Ethics and Social Responsibility of Aid to the Distant ...

Ethics and Social Responsibility of Aid to the Distant: Argumentative EssayRelationship to UNST GoalsEthics and Social Responsibility Communication: Understand complex readings and communicate key points concisely in writing. Practice using MLA format. Inquiry and Critical Thinking: Critically analyze texts from various perspectives and develop independent and well supported responses.Diversity: Consider how our actions and choices can affect those in different places. Design for Malawi: This is part of our justification of why (or whether) we should help and a start at considering what type(s) of assistance may be best. Our next unit will be designing solutions. Argumentative Essay expectationsIntroduction: provide background and context. Thesis: should have a clear topic and viewpoint, or stance. Usually at the end of the introduction.Body: may want more background or discussion of motivation (why does this topic matter?). No set organization. They Say, I Say type paper where you are telling us what others think and then responding with your own position. Possible outline 1 group by subtopic and compare the viewpoints within the subtopic. This is more common and is illustrated in the attached thesis/evidence sheet. Possible outline 2: They Say, I Say. Summarize the relevant parts of the opposing positions (e.g. Narveson and Jamieson) in one or two paragraphs each and then state your own position after. Conclusion: restate the thesis and then add general commentary, such as implications. Format Use MLA format. Name, Instructor, Class, Date in upper left. Last name and page in upper right header. Works cited page including all sources used. 600-1000 words (2.5-4 pages) Double spaced, 12 point font (Times New Roman or similar), one inch margins, title centered above text. Don’t play with format to make it look longer. Style can be somewhat less formal than a research essay, but try to avoid slang or clichés (e.g. back in the day). First person is allowed, but not required. Should be polished.Audience: Consider the audience an intelligent fellow classmate or a work colleague who is unfamiliar with ethical theory, this type of argument, and the readings we’ve done. Other ExpectationsIdentify the people to whom you are responding. E.g. In “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” Peter Singer argues that we have a duty to help the distant poor (Singer 1).Give correct attribution to your source for quotes and paraphrases. No research required beyond the assigned reading(s).You must write in your own words. If you use words from someone else you must properly use quotation marks and cite the source. (see example)Use ethical theory to support your points.I encourage you to use your paragraph(s)/outline(s) to help you with the writing. Re-use is OK.Thesis/Evidence Sheet I encourage you to use the attached thesis/evidence sheet to organize your thinking. The format of argument and evidence is typical, although it can be varied. It doesn’t explicitly include a rebuttal, or antithesis section, though. Somewhere you need to include the opposing viewpoints and then explain why you think that viewpoint is wrong. See OWL for details. SheetIntroduction/hook: think about how grab the reader’s attention. Start general. Can do some background. Thesis at the end.Thesis: make sure to include both topic and viewpoint. Narrow and specific enough that you can cover it well.Background: What will the reader need to know to understand the rest of the paper? May include definitions, history, context. Argument or Claim 1: should directly support thesis. Topic sentence probably first, although sometimes transition starts.Data or Evidence. Include source and warrant showing how it supports Argument 1. Data or Evidence. Include source and warrant showing how it supports Argument 1. If you haven’t wrapped up the evidence do so at the end of the paragraph. You can have a transition sentence here or at the start of the next paragraph.Argument or Claim 2: should directly support thesis. Data or Evidence 2a. Data or Evidence 2b. I Argument or Claim 3: should directly support thesis. Data or Evidence 3a. Data or Evidence 3b. Conclusion: restate thesis at beginning. Move to more general ideas. Paper checklist: I have read and annotated the two articles.I have carefully read the complete assignment, including the linked documents I have read the assignment carefully.My paper has a clear thesis in the introduction. The thesis has a focused topic and takes a position on the topic.I can identify a topic sentence in each paragraph. Each paragraph has a sentence (perhaps topic) that shows how it relates to the thesis.I’ve carefully explained the differing viewpoints and tried to accurately represent the author’s opinion. I’ve introduced the authors and the papers by name.I’ve clearly explained my own position in detail.I’ve included support for the arguments, including things like reasoning, ethical arguments, and examples.I’ve double spaced my paper, chosen an appropriate 12 point font, and used 1” marginsI’ve got a conclusion which restates the thesis in different words.There is a header with your last name and page number on top right of every page (except maybe the first).All quotes have quotation marks and proper in text citations. “blah blah” (Bryan 321).Paraphrases or summaries also have proper in text citationsI’ve got credible evidence from academic sources, including the readings noted above. (Further sources are allowed, but not required.)I have a Works Cited page that looks like the given example. It is double spaced, alphabetized, and formatted with a hanging indent. All sources I’ve used are included. I have done spelling and grammar check with my word processor and fixed all problems identified. (or I happen to know that the problem isn’t real).I have filled out a thesis/evidence sheet or…Introduction/hook: Thesis:Background: Argument or Claim 1: Data or Evidence. Data or Evidence. Argument or Claim 2: Data or Evidence Data or Evidence Argument or Claim 3: Data or Evidence Data or Evidence Conclusion: ................

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