Senior Social Science Research Essay Rubric

Senior Social Science Research Essay Rubric


|Category |Below 1 |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |2 3 4 |5.2 5.5 5.8 |6.2 6.5 6.8 |7.2 7.5 7.8 |8.5 9 9.5 |

|knowledge & |The writer does not |Writer shows limited |Writer shows some |Writer shows a good |Writer shows an excellent |

|understanding |show an |understanding of the subject,|understanding of subject, |understanding of the |understanding of the subject, |

| |understanding of the|concepts, theories and issues|concepts, theories and issues|subject, concepts, |concepts, theories and issues |

|/20 |topic or material in|related to the topic |related to the topic |theories and issues |related to the topic |

|content |literature review |The essay is lacking in |but lacks depth needed |related to the topic |Excellent breadth of |

| | |information and detail in |Quantity of information |Good breadth of |information included in |

| | |literature review |included could be better in |information used in |literature review |

| | | |literature review |literature review | |

|thinking & inquiry|Student has not |Student used a limited range |Student gathered information |Student has gathered |Student has gathered |

| |successfully |of sources which lack |from a limited range of |information for a variety |information from a variety of |

| |researched the essay|relevance |sources and the effort to |of relevant electronic and|quality electronic and print |

| | |quality |select quality sources could |print sources |sources which are clearly |

| |Sources not used |depth |be improved | |relevant, balanced and include |

|/20 | |balance | |These sources were |critical readings relating to |

| |Analysis lacking | |The sources are not really |integrated somewhat |the thesis |

| | |Different sources not used |integrated throughout the |throughout |Primary sources are included if|

| | |throughout the paper |paper | |relevant |

| | | | |Good effort to analyze the|These sources were integrated |

|research & | |The student shows a limited |The student shows some |information in depth and |in a comprehensive manner |

|analysis | |ability to analyze the |ability to analyze the |draw appropriate |throughout |

| | |information from the |information but only on the |conclusions |Student carefully analyzed the |

| | |source(s) |surface | |information and drew in depth, |

| | |Limited or no conclusions |Some conclusions drawn from | |appropriate and highly evolved |

| | |drawn from the material |the material | |conclusions |

|application |Essay construction |Essay construction needs a |Essay construction needs some|Correct essay |Excellent essay |

| |is not correct |lot of work ; may be missing |work; organization of |construction: abstract, |construction/format: abstract, |

| |The paper does not |parts of introduction, |introduction, literature |introduction; literature |very well written introduction;|

| |include an |literature review, |review, methodology, analysis|review, methodology, |literature review, methodology,|

|/10 |introduction, body |methodology, analysis of |of result, and conclusions |analysis of result, and |analysis of result, and |

| |paragraphs and a |results, and conclusions |somewhat chaotic |conclusions |conclusions |

|organization |conclusion |Body paragraphs too short and|Introduction includes some of|Well written introduction;|Intro includes definitions, a |

|& essay | |are too few |but not all; definitions, an |including some |clear intro of content to be |

|construction | |Conclusionis either missing |intro of the content to be |definitions, an intro of |covered and a clear thesis |

| | |or fails to restate the info|covered and a thesis |some of the content to be |Obvious body paragraphs |

| | |covered in the paper and the |Body paragraphs need work |covered and a thesis |Conclusion which eloquently |

| | |thesis |Conclusion somewhat restates |Body paragraphs |restates the info covered in |

|/10 |The spacing is | |the info covered in the paper|Conclusion which restates |the paper and reinforces the |

| |incorrect |Spacing is incorrect + extra|and the thesis |the info covered in the |thesis |

|application of APA|Pagination is |space incorrectly included | |paper and the thesis |Double spaced properly |

|style |missing |between paragraphs |Spacing needs work (extra | |paginated essay with correct |

| |Missing title page |Pagination incorrect or |space incorrectly included |Double spaced mostly |margins and font |

| |Missing reference |missing |between paragraphs) |(extra space incorrectly |Correct APA title page |

| |page |Title page is not in the APA|Pagination incorrect |included between |Correct APA reference page |

| |Missing in-text |format |Title page has some APA |paragraphs) some |Correct use of in-text |

| |citations |Reference page is not in the |components |pagination used correct |citations throughout |

| | |APA format |Reference page has some APA |margins or font used | |

| | |In-text citations incorrect |components |Mostly correct APA title | |

| | | |Use of in-text citations with|page | |

| | | |errors |Mostly correct APA | |

| | | | |reference page | |

| | | | |Use of in-text citations | |

| | | | |with minor errors | |

| | | | |(punctuation) | |

|communication |Paper is unclear and|Paper has problems with |Paper has some clarity but is|Paper is written clearly |Paper is written clearly and |

| |difficult to follow |clarity, is confusing and |a little hard to follow |Mostly proper spelling |concisely |

| |Writing is not |hard to follow |Some spelling errors |Mostly proper grammar |Proper spelling |

| |appropriate for |A lot of spelling errors |Some grammar difficulties |Successful paragraph |Proper grammar |

|/20 |grade level |A lot of grammar difficulties|Some problems with paragraph|structure |Strong paragraph structure |

| |There are an |Serious problems with |structure |Some transitions used |Transitional sentences |

| |unacceptable number |paragraph structure |Transitions are not evident |Sentence variety evident |Nice flow |

| |of spelling and |Sentences are wordy or |Sentences can be wordy or |Correct tense and person |Excellent sentence variety |

|writing |grammar errors |awkward |awkward at times |are mostly maintained |evident |

| |Paragraphs are not |Incorrect tense used |Correct tense and person are |Vocabulary is suitable and|Correct tense and person are |

| |used |Student uses I, we, our, you |sometimes used |diction is appropriate |used throughout |

| | |throughout the paper |Vocabulary is acceptable but | |Excellent vocabulary and |

| | |Vocabulary is very basic and |slang is used | |advance diction |

| | |excessive slang is used |Language is somewhat informal| | |

| | |language is too informal | | | |

| | |throughout | | | |


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