Social Psychology - Geary High School

Reagan Revolution: U.S. History Crash Course #43

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1. The Reagan era began with his election to the Presidency

in __________. He succeeded largely by pulling together

many strands of _________________________________.

a. What were some of the characteristics, beliefs,

and followers of Ronald Reagan?

b. Ronald Reagan used the word “________________” more than any other president in American history. A big part of his vision of freedom was _________________ freedom, which he laid out in his Economic Bill of Rights. It would curtail _________ power, reduce _____________________ of industry and the environment, and most of all lower _______________.

c. The idea that to lower taxes is the best way to spur economic

growth is called ____________________________________

_________________________ (or trickle-down economics).

i. What’s the theory behind trickle-down economics?

2. The 1980s were a pretty great decade for _____________________________ , generally. It became easier to make money ___________________________________________ companies than actually running them profitably. The 80s also saw a rising economic _______________. By the mid 1990s, the richest 1% controlled ______ of the nation’s wealth, ______________________ the share from 20 years before. Meanwhile, the income of middle class families ________________________ and that of the poorest 20% began to _________________.

3. What examples suggest Reagan was more of a political moderate by current standards?

4. Reagan also sponsored the largest ___________________ buildup in U.S. history. The highlight was his proposed Strategic Dewfense Initiative (aka ___________________).

5. What was the Iran-Contra Scandal?



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