Curriculum Lab Materials – MRL 311

|Material Name |Purpose |Age Range |Description |

|AAC Profile |Assessment: Communication |Age: 2-99 years |To assess communicative competence and design an intervention for people who use AAC |

| | | |systems. |

|Adaptive Behavior Inventory |Assessment: Daily Living Skills |Ages: 6 – 18 years, 11 months |Evaluates functional daily living skills. Helps identify students who may have an |

| | | |intellectual disability or an emotional disturbance. |

|Assessment of Basic Language and Learning |Assessment: Language |Ages: 3-9 years |For individuals with autism or other developmental disabilities to identify deficiencies in |

|Skills | | |language, academic, self-help, and motor skills. Helps plan and implement and individualized|

| | | |intervention. |

|Adaptive Behavior Scale – School |Assessment: Behaviors |Ages: 3-18 years |Evaluates adaptive behaviors that are important for personal responsibility and dependent |

| | | |living. Also evaluates social adaptations and maladaptive behaviors. |

|Assessment for Persons Profoundly or Severely|Assessment: Receptive Stimuli Preferences |Mental age: 0-8 months |Helps plan effective interventions for individuals functioning at the lowest levels of |

|Impaired |and Communication Output | |mental development. Examines individuals’ preferences for visual, auditory, and tactile |

| | | |stimuli as well as social interaction and methods of communication output. |

|Achenbach System of Empirically Based |Assessment: Behavior |Ages: 6-18 years |Assess children’s behavioral and emotional problems. |

|Assessment – Child Behavior Checklist | | | |

| | | | |

|Communication Matrix |Assessment: Communication |Ages: early stages of |Communication skills assessment for individuals functioning at the earliest stages of |

| | |communication |communication who may not use speech to express themselves. |

|Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales |Assessment: Language Skills and Symbolic |Typical children: 6-24 months; |Used during natural play routines and other adult-child interactions to assess language |

| |Development |Atypical children: 6-72 months |skills and symbolic development. |

|Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence |Assessment: Nonverbal reading |Ages: 6 years to 89 years, 11 |Nonverbal assessment designed to measure general intelligence of children and adults whose |

| | |months |performance on tests would be negatively affected by language or motor impairments. |

|Expressive Vocabulary Test |Assessment: Expressive Vocabulary |Age: 2-90+ years |Tests expressive vocabulary and word retrieval. The individual labels pictures or finds |

| | | |synonyms. |

|Functional Communication Profile |Assessment: Communication (especially with |Age: 3 years – adult |Assesses individuals on the major skill categories of communication. Can be used for |

| |individuals with PDD or autism) | |multiple forms of communication (sign, non-verbal, augmentative, etc.). Provides an |

| | | |inventory of skills rather than a score. |

|Functional Independence Skills Handbook |Assessment & Lesson Plans: Adaptive |Age: all ages |Designed for students with developmental disabilities or cognitive deficits. A baseline |

| |Behavior, Affective skills, Cognitive | |assessment is given that reflects the student’s independence in a particular domain. The |

| |Abilities, Sensorimotor Skills, | |program is then implemented. A follow-up assessment is then performed. |

| |Socialization Skills, Speech and Language, | | |

| |Vocational | | |

|Home and Community Social Behavior Scales |Assessment: Behavior |Ages: grades K-12 |Assesses a child’s social-emotional strengths and risk behaviors at home and in the |

| | | |community. |

|Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language|Assessment: Academic and Language Skills |Ages: 3 years to 6 years, 11 |A profile that tests school readiness, identifying gifted children, evaluating program |

|Skills | |months |effectiveness, and researching children’s early development. |

|MacArthur-Bates Communicative Developmental |Assessment: Language |Ages: 8-30 months |Parent report forms for assessing language and communication skills in infants and young |

|Inventories | | |children. |

|Peabody Individual Achievement Test – Revised|Assessment: Academic Achievement |Ages: grades K-12; 5 years to 22 |Measure academic achievement. Assesses reading, mathematics, and spelling. Multiple choice |

| | |years, 11 months |format is useful for assessing low functional individuals or those with limited expressive |

| | | |abilities. |

|Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test |Assessment: Communication |Ages: 2.5 to 90+ years |Measures receptive vocabulary. Easy to administer. |

|Preschool AAC Checklist |Assessment: AAC Skills and Technology |Developmental age: 3-9 years |Monitors an individual’s development in AAC skills and technology use. |

|Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory |Assessment: Vocation |Ages: 13+ years |For students who are nonverbal. Matches interests with occupations for individuals with |

| | | |learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, or intellectual disabilities. |

|Choicemaker Self-Determination Assessment |Assessment: Self-Determination |Ages: grades 6-12 |Measures students’ self-determination skills and progress in the Choicemaker |

| | | |Self-Determination Curriculum. Specifically used for students who have mild or moderate |

| | | |disabilities. |

|Social Emotional Evaluation |Assessment: Social Skills |Ages: 6 years to 12 years, 11 |Evaluates social skills and higher level language that students need to interact |

| | |months |successfully in everyday situations. |

| | | | |

|Sensory Profile |Assessment: Sensory |Ages: 3-10 years |To evaluate individuals’ sensory-related difficulties. Helps determine how well children |

| | | |process sensory information in everyday settings. |

|Social Skills Rating System |Assessment: Social Behavior |Ages: 3-18 years |Provides information about a student’s social behaviors. Uses a teacher, parent, and student|

| | | |rating form. |

|Test of Aided Communication Symbol |Assessment: AAC Communication |Ages: All |Helps create a communication board, select an appropriate AAC device, and establish AAC |

|Performance | | |intervention goals. Serves as a tool to document progress in aided communication |

| | | |performance. |

|Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale |Assessment: Disability |Ages: 0-90 years |Used to support the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities. |


Assessment Tools

Comprehensive/Severe Disabilities


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