

Adams, M., Bell, L.A., & Griffin, P. (Eds.). (2007). Teaching for diversity and social justice. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge. 370.115 Tea

Anderson, S. (2011). No more bystanders = no more bullies: Activating action in educational professionals. Newbury Park, CA: Corwin Press 371.78 And

Anderson, T., et al. (Eds.). (2010). Art education for social justice. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association. 704.949 Art

Bell, L. A. (2010). Storytelling for social justice: Connecting narrative and the arts in antiracist teaching. New York: Routledge. 305.80071 Bel

Bigelow, B, et al. (2001). Rethinking our classrooms, volume 2: Teaching for equity and justice. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools. 370.117 Ret

Brownlie, F., & King, J. (2011). Learning in safe schools. 2nd ed. Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishers. 371.9046 Bro

Chapman, L., & West-Burnham, J. (2009). Education for social justice: Achieving wellbeing for all. New York: Continuum. 370.115 Cha

Chapman, T. (Ed.). (2010). Social justice pedagogy: Across the curriculum: The practice of freedom. New York: Routledge. 370.115 Soc

Cipolle, S. B. (2010). Service learning and social justice: Engaging students in social change. Lanham, MD.: Rowman & Littlefield Education. 361.37 Cip

Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). The flat world and education: How America’s commitment to equity will determine our future. New York: Teacher’s College Press. 397.26 Dar

Davis, B. M. (2006). How to teach students who don’t look like you: Culturally relevant teaching strategies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 370.117 Dav

Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. (2011). Social justice begins with me. Toronto: ETFO. This is the revised and update edition to We’re erasing prejudice for good. Library has: Resource Guide, Primary, Junior and Intermediate volumes. 370.117 Soc

Freire, P. (2007). Daring to dream: Toward a pedagogy of the unfinished. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Pub. 370.115 Fre

Glaze, A., Mattingley, R., & Levin, B. (2011). Breaking the barriers: Excellence and equity for all. Toronto: Pearson Canada. 370.117 Gla

Harding, J. C. (2008). Take Action, make a difference: A social studies handbook. Don Mills ON: Pearson Education. 361.25 Har

Holcomb-McCoy, C. (2007). School counseling to close the achievement gap: A social justice framework for success. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 371.4 Hol

Hoover, J. (2009). Differentiating learning differences from disabilities: Meeting diverse needs through multi-tiered response to intervention. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. 370.117 Hoo

Johnson, H. (2005). Developing critical awareness at the middle level: Using texts as tools for critique and pleasure. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. 370.115 Joh

Larsoem, M. (2007). ACT! Active citizens today: Global citizenship for local schools: Middle school teachers’ resource kit. London, ON: University of Western Ontario. 323.042 ACT

McLeod, R. L. (2011). Diversity awareness for K-6 teachers: Its impact on student learning. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 370.117 McL

Murphy, J, & Tobin, K. (2011). Homelessness comes to school. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. 371.826942 Mur

Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation. (2010). Creating spaces: Embedding equity in education. Toronto: The Federation. 379.26 Cre

Peterson, B., & Gutstein, E. (2005). Rethinking mathematics: Teaching social justice by the numbers. Milwaukee: Rethinking Schools. 510 Ret

Pransky, K. (2008). Beneath the surface: The hidden realities of teaching culturally and linguistically diverse young learners, K-6. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. 370.117 Pra

Sensoy, Ö., & DiAngelo, R. (2012). Is everyone really equal? An introduction to key concepts in social justice education. New York: Teachers College Press. 303.372 Sen

Stocker, D. (2006-2008). Maththatmatters: A teacher resource linking math and social justice. 2nd ed. Ottawa, ON: CCPA Education Project. 372.7 Sto

Theoharis, G. (2009). The school leaders our children deserve: Seven keys to equity, social justice, and school reform. New York: Teachers College Press. 371.2 The

Templeton, B. L. (2011). Understanding poverty in the classroom: Changing perceptions for student success. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 371.826942 Tem

Tuner, B.K. (Ed.). (2011). Multifaith information manual: An authoritative guide to religious rights and accommodations. 5th ed. Toronto: Ontario Multifaith Council in Spiritual and Religious Care. 291 Mul 2011

Wade, R. C. (2007). Social studies for social justice: Teaching strategies for the elementary classroom. New York: Teachers College Press. 372.83 Wad

Articles: TDSB teachers can request articles to be emailed.

Au, K. (2009, Dec.). Culturally responsive instruction: What is it, and how can we incorporate it in the classroom? Reading Today, 27(3), 30-31.

Au, W. (2009). The “building tasks” of critical history: Structuring social studies for social justice. Social Studies Research & Practice, 4(2), 25-35.

Bemak, F., & Chi-Ying Chung, R. (2008, Summer). New professional roles and advocacy strategies for school counselors: A multicultural/social justice perspective to move beyond the nice counselor syndrome. Journal of Counseling & Development, 86(3), 372-382.

Berthelot, J. (2008, Oct.). Education and the common good. Our Schools, Our Selves, 18(1), 101-126, 258.

Bonner, E. (2009). Achieving success with African American learners: A framework for culturally responsive mathematics teaching. Childhood Education, 86(1), 2-6.

Boutte, G.S. (2008, July/Aug.). Beyond the illusion of diversity: How early childhood teachers can promote social justice. Social Studies, 99(4), 165-173.

Brown, M.R. (2007). Educating all students: Creating culturally responsive teachers, classrooms, and schools. Intervention in School and Clinic, 43(1), 57-62.

Carlisle, L.R., Jackson, B., W., & George, A. (2006, Mar.). Principles of social justice education: The social justice education in school project. Equity & Excellence in Education, 39(1), 55-64.

Cartledge, G., & Kourea, L. (2008). Culturally responsive classrooms for culturally diverse students with and at-risk for disabilities. Exceptional Children, 74(3) 351-371.

Castagno, A. & Brayboy, B. (2008). Culturally responsive schooling for indigenous youth: A review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 78(4), 941-993.

Cochran-Smith, M., Gleeson, A.M., and Mitchell, K. (2010). Teacher education for social justice: What’s pupil learning got to do with it? Berkeley Review of Education, 1(1), 35-61.

Cook-Sather, A. (2010, Aug.). Through students’ eyes. Journal of Staff Development, 31(4): 42-45.

Edwards, S., & Kuhlman, W. (2007, Summer). Culturally responsive teaching: Do we walk our talk? Multicultural Education, 14(4), 45-49.

Enright, M. S., et al. (2008, Winter). Building a just adolescent community. Montessori Life, 20(1), 36-42.

Epstein, T., Mayorga, E., & Nelson, J. (2011, Spring). Teaching about race in an urban history class: The effects of culturally responsive teaching. Journal of Social Studies Research, 35(1), 2-21.

Esmonde, I., & Caswell, B. (2010, July-Sept.). Teaching mathematics for social justice in multicultural, multilingual elementary classrooms. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics & Technology Education, 10(3), 244-254.

Esposito, J., & Swain, A. N. (2009, Spring). Pathways to social justice: Urban teachers’ uses of culturally relevant pedagogy as a conduit for teaching social justice. Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education, 6(1), 38-48.

Fiedler, C, et al. (2008, May/Jun.). Culturally responsive practices in schools. Teaching Exceptional Children, 40(5), 52-59.

Gardner, M., & Toope, D. (2010). A social justice perspective on strengths-based approaches: Exploring educators’ perspectives and practices. Canadian Journal of Education, 34(3), 86-102. PQ

Giroux, H. (2007, Oct.). Educated hope in dark times: Critical pedagogy for social justice. Our Schools, Our Selves, 17(1), 195-202.

Hirsh, S., & Hord, S. (2010, Aug.). Building hope, giving affirmation: Learning communities that address social justice issues bring equity to the classroom. Journal of Staff Development, 31(4), 10-17.

Hunter, T. J. (2008, Sept.). Creating a culture of peace in the elementary classroom. Education Digest, 74(1), 54-58.

Hyland, N. E. (2010, Jan.). Social justice in early childhood classrooms: What the research tells us. Young Children, 65(1), 82-87.

Ijei, C., & Harrison, J. (2010, Aug.). The long and winding road to social justice. Journal of Staff Development, 31(4), 30-35.

Jones, S. (2007. Nov/Dec.). Culturally responsive instruction. Leadership, 37(2), 14-17, 36.

Katsarou, E., Picower, B., & Stovall, D. (2010, Summer). Acts of solidarity: Developing urban social justice in the struggle for quality public education. Teacher Education Quarterly, 37(3): 137-153.

Kraft, M. (2007, Mar.). Toward a school-wide model of teaching for social justice: An examination of the best practices of two small public schools. Equity & Excellence in Education, 40(1), 77-86.

Kuby, C. (2011, Sept.). Humpty Dumpty and Rosa Parks: Making space for critical dialogue with 5- and 6- year-olds. YC Young Children, 66(5) 36-40, 42-43.

Lalas, J. (2007, Fall). Teaching for social justice in multicultural urban schools: Conceptualization and classroom implications. Notes & Abstracts in American and International Education. 104, 1-11.

Landorf, H., & Nevin, A. (2007). Inclusive global education: Implications for social justice. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(6), 711.

Lucey, T. A. & Laney, J. D. (2009, Nov.). This land was made for you and me: Teaching for economic justice in upper elementary and middle school grades. Social Studies, 100(6), 260-272.

Marshall, J., & Klein, A. M. (2009, Sept.). Lessons in social action: Equipping and inspiring students to improve their world. Social Studies, 100(5), 218-221.

Murphy, M. S. (2009, May). Mathematics and social justice in grade 1: How children understand inequality and represent it. Young Children, 64(3), 12-17.

Murray, O. (2011, Jan.). A call for K-12 schools to invest in social justice education. Education Digest, 76(5), 60-64.

Nolan, K. (2009, June). Mathematics in and through social justice: Another misunderstood marriage? Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 12(3), 205-216.

North, C.E. (2006, Winter). More than words? Delving into the substantive meaning(s) of “social justice” in education. Review of Educational Research, 76(4), 507-535.

Ryan, J. (2006, Mar.). Inclusive leadership and social justice for schools. Leadership & Policy in Schools, 5(1), 3-17.

Saint-Pierre, Y. (2010). Topical learning: Investigating social justice issues. School Libraries in Canada, 28(1), 91-93.

Scarlett, M. H. (2009, July). Imagining a world beyond genocide: teaching about transitional justice. Social Studies, 100(4), 169-176.

Schellenberg, R., & Grothaus, T. (2009, Aug.). Promoting cultural responsiveness and closing the achievement gap with standards blending. Professional School Counseling, 12(6), 440-449.

Schmidt, L. (2009, May). Stirring justice. Educational Leadership, 66(8), 32-36.

Seider, S. (2009, May). Social justice in the suburbs. Educational Leadership, 66(8), 54-58.

Sheets, R. (2009). What is diversity pedagogy? Multicultural Education, 16(3), 11-17.

Short, D. (2010, Dec.). Conversations in equity and social justice: Constructing safe schools for queer youth. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS), 8(2), 329-557.

Shujah, S. (2008). Pedagogy for social justice: Critical teaching that goes against the grain. In Doing democracy: Striving for political literacy & social justice (pp. 351-365).

Shultz, L. (2007). Educating for global citizenship: Conflicting agendas and understandings. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 53(3), 248-258.

Singer, J., & Shagoury, R. (2005, Dec./2006, Jan.). Stirring up justice: Adolescents reading, writing, and changing the world. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 49(4), 318-339.

Smolen, L.A., & Martin, L. (2010). Integrating global literature into the elementary social studies curriculum. International Journal of Learning, 17(11), 183-192.

Soares, L. B. & Wood, K. (2010, March). A critical literacy perspective for teaching and learning social studies. Reading Teacher, 63(6), 486-494.

Steele, J. (2008). Preparing counselors to advocate for social justice: A liberation model. Counselor Education and Supervision, 48(2), 74-85.

Stoll, S, (2011, Oct.). Social justice: An historical and philosophical perspective. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 82(8), 36-39.

Wolk, S. (2009, May). Reading for a better world: Teaching for social responsibility with young adult literature. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(8), 664-673.


Kinney, A.R. (2010). The current state of social justice education: Effective strategies for educators to teach for social justice. Project Submitted to the Faculty of The Evergreen State College in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree Master in Teaching. Retrieved February 2, 1012 from:

British Columbia. Ministry of Education. (2008). Making space: Teaching for diversity and social justice throughout the K-12 curriculum. Victoria: The Ministry. Retrieved February 2, 2012 from:

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Centre for Urban Schooling. (2012). Social justice issues: Lesson plans. Toronto: OISE. Retrieved February 2, 2012 from:

Using editorial cartoons to teach social justice (lesson plans). (2012). Teaching Tolerance. Montgomery, AL: Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved February 2, 2012 from:

Using photographs to teach social justice (lesson plans). (2012). Teaching Tolerance. Teaching Tolerance. Montgomery, AL: Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved February 2, 2012 from:

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