Possible Topics for Final ProjectIn choosing a topic, remember that a social problem:Is an existing condition that is inconsistent with or threatening to our most important valuesMust be caused by social factorsMust be seriously harmful to many individualsHas a negative affect on society, or what we think our society should beEconomic Inequality and PovertyFeminization of povertySocial mobilitySocial safety net (food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, social security, etc.)Race and povertyEffects of tax policies on inequalityHomelessness (can be narrowed to vets, children, mentally ill, etc.)EducationSchool choice debateRace, class, and education outcomesGender and STEM educationTeachers unionsHigh school dropout Social IssuesAccess to abortion servicesLegalization of marijuanaWar on drugsGay rights (marriage, adoption, etc.) HealthAny aspect of ObamacareEffects of being uninsuredChildren and helthcareChildhood obesityAIDS or other health epidemicsSex educationPlanned Parenthood and social policyOrganic/Local/Slow food movementEnvironmentGlobal warming and social policyIndustrialization of food Vegetarianism (effects on environment, or health)Energy issues (drilling for oil, solar energy, nuclear energy, etc.)FamilyDivision of labor in familyClass differences in raising childrenDivorce (lots of ways to go with this)Rise of single parent householdsEconomic resources and divorceCrime and DeviancePrivatization of prisonsClass and incarcerationWhite collar crime Juvenile delinquency, incarcerationRecidivismTraining/educating incarceratedVoting rights and felons ................

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