Marketing Assignments 1&2 .docx

Assignment One - Parts 1 and 2Introduction to Marketing - Prof. Besharat February 16, 2015Kate Sullivan, Cassandra Gray, Marina Santiago, Brandon OdenheimerPart One: The Environment: 5 Macro-environmental factors 1) SocialDemographic shifts and cultural trends are transforming the traditional sport of golf. The popularity of golf is increasingly shifting to Asian countries, in tangent with digital technology and feminism; subsequently the game of golf is adapting to these changes5. Young, active, Asian athletes currently dominate the professional sport of golf, which was previously dominated by an elderly male western generation5. As the average disposable income in Asian countries has increased, more of their respective consumers are turning to leisure activities, primarily golf 3. With the recent recession, the golf markets in the US and UK have become stagnant, whereas the golf industry is expected to expand in Asia, and therefore growth of the golf industry will be sustained6. Additionally, in regards to gender equality, an increasing number of women have entered the professional sport; with an influx of women athletes an entirely new segment target market has been established. The course facilities, services, and equipment are now transforming to encompass and attract more women golfers. Furthermore, as more women and mothers are golfing, a platform for the development of a family sport has potential3. It was estimated that roughly 260,000 women joined the sport in 2014, however over an estimated 650,000 men left the sport; this loss of several athletes can be attributed to lack of available time with busy schedules and the advancements of technology - such that you can easily play golf in your living room5. To respond to the needs of customers, the construction of golf courses is transforming to make more 6-hole than 18-hole courses to accommodate busy golfers5. This transformation in course size and construction is also beneficial in large cities, especially in Asian countries, as there are limited amounts of available green space. Additionally, golf tournaments are aiming to be played at a shorter and faster pace; for example, TaylorMade recently sponsored a 15-inch cup tournament, as compared to the traditional longer tournament5. 2) EconomicCurrent Economic Conditions, such as a steady economy, may affect the company or product negatively. A high economy would allow the company’s High Brand status and quality (along with price) to remain2. Even though, a low economy would instead make it harder for the company to reach out to those interested in Golf, as it is an expensive hobby/sport. Future economic conditions could also affect the company in a negative manner if these conditions result in a low economy or recession2. If this were the case for future economic conditions, the company would not be as accessible to those that are being affected by the economic conditions, as previously mentioned. Golf is not a necessity for many of the consumers, meaning that when their economic incomes change, the amount of money spent on Golf is one of the first to decrease. Per the Employee Benefit Research Institute, roughly 57% of the baby boomers only allocated $25,000 in retirements; this solemn notion that our elderly generations cannot afford to play golf, likely contributes to the decline in number of golfers2. The golf industry provides 2 million jobs in the U.S. and total wage income of $61 billion2. The total economic impact of golf in America has been measured at $195 billion, including golf's direct, indirect and induced impacts3. Golf provides a direct economic impact of $76 billion2. The golf industry is larger than the motion picture and video business; larger than performing arts and spectator sports; and larger than the newspaper industry.3) Technological Technology at Titleist is being based off what people say is the new “power game.” In addition, new advancements in golf ball technology are based off PGA professionals and how they have changed. Over time, players have gotten bigger and stronger, bigger titanium golf clubs, new monitoring techniques to measure your game, and a different type of instruction. Titleist does have newer technologies that do golf ball fittings to gauge your abilities4. The better they can make their fittings more accurate, the better golf ball advice they can give4. This being said, the golf industry has stayed quite uniform due to regulations and so the technology hasn't changed too much. Any technology changes are based off the current golfer and how the overall idea of golf has changed4. In a more recent study, it shows how the overall regular golfer just wants to have fun and does not want to play by the traditional set of rules thus there is new room in the market for giving people more innovative and different technologies that could make their game more accurate and connected4.4) Political/Legal/RegulatoryThe USGA has golf ball conforming rules, which regulate a company’s ability to change the golf ball drastically. From weight and size, to velocity specifications, distance standards, symmetry standards, ODS test tolerance, and testing. That being said, these are rules for golf balls that PGA professionals must abide by on the tour4. They are allowed to use different technologies when training. For the use of our product, these regulations by the USGA should not affect Titleist too much because this product will be used for training purposes among golf that are not pro, but just want to get better. Other regulations will be the government regulations on GPS enabled products and how we can access and provide the technology5.5) CompetitiveWhen looking at the competitiveness of this industry, the top competitors would be Nike, Callaway, and the Prazza golf ball finder. Each of these companies has their strengths on Titleist but also their weaknesses. In regards to Nike, they have developed Nike+, which enables people to track their health performance using their phones and Nike fuel bands. This could potentially give Nike the heads up in developing a golf ball that could be tracked giving their R&D on GPS enabled products. On the other hand, a nike golf ball although very respectable is not the #1 golf ball unlike Titleist so they do not have the same overall consistency of satisfaction as Titleist 6. The second potential competitor would be Callaway. They too have a reliable and huge customer basis as well as golf ball trackers on the market. Even though it is not a golf ball, it is a watch, which means they do have the R&D in trackable devices and specifically in golf. On the other hand, they don't have a huge market share in players using their golf balls 6. The third competitor would be Prazza a Netherlands based company, which has produced a trackable golf ball. They have developed the technology, which proves their success, but haven't had the most success getting the product out in the market, in addition to providing the best quality6.The market segments they would be trying to target would be the training period of PGA professionals, developing intermediate players, premier country clubs, golf heavy travel destinations, and specific geographic locations such as; Florida, Arizona, Texas, California, North Carolina, South Carolina. The target segments make up most of the golfer community so pushing towards the product in these places will provide the most opportunity for infiltrating the market. The differentiation characteristics of this business and or product are having the reliable/successful brand name of Titleist to back the product. In addition the product offers features unlike any product on the market that will change the way of training, learning, tracking, and mastering the game golf. Some of these capabilities will be GPS enabled, golf club identification, scoring capabilities, and completely automated, which means you wont need to waste time explaining each stroke like on a normal Garmin finder. SWOT Analysis StrengthsBrand - Reputable brand name internationally and recognized for producing the #1 ball in golf 2,3 Competitive Advantage - Titleist is owned by Fila, and therefore has the support of a much larger company4, 5Technology - Continuous advancements to enhance their products for optimal performance1Loyalty - Strong customer loyalty and PGA tour player endorsements 6,7Tradition - Respects the traditions of golf, as it is passed down generations3 WeaknessesDistribution - Products are primarily sold at local country clubs 8Cost - New generation of golfers are price sensitive; price of premium balls is expensive 9Narrow Target Market - Current focus only on established/advanced golfers3Demographics - Influx of female golfers; historically marketing strategy targeted males specifically 3,11 Social Presence - low social media engagement levels as compared to competitors3, 10 OpportunitiesDistribution Expansion - Create contracts with more sporting goods stores to reach a larger target market 8Global Markets - Continue to expand internationally while golf market is on the rise in Asian countries 11Endorsements - Further connect with professional golfers and increase number of endorsements 12 Brand Promotion - Focus on marketing the brand, not only specific products3Female Market - Focus marketing strategy to encompass influx of women athletes 3,11 ThreatsConformity Guidelines - Strict golf industry rules and regulations to abide to13, 14,15,16 Competition - Strong competitors including Nike, Callaway, TaylorMade, and Bridgestone3, 17 Social Golf Trends - Decline in golfing community in the United States 18 Refurbished Golf Balls - Trends for purchasing pre-owned or refurbished golf balls 19 Economy - High unemployment rates, leads to less disposable income allocated towards golf equipmentCritical Issues Titleist is a well-known company, but it is part of a competitive market. Being a prestigious and well-known brand will indeed enhance the company’s ability to compete with other major companies in the market, but this also means that the company needs to remain its high level of luxury and functionality in order to remain competitive and ahead in the current market. Titleist has strong brand recognition, yet the Titleist brand is not being advertised by a high share of current popular and respectable athletes. Endorsing Respectable Professional PGA Players would not only help to increase Titleist’s brand recognition, which would ultimately result in high returns for the company, but it would help increase the company’s endorsements through brand promotion. Titleist must utilize its strong brand name and customer loyalty in order to establish and increase communication with consumers via social media, increasing its overall involvement with social networks. Titleist, owned by FILA, currently holds a strong market share in the United States. However, internationally it is currently falling behind. Titleist should maximize financial support from FILA to expand further into international marketplace. Marketing ObjectivesIncrease brand loyalty by 10% by the next twelve months by rewarding our customer’s purchases through added value to our product and through increasing functionality levels of current and newer products. Increase number of endorsements by 15% by the end of 2017 by increasing involvement/endorsements with popular/current professional athletes and professional events.Increase amount of social media engagement levels by 10% by the next twelve months by taking advantage of the unique characteristics found in social media networks and taking advantage of the consumer behavior displayed by social networks. Increase amount of international market share by 5% by the end of 2017 by expanding our company’s product globally and internationally launching a marketing and advertising campaign that focuses on the specific international location and market. Part Two: Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Part One Segment 1***Training season for Professionals:Demographic: 20-55 years old, Females/MalesGeographic: United States (Florida, Arizona, Nevada, South) Europe (UK, Ireland, Scotland), Asia (Korea/Japan/China), South Africa, Psychographic: Frequent golfers, upper class Behavioral/Features: Helps for training (ball distance, ball accuracy, measures degree, club and for distance), trendsetters, Behavioral/Users: High usage, User status Segment 2***Developing/Intermediate Golfers:Demographic: 15-75 years old, Females/Males, income: high disposable (Upper middle class: $100,000), education (parents or individual) Geographic: United States (Florida, Arizona, Nevada, South) and Asia (Korea/Japan/China) Psychographic: Upper middle class, country club, passionateBehavioral/Features: Helps for training (ball distance, ball accuracy, measures degree, club and for distance), tracking your game, finding your ball Behavioral/Users: High usage, user status, daily use Segment 3Student Athletes Demographic: 15 - 25 years old, Females/Males, High schools and college teamsGeographic: United States and AsiaPsychographic: Upper middle class, country clubs, club teams, college teamsBehavioral/Features: Helps for training (ball distance, ball accuracy, measures degree, club and for distance), tracking your game, finding your ball Behavioral/Users: Daily use, high usageSegment 4Retired IndividualsDemographic: 55+ years old, Females/Males, income: high disposable (Upper middle class: $100,000), education Geographic: United States Psychographic: Upper middle class, country clubs, hobbyBehavioral/Features: Helps for training (ball distance, ball accuracy, measures degree, club and for distance), tracking your game, finding your ball Behavioral/Users: Daily use, high usageSegment 5Female Golfers Demographic: 15-75 years old, Females, income: high disposable (Upper middle class: $100,000), educationGeographic: United States and AsiaPsychographic: Upper middle class, country clubs, club/college teamsBehavioral/Features: Helps for training (ball distance, ball accuracy, measures degree, club and for distance), tracking your game, finding your ball. Customizable beauty features.Behavioral/Users: Daily use, high usagePart Two The first target market for Titleist to focus on within the developing marketing strategy primarily includes professional and advanced golf athletes. Professional golfers are well established and likely well known as they compete in international golf championships, including the PGA Tour. These events are highly advertised to expansive markets. If this niche market of professional athletes trains and performs with our Titleist products, further association will be established between premium quality products and heightened performance. The current market size of professional golfers is small and highly specialized, however we anticipate expected market growth. Often, once athletes have completed their competitive careers, they transition into trainers, coaching the next generation of professional golfers. Through targeting the current professional athletes, our focus would be geared toward enhancing performance in combination with achieving strong customer loyalty. Although this niche market appears to be possessing promising prospects, reaching this segment will be highly expensive. In order to tap into this market, endorsements and sponsorships will be awarded to professionals, which naturally come with an expensive price tag. Additionally, endorsing the top golfers is moderately competitive, as similar companies, such as Nike, Callaway, Bridgestone, and TaylorMade, are offering similar deals. Although the market is narrow and competition is heavy, Titleist has the resources to ensure endorsements and essentially reach this target market of professional golfers. As Titlist is owned by Fila, is has financial support and resources to reach this market. Additionally, Titlist currently is highly reputable and recognized for producing elite golf balls. Further connecting with premium golfer will only deepen Titleist’s strengths and goals. Professional golfers require equipment that will further their performance and take them professionally to a higher level for an unbelievable career. Therefore, professionals require high quality products that are geared towards performance enhancing. Additionally, professionals are attracted to user status and association with premium brands. Our product will be able to uniquely satisfy these needs by using Titleist’s strong brand name to influence the user status. Most professional golfers are aware of Titleist’s reputation for having the #1 golf ball - which creates user status. Titleist is also known for their high quality products and using tradition. Our golf ball will track performance by entering the club the user is using and measuring the distance and quality of each hit. This will help improve progress. This product is also a time saver because it helps the user know what they need to improve on. The GPS finder also allows the golfer to know where his/her ball is at all times. The second target market that Titleist can serve includes the developing golfers, who possess intermediate skills with goals of improvement. As compared to the narrow niche of professionals, the intermediate golfer encompasses a very large market, and subsequently presents Titleist with an expansive opportunity for growth. This segment of individuals are athletes who are passionate about golf, however are relatively new to the sport and aspire to continually and leisurely improve their performance. As Titleist produces products that are high in functionality and are performance based, marketing to this segment will be highly beneficial. Through the use of premium Titleist balls, these golfers will improve their game and likely achieve customer loyalty. Golf is a sport that is played for life, and is passed down through generations and therefore gaining loyalty at the early stage of consumers golf career will also be positive from a long-term perspective. Comparatively, reaching this segment market will be less costly, however a moderate amount of advertisements to promote awareness of the reputable and performance enhancing Titleist products. The competition within this market is very high, and the current market share is low. Titleist products are premium quality, and therefore come with a premium price. This segment may be more price sensitive and therefore our competitors have an competitive advantage; conversely, Titleist is a strong brand and appeals to golfers who are status and performance driver. Marketing to the segment of developing intermediate golfers aligns with the goals of Titleist, and is additionally compatible with available resources. The developing intermediate golfers do not require premium golf equipment at their golfing stage, however they are attracted to the brand name and user status. Additionally, these consumers seek golf equipment that will lower their handicap, as well as technology that is able to track their performance growth. These golfers would also utilize GPS tracking systems to find lost balls. As compared to the professionals, this segment likely has lives outside of golf and their need equipment that is timesaving. Our product will be able to uniquely fulfill both the needs and wants of our target market of developing/intermediate golfers via utilizing the strong and well-established brand of Titleist. Titleist has a reputation within the golf industry for producing the #1 golf ball, which therefore influences our prospective customers and further develops their individual needs for user status. Additionally, our products will also be able to uniquely fulfill the needs and wants of intermediate golfers through advanced technology that will allow them to successfully track their performance and their progress. This will be a huge aid to developing golfers, as it is also a huge time saver for them. It will be easy and quick to know where they stand and what they need to improve. By targeting PGA Professionals and Developing/ Intermediate golfers we should most definitely achieve our marketing objectives. These two target markets comprise of most golfers because they generally all have the money to play golf, as well as, are in the stage in which they would be looking for quality equipment. In addition, they are looking for the most efficient way to play golf without distractions, which our product eliminates completely. By distractions, we are referring to current GPS finders in which you have to stop every time you hit, and plug in the club you used, the distance your ball went, and the amount of strokes you took. All of this would be automatic in the product. For both professionals and intermediate golfers, their main objective is to play golf and as efficient as possible. Part Three: Perceptual/Positioning MapsDiscussion: ProfessionalsFor Professional Athletes, functionality is essential. The Golf Balls they utilize must be efficient and properly functioning. Technology, however, is not currently the main focus for them, taking into consideration all the regulations in the competitive games they participate in15. This is why currently all the Golf companies appear to be in roughly the same spot in regards to technology. Though all of these companies are currently aiming to increase their level of technology involvement, none of them have yet to achieve a high level of technology usage in their golf equipment. This positioning map allows consumers to see the low differences in the levels of technology involvement, but to also see and understand the level of quality Titleist currently offers in comparison to its competitors. It is clear to see that Titleist’s functionality is at an all time high and this is the reason why its brand loyalty and brand recognition are so high. Currently, Titleist is in a perfect position for innovation, as it has all the right components to increase its technology involvement, but it is also currently doing well in its current state. This innovation will be perfect for the Athletes, as they will be able to get the highest amount of functionality and the highest amount of innovation in technology from Titleist. In terms of innovation, Titleist just needs to incorporate not only new products, but also new and unique characteristics that will meet the consumer’s needs. In order to be able to continue to raise its functionality and have access to innovate, Titleist just needs to maintain and continuously increase its functionality and continue to develop newer and better technology based products for its customers. This way, consumer’s needs will be met and Titleist will continue to be at the top of the competitive market. Moreover, this will make professionals want to not only purchase Titleist products, but also endorse them. Titleist: Price ($50) Ratings (4/5 Stars)Srixon: Price ($20-$45) Rating (4/5 stars)Callaway: Price ($20-$50) Rating (3.5/5 stars)Bridgestone: Price ($30) Ratings (3/5 Stars)Nike: Price ($30-$45) Ratings (3/5 Stars)Discussion: Developing/IntermediateFor Developing/Intermediate golfers, they are still learning the ways of the sport. These individuals are more sensitive to price, while also taking into consideration the functionality of the product. The current positioning for Titleist is one of very high functionality, as previously mentioned, but also one of high price and luxury. The price could be a problem in a market of young developing/intermediate golfers, as they may not yet be willing to spend high amounts of money for something they are still learning about. Other brands, such as Srixon and Callaway, have more cost friendly prices for their golf balls, which could hurt Titleist’s positioning in the market. Starting at only $20 dollars, these brands currently hold a competitive advantage over Titleist in regards of pricing in the developing/intermediate golfers target market. Even though, Titleist’s brand luxury holds its value, making it not a priority to make cost efficient or “cheap” products in the market. Therefore, Titleist needs to aim to reposition the view from their consumers on affordable functionality to a higher price level of luxury functionality. Titleist offers better, more luxurious and higher quality products, and this has proven to also be important to consumers. Through focusing on this factor, and also focusing on the high levels of functionality, Titleist can penetrate and develop this younger developing/intermediate market. Moreover, if Titleist achieves its objective of higher number of endorsements, this will reach out and advertise to younger inexperienced golfers in the developing/intermediate target market.References1 Difference makers: 2014 pga golf professional of the year ray cutright. (2015, February 13).2Cochran, K. (2014, May 1). Review: Titleist pro v1 and titlelist pro v1x golf balls.3Makarewicz, T., Monica, D., Monnett, E., Opacic, B., Schumaker, T., Stewart, K., & Tornatore, R. (2014, May 1). Titelist:arnold nyc. Retrieved from korea ltd. (2015, February 13). Retrieved from , D., & Macmillan, R. (2011, May 20). Fila korean buys titleist golf company for $1.2 billion.6Thomas, D. (2011, May 20). Measuring the value of player endorsements.7Miller, Z. (2014, July 29). The story behind president obama's custom golf balls.8Dickinson, F. (2009). Titleist swot analysis. Retrieved from , L., & Coleman-Lochner, L. (2014, May 22). Golf market struck in bunker as thousands leave the sport.10Titleist brand survey- the results. (2013, October 22). Retrieved from , S., & Curry, A. (2012). Golf's 2020 vision: the hsbc report. Retrieved from . (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2015, from for managing the security of mobile devices in the enterprise. (2013, June). Retrieved from & tradition preserving the balance. (2012). Retrieved from rules. (2012). Retrieved from –-The-Golf-Ball/16Test protocols for equipment. (2015). Retrieved from , J. (2013, February 10). How taylor made its move.18Pennington, B. (2014, April 18). In a hole, golf considers digging a wider one.19Bailey, M. (2014, November 11). Should you play pre-owned or refurbished golf balls?.20Hueber, D. (2013, July). Raise fees. get more members. Golf Inc.,21Image of the game. (2012). Retrieved from impact reports. (2012). Retrieved from , J. (n.d.). Building and maintaining the truly affordable golf course. Retrieved from , A. (2015, January 20). State of the union 2015 fact check: Obama's rhetoric vs. reality.25Jenkins, M. (n.d.). Difference between titleist golf balls and other brands. Retrieved from , D. (2013, October 2013). Golf ball comparison test part one: Titleist, taylormade, bridgestone and nike. Assignment Two - Marketing Strategy: PromotionIntroduction to Marketing - Professor Besharat Kate Sullivan, Cassandra Gray, Marina Santiago, Brandon OdenheimerMarketing Objectives Increase brand loyalty by 10% by the next twelve months by rewarding our customer’s purchases through added value to our product and through increasing functionality levels of current and newer products.Increase number of endorsements by 15% by the end of 2017 by increasing involvement/endorsements with popular/current professional athletes and professional events.Increase amount of social media engagement levels by 10% by the next twelve months by taking advantage of the unique characteristics found in social media networks and taking advantage of the consumer behavior displayed by social networks.Increase amount of international market share by 5% by the end of 2017 by expanding our company’s product globally and internationally launching a marketing and advertising campaign that focuses on the specific international location and market. Target MarketsSegment One: Training season for ProfessionalsDemographic: 20-55 years old, Females/MalesGeographic: United States (Florida, Arizona, Nevada, South) Europe (UK, Ireland, Scotland), Asia (Korea/Japan/China), South Africa,Psychographic: Frequent golfers, upper classBehavioral/Features: Helps for training (ball distance, ball accuracy, measures degree, club and for distance), trendsetters, Behavioral/Users: High usage, User status Segment Two: Developing/Intermediate GolfersDemographic: 15-75 years old, Females/Males, income: high disposable (Upper middle class: $100,000), education (parents or individual)Geographic: United States (Florida, Arizona, Nevada, South) and Asia (Korea/Japan/China)Psychographic: Upper middle class, country club, passionateBehavioral/Features: Helps for training (ball distance, ball accuracy, measures degree, club and for distance), tracking your game, finding your ballBehavioral/Users: High usage, user status, daily use Promotional Plan Message ContentConvenience (Both)Accurate Information Provider (Professional)User Friendly (Developing)Innovative (Professional)Improves Golf Techniques (Both)Good Investment (Developing)Connects the Golf Community (Developing)Tracks Golf Performance (Both)Maintains Tradition (Professional)Customizable Engraving (Professional)No-Hassle Information Recording (Developing)Technology Based (Both)Training season for Professionals The Titleist Locator 1 (L1) allows professional golfers to golf with a professional and high quality ball during training season. Instead of wasting precious time on trying to locate your ball, the Titleist L1 allows the user to locate their ball in a click of a button with a hassle-free connection through your smartphone via GPS. The convenience of the smartphone compatibility does not only show the user where their ball is, but also improves golf techniques. The user has to enter in their type of club and the ball does the rest thought an accurate information provider. The ball is able to receive valuable information, such as golfing angles, to help improve the golfer’s technique, which is critical during a professional’s training season. Professionals frequently teach during their training seasons as well. The training has become more technological than ever and Titleist L1 is keeping up with the innovation needed8. The information also allows the golfer to track their performance. Titleist L1 allows the professional to have customizable engraving, which has been offered to important figures in the past such as President Obama5. Although the golf ball is technologically advanced, Titleist’s mission to balance the blend of technology and tradition7. The traditional golf ball is still there on the outside with innovation to help improve the professional’s game in the inside. Developing/Intermediate GolfersThe developing and intermediate golfers segment is concerned with the overall user-friendliness and investment of Titleist L1 along with the other foundation features of Titleist L1: convenience, improves golf techniques, and tracks golf performance. The golf ball allows the developing or intermediate golfer a user-friendly smartphone connection that can be easily viewed to track their performance and input information. The convenience of the smartphone compatibility shows where the user’s golf ball is using an accurate GPS information system, view their progress, and helps the user improve their golf techniques. During the developing and intermediate phase of golfing, it is crucial for a golfer to review their previous performance and know how to use their track record to improve their techniques4. The reputation of Titleist having the “#1 ball in golf” will be reaffirmed with the purchase of Titleist L1. This will prove to the user that the golf ball is a good investment and will surpass the expected life-span of such a ball. As always, Titlist is preserving the balance between technology and tradition7. The new innovative technology combined with the tradition of a golf community allows the developing and intermediate golfers to get engaged in the golfing community. Appeal Rational Appeal - Professional Golfers: The rational appeal emphasizes the technological advancements that further the traditions of golf. Both the premium quality, in combination with the practicality of the Titleist Locator L1 ball is desirable to the professional golfers target market. These elite athletes want to use products that will advance their careers, as well as increase their performance, and therefore they are attracted to the functionality and innovation of Titleist products. Logically, the Titleist L1 ball will conveniently track performance without any hassle, which therefore will save time for professionals to concentrate on other golf techniques. Emotional Appeal - Developing/Intermediate Golfers: An emotional appeal emphasizes the maintenance of golf traditions and connecting the golf community, while simultaneously utilizing technology to innovatively advance the game of golf. This target market is playing the golf, not only to develop as an athlete, but also because they enjoy the sport. The L1 ball is user friendly and while tracking performance, will conveniently improve the performance, enhance success, and further the developing individual’s achievements in regards to golf. SlogansProfessional Golfers - “Innovation to Maintain the Traditions of the #1 Ball in Golf” Intermediate/Developing Golfers - “L1, Golf’s New Symbol of Excellence” AdvertisingProfessional/Athletes:Golf Magazine Advertisements While focusing on our target market of professional and athletes, it would extremely effective to place our new Titleist L1 advertisements in professional golfing magazines. Taking into consideration that professional and athletes only want the best in the golfing industry, we will be aiming to place our magazine advertisements in only the best golfing magazines. Those include both Golf Digest and PGA Magazine3, both of which we will aim to place our advertising in. Both of these magazines provide athletes with the best golding products, the latest golding news, and any innovations in the traditions of golf. This is why they’re perfect for our specific product. With Titleist’s already established brand loyalty and quality, athletes will most likely already know of our brand. Our specific advertisement of our Titleist L1 , however, will feature Golfers in Titleist apparel golfing with our Titleist products in order to ensure brand recognition. Our advertisement will also feature our slogan, specifically targeted at Professional golfers and athletes, which describes the innovation of our new product. The design will therefore be innovative yet traditional, in order to ensure that our target audience understands our new product and its innovative play in the traditions of the golfing industry. The model golfers in our advertisement will be in mid play, very concentrated, and will be featured as professional golfers themselves. At the bottom of each advertisement the details and benefits our new Titleist L1 will also be enclosed. Through exposure to these advertisements in these magazines, Titleist will increase brand loyalty and also increase sales. Billboard Advertisements While focusing on our target market of professionals and athletes, it would be effective to place our new Titleist L1 advertisements in Billboards both in major golfing cities and in PGA tournaments/Golf Competitions/Championships. Taking into consideration that the professional golfers will be participating in these competitions, they will automatically be exposed to the advertisements placed around them. Billboards, therefore, strategically placed in the locations of these competitions will be great for our target market. The billboards in the PGA tournaments/Golf Competitions/Championships will be small and will feature a simple zoomed in picture of our Titleist L1 on the golf course, with our slogan right next to it. It will be clear to see the new innovations on the ball, but it will also still display our Titleist logo in order to ensure brand recognition from our consumers. The slogan will also read, “Innovation to maintain the traditions in the #1 ball in golf”. Then, we also want to advertise through billboards in the top golfing cities, which include Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati1. These billboards will, once again, feature our Titleist L1 on the grass of a golf course with our slogan right next to it. Taking into consideration that professional golfers will be either living or traveling to these major cities due to their high volume of golfers, it is a great advertisement strategy for this specific target market. Through exposure to these billboards, Titleist will increase not only Brand loyalty but brand recognition from our professional consumers. Intermediate/Developing Golfers:Golf Television AdvertisementsIn order to target our Intermediate/Developing golfers we will utilize the advertising strategy of producing television advertisements in order to reach out to our consumers. These television advertisements will target those golfer that are still aiming to better their game and are still developing their golfing skills. More specifically, they will be those younger golfers that are still considered “new” to the game of golf. These golfers will be looking for tips on how to improve and what the best products for doing so are. In television, they will be looking for answers to these questions and for those tips. More specifically, they will be looking for it in the Golf Channel. This is where our advertisements will be shown and presented to our target market. These advertisements will be similar to our magazine aids in respect to content, but they will also actually show the players in action. Moreover, we will use our endorsed athletes to play in these television ads. Our endorsed professionals will be featured as they golf in Titleist Apparel and using our Titleist L1 ball. Afterwards, the camera will zoom in on the golfer and they will say why they love their new Titleist L1. This will truly reach out to those golfers that want to become much like the professional golfers. Afterwards, the golfer will walk away and the camera will zoom out. This is when our slogan will be read in voiceover, saying “L1, Golf’s new Symbol of Excellence”. Through exposure to these ads in the Golf Channel, Titleist will be increasing brand recognition amongst the Intermediate and Developing Golfers. Beginning Golfer Magazine AdvertisementsWhile focusing on our target market of Intermediate/Developing golfers, it would also be most effective to place our new Titleist L1 advertisements in beginner golfing magazines that showcase tips in golf and advertise the best products for those getting into golfing. Taking into consideration that intermediate/developing golfers are still learning about golf and are aiming to improve their game now more than ever, it is best to include our advertisements in golf magazines that aim to inform those intermediate/developing golfers of the best golfing products and the best products for getting better. The best magazine we found for our advertisement, then, is Golf Tips. We will place a full page advertisement in the magazine. This magazine is the best to advertise in for our target market due to its information aimed towards beginning/developing golfers. It provides tips, products, and overall information on golf as a whole for those still learning. This is why they’re perfect for our specific product. With our Titleist L1 in the magazine, we will aim to make sure our target market sees how useful our product is for me and how it will help them improve their game. Not only that, but through endorsed advertisement, in which we will utilize our endorsed athletes, we will aim to show our target market how Titleist is used only by the best golfers and professionals. This is also one of the many reasons they should buy our product. Our specific advertisement of our Titleist L1 in this magazine will feature Professional Golfers in Titleist apparel golfing with our Titleist products in order to ensure brand recognition. Our advertisement will also feature our slogan, specifically targeted at our Developing/Intermediate golfers, which describes the excellence and benefit of our product. The design of the advertisement, therefore, will be to display our endorsed professional golfers in Titleist apparel while in mid play action with our new Titleist L1. At the bottom of each advertisement the details and benefits our new Titleist L1 will also be enclosed. Through exposure to these advertisements in these magazines, Titleist will increase brand loyalty and also increase sales from Developing/Intermediate Golfers. Advertising Approximate CostsMagazine AdvertisementsApproximate CostGolf Digest$ 177,422 - Full Page 1x2Golf Tips$ 17,956 - Full Page 1xPGA Magazine$ 11,660 - Full Page 1x6Television Advertisements Golf Channel$ 100,000 - 30 Second AdBillBoard AdvertisementsLarge BillBoard $ 1500-5000/Month/AdSales Promotion Intermediate/Developing Golfers - Trial Product PhaseWill offer 2-month trial product phase, where target market consumers can test the functionality, performance, and elite innovation of the Titleist Locator 1 ball. After the trials, consumers can decide at this time to purchase the product or make a hassle-free return. Attracts potential customers the Titleist brand and respective productsEncourages the purchase of Titleist L1 Ball Establishes Titleist brand and product awareness Allows developing golfers to test the efficiency of the L1 ball, as well as evaluate the golf performance enhancement with Titleist products Professional Golfers - Product Placement Will sponsor professional golf tournaments including the Masters Tournament, US Open, The Open Championship, as well as the PGA Championship. Brand recognition on all advertising and printed tournament materials, including banners, media releases, and signageBrand mention and recognition throughout the tournament and at the awards ceremony Global brand exposureBrand association with elite athletesSocial awareness, as tournaments raise money for charity Connects products and brand with expansive target marketPersonal Selling Intermediate/Developing GolfersHave booth at every major golf tournament for the new Titleist L1, that will facilitate conversation about this new technology. An innovation that will advance your golf skills, but in a more personal way. People can test the productSpeak with a PGA specialist or retired PGA tour professional.A Bag with the name of the product and Titleist on it for people to carry their things around the courseWhen people try the product at the booth, they will be entered into a sweepstakes by Titleist that will provide the installation of one golf simulator outdoor golf practice facility to someones home, or credit for the sweepstake value to be used specifically on playing or practicing golf (including purchasing new clubs).PR/Publicity Professional GolfersProvide the Titleist L1 to professionals endorsed by Titleist to create short videos that are funny, inspirational and influential about using the golf ball. How it helps What you have seen improved in your game The credibility and accuracy of the golf ballThe ability to just focus on your game and not think about keeping score.Create a conversation on social media about the Titleist L1 that tells a story of innovation for tradition. A new way of training that everyone has the access too.The personal caddy for professionals to train with, but for the average player to take with them wherever they go. Advertising Examples References 1Finch, P. (n.d.). Metro Golf: The Top 20 Cities For Golf. Retrieved from Digest – Media Kit Print | Condé Nast. (n.d.). Retrieved from Search of the Best Golf Magazine - Our Top 10. (2013, August 5). Retrieved from , Z., & Nilsson, P. (2011, July). 3 skills every golfer needs. Retrieved from , Z. (2014, July 29). The story behind president obama’s custom golf balls. Retrieved from - PGA Magazine. (n.d.). Retrieved from & tradition preserving the balance. (2012). Retrieved from pga: How to become a pga professional. (2015, February 1). Retrieved from ................

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