7th Grade American Studies

8th Grade American Studies

This is the second year of a two year course on the culture and history of America, with a focus on the United States and New York State. In 7th grade we began with the study of America before the arrival of the Europeans. In 8th grade students will continue from the civil war to modern times.


As 8th graders, with years of experience, you should have an idea of what is right and what is wrong. Take a moment and give some examples of what is right and wrong.


This year as you enter 8h grade you will be given more freedom than you have previously experienced. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines “responsible” as: 1. able to answer for one’s conduct and obligations (trustworthy), 2. able to chose for one’s self between right and wrong.

In a democracy such as we live in, freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. Can you explain this concept?


As 8th graders, you will be expected to show courtesy toward your classmates, teachers and support staff. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines “courtesy” as: 1. a polite, helpful, or considerate act or remark 2. an act or usage intended to honor or compliment.


A. Your book: Your book (American History/Pearson)and required readings are your responsibility.

B. Folder (a place for keeping notes and handouts). There will be periodic graded folder checks.

Pen or pencil and paper. Pencils will be required for scan tron tests. Homework may be done in pencil or pen. Blue or black pens are preferred. (Mr. Nobles will NOT supply students)

C. Your personal computer

D. Willingness to learn.


By themselves grades mean little. What we are striving for is the acquirement of knowledge and skills. Unfortunately our system is set up that we give numerical and letter grades to show accomplishments.

A. TESTS AND FOLDER CHECK: Are a double grade. This is because a test is an accumulation of information. Advanced notice will be given for the student to prepare.

B. HOMEWORK AND QUIZZES: are a single grade when collected.

1. Homework though not always collected will always be checked and given a grade of complete, incomplete or not done.

2. Homework is often times the students first introduction to information. It is important for this reason that it be completed.

-For every completed homework; the student will receive five (10/10) points.

-For every assignment that is OVER ½ completed, the student will receive four (4/10) points.

-For every assignment that is LESS than ½ completed, the student will receive 1 (1/10) points.

-For every assignment not completed the student will receive negative ten points.

C. BULLETIN BOARD: During the year each student will be expected to participate in a small group to design a bulletin board on some aspect of American History.

D. RESEARCH PROJECT: During the year a joint English/social studies project will be required by each student (topic to be determined).

E. BOOK READING PROJECT: During the year a joint English/social studies project will be required by each student.


G. DUE DATES: Assignments are given with a date which that particular assignment is due to be handed in or checked. With few exceptions late work will not be accepted. A grade of zero (0) will be given.

H. AFTER SCHOOL Students are encouraged to stay after school, for extra help. In often times retests and extra credit will be offered. But the individual student will have to make the extra effort to achieve these, by taking time to stay after school. When in doubt………if you are worried about your grades……….ASK! “ A drowning man must be an active participant in his own rescue.”


A. Come to class prepared.

B. Be on time and in your seat BY THE TIME THE BELL RINGS.

C. Know the difference between right and wrong and act accordingly.

D. Participate in class discussions.

E. Show courtesy to all.

F. Make good use of time.

G. In general you are expected to show responsibility and courtesy, treating others as you would like to be treated. My expectations are not that you will receive an “A” in social studies, but that you will do YOUR best.

Students with unsatisfactory grades will be required to stay after school for extra help.

Questions? You have read the requirements and obligations of Mr. Nobles’ 8th Grade American History Class. It is now your responsibility to live up to what is expected. If you have any questions, please ask.

Student Signature:_______________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________________________________


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