Grade 11 Next Year - School District 35 Langley

"Cheat Sheet"

Going into Grade 11 Next Year?

Langley Secondary Course Planning

A complete Course Planning Guide can be found on the school website under "Course Planning and Registration" (link bottom right of home page)

*Note: We refer to the BC Diploma Verification document in this package. These individualized documents will be provided to students in their course planning assemblies on Feb 19. If you would like one beforehand, please see your counsellor.

*To graduate, students must earn a minimum of 80 credits over Grades 10, 11 and 12

REQUIRED COURSES for Graduation *Grade 11 courses bolded

1. Language Arts 10 (Provincial Exam) 2. Language Arts 11 3. Language Arts 12 (Provincial Exam) 4. Social Studies 10 5. Social Studies 11 (Provincial Exam) 6. Science 10 (Provincial Exam) 7. One Science 11 or 12 course: 8. A Mathematics 10 (Provincial Exam) 9. One Mathematics 11 or 12 course: 10. Physical Education 10 11. Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 12. Planning 10 Students must also:

Earn 4 Graduation Transition credits And Complete a minimum of 28 elective credits.


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?? An unlimited number of credits from board authorized or independent school authority-authorized or post-secondary electives may count toward graduation.

?? A minimum of 16 credits from either ministry or board/authority-authorized or post-secondary courses are required at the Grade 12 level.

?? Five Graduation Program Exams in Grades 10-12 are required for graduation (see above), including a Grade 12 Language Arts exam.

Please see below for Step by Step Instructions

Do It Yourself Course Planning ? Grade 10 Going Into Grade 11

1. Read over page 1 of your handout which gives you an outline of the graduation program , (grades 10, 11, 12) Now check your BC Diploma Verification Form. It shows all of the grade 10, 11, and 12 courses that you have taken or are taking. The document is in 2 parts. The top shows 13 boxes. These represent the 13 core courses that all students must take in order to graduate. If a box has an X in it that means you have completed or are currently taking the course. Most grade 10 students will have checked boxes for: Language Arts 10 (En.10), Social Studies 10, PE 10, Math 10, Planning 10, and Science 10. If one of these boxes is not checked it may mean you are missing that course and will have to make sure you take it in Summer school or next year in grade 11. If the document shows that you have not taken a course that you think you have passed please see your counsellor. Below the boxes you will see listed all of the grade 10, 11, and 12, courses that you have taken or are taking. At the bottom of the list you will see your credit totals. It shows "Total Credits", and "# of credits at the grade 12 level". To graduate you must have at least 16 Grade 12 credits (4 courses) and 80 total credits (20 Courses).

2. If you are planning to go to a College or University after graduation please read the Post Secondary Basics handout . It will assist you in selecting the courses you need. Note that the information in the handout is very general .To be safe, all students should consult with their counsellor or their post secondary school of choice to ensure that they are taking the right courses.

3 .Now that you know what you need to graduate, (16 Grade 12 credits, 80 Total), you can choose next year's courses on the attached "Course Selection Form".

There are 4 compulsory grade 11 courses: En 11, or, Com 11. Circle one. Remember that En 11/12 are needed for entry into university and most academic college programs. SS11, Civ.11, or First Nations 12. Circle one. Math 11 . Write in AW 11, FOM 11, or Pre-Calc. 11.As a general rule take the highest level of math that you think you can handle. But, if you passed AW 10 you can only take AW 11. Also, if you are heading for trades training, AW 11 will do. If you are heading for a college/university arts program, FOM 11 will do. If you are heading for a college /university program in Science ,Math or Business, you need to take Pre-Calc. 11. Science 11. Write in Sct11, Earth Sc.11, Bi.11, Ch 11, or Ph 11. If you are planning to use this science course for university entrance do not choose Science and Tech. 11.

There are 4 elective courses in Grade 11. Things to consider: If you are in AVID 10, then Avid 11 is an elective. If you are going to UBC or U Vic Humanities, a language 11 should be an elective, just as a beginner language is needed for SFU.

If you are going into the Sciences, you should choose at least one more Sc 11 (Ch., Bi., or Ph ). Consult the attached "Course Selections 2013-2014" to see what courses are available. You may also write in an Extended Day courses, Musical Theatre and Leadership for example. You should choose 2 alternates in case one or more of your elective are unavailable. Choose at least 8 courses in total. Also, on the right hand side of the form please check off any special programs you wish to be involved in ( AVID, Hockey, Etc) and your intended post secondary destination.

Keep the course selection form and bring it to the course selection session next week.

Course Planning Advice For Students And Their Parent/Guardians

Don't Panic! It is useful to think of the Grade 10, 11, and 12 years as a single educational program. To complete this program the Ministry of Education requires a student to complete a minimum of 20 courses (80 credits) over three years. Of these 20 courses, 12 are compulsory and 8 are electives ( at least 1 elective must be an applied skill or a fine art). Since the timetable has space for 24 courses over three years, the 20 course minimum is easy to achieve.

In Grade 10 all students must take 6 compulsory courses. They are: English 10 Social Studies 10 A Math 10 - AW Math, or Foundations and Pre Calculus Math Science 10 PE 10 Planning 10

A grade 10 student may then choose 2 electives from the attached elective list. Please note that if a student wishes to attend 1st year university, they may need a language 11 and therefore would be wise to take either French 10 Japanese 10, or Italian as an elective. Students should be talking to their Grade 9 elective teachers to help determine what elective path they might enjoy and what might helpthem meet their postsecondary plans.

One Grade 10 decision which may have a lasting effect is the choice of what kind of Math to take. Students heading for the Trades would be best served by Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10. Students heading for College or University academic training would be best served by Foundations and Pre-Calculus Math 10. Students should consult with their Math teacher to determine what type of Math would be best for them. *********************************************************************** In Grade 11 there are 4 compulsory courses:

English 11 or Communications 11 Social Studies 11, Civics 11, or First Nations 12 A Math 11- AW Math, Foundations Math, Pre Calculus Math. AW is for students heading for the trades. Foundations is for students heading to most colleges and universities but not in Math, Business ,or Science Faculties. Pre-Calc. is for students heading into Business Math or Science in post secondary. A Science 11: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Science and Technology (SCT)

(Students planning to go directly to University should not take SCT or Communications 11 or AW Math) Earth Science is also not universally accepted as a Sc 11.

A grade 11 student may then choose 4 electives. These electives can be chosen from fine arts, applied skills, or academic courses. For example, a student may take Chemistry 11 as a compulsory course, and then take Biology 11 as an elective. In grade 11 it is important to choose electives to meet the prerequisites needed for your Grade 12 courses.These are listed in the Course Book. .Remember, to go directly to some universities from grade 12, you must take a language 11 as an elective. *************************************************************************************

In Grade 12 a student must take 2 compulsory courses: English 12 or Communications 12 Graduation Transitions 12

Students may then choose up to 6 electives. At least 3 of these must be grade 12 courses. Students planning to go directly to many universities must take English 12 and at least 3 other formally provincially examinable grade 12 courses.

The Basics 20 Grade 10 ,11, and 12 courses.


Must include:

En10 Sc 10 AW Ma 10, or Foundations Ma 10 PE 10 Pl 10 SS10 Sct 11, or Bi 11, or Ph 11, or Ch 11 or E Sc.11 AW Ma 11, Foundations Ma 11, or Pre Calc.Ma 11 En 11 or Com 11 SS11, Civics 11 or FNS 12 En 12, or Com 12 GT 12 In addition, you need at least 8 other courses, at least 3 of which must be from a Grade 12 level. Somewhere, in either grade 10, 11, or 12, a student must take at least one applied skill or fine arts course.

University Entrance From Grade 12 Arts Program To be safe add: Four Academic Grade 12 Subjects

A Language 11 One additional Grade 12 English 12, not Communications 12 Foundations or Pre Calc. Ma 11, not AW Ma 11 A Science 11 which is not SCT 11.

Business or Math Program ? Same as for Arts plus:

Make sure you have Pre Calc Math 12. Many also recommend Calculus 12

Science Program

Same as for Arts plus: Pre Calc Ma 12, Ph 11, Ch 11 At least 2 Science 12's . To be safe have 2 Sc 12's plus Ph 11. College Most University Transfer Programs ask for graduation plus, Eng 12 with a B, and Foundations Ma 11 with a C or C+. No language 11 is required.( Except for Kwantlen) College Science and Math programs usually require Pre Calc 11 and or 12.

Provincial Exams The only grade 12 provincial exam required for graduation is En12 or Com 12. Most BC universities require 4 provincially examinable GR. 12 subjects .Provincially examinable Gr. 12 subjects used to be: All Math 12's. Geo. 12, Hi. 12, Lit.12, Ch. 12, Ph 12, Bi, 12, Fr. 12, Ja. 12. Other college and technical school programs ask for basic graduation but specific programs will have specific course requirements. Please check with your counsellor, or the school in question!!!

"Cheat Sheet"

Going into Grade 12 Next Year?

Langley Secondary Course Planning

A complete Course Planning Guide can be found on the school website under "Course Planning and Registration" (link bottom right of home page)

*Note: We refer to the BC Diploma Verification document in this package. These individualized documents will be provided to students in their course planning assemblies on Feb 19. If you would like one beforehand, please see your counsellor.

*To graduate, students must earn a minimum of 80 credits over Grades 10, 11 and 12

REQUIRED COURSES for Graduation *Grade 12 courses bolded

1. Language Arts 10 (Provincial Exam) 2. Language Arts 11 3. Language Arts 12 (Provincial Exam) 4. Social Studies 10 5. Social Studies 11 (Provincial Exam) 6. Science 10 (Provincial Exam) 7. One Science 11 or 12 course: 8. A Mathematics 10 (Provincial Exam) 9. One Mathematics 11 or 12 course: 10. Physical Education 10 11. Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 12. Planning 10 Students must also:

Earn 4 Graduation Transition credits And Complete a minimum of 28 elective credits.


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?? An unlimited number of credits from board authorized or independent school authority-authorized or post-secondary electives may count toward graduation.

?? A minimum of 16 credits from either ministry or board/authority-authorized or post-secondary courses are required at the Grade 12 level.

?? Five Graduation Program Exams in Grades 10-12 are required for graduation (see above), including a Grade 12 Language Arts exam.

Please see attached for Step by Step Instructions


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