen on, I?m fond of, I adore, I?m mad about, I?m a big fan ofSAying what you don?t like: I detest, I can?t bear, I hate, I?m not really into, it?s not my cup of tea, it doesn?t tickle my fancyCleft Sentences: For emphasis - What I really enjoyed was the mango lassi.Use of English Answers:1. (A) c (B) b2. if3. (a) unused (b) concertgoer (c) religiously (d) filmmaker 4. does concern me is ................

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