Content: English

Content: History and Social Science


Strand: History |

Grade: Two

| |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information|The student will identify and use |

|2.1 The student will explain how the |literate evaluates information critically|beginning reference sources. |

|contributions of ancient China and Egypt have |and competently. | |

|influenced the present world in terms of | |The student will demonstrate an |

|architecture, invention, the calendar, and |Standard 8 The student who contributes |understanding of the ownership of ideas. |

|written language. |positively to the learning community and | |

| |to society is information literate and | |

| |practices ethical behavior in regard to | |

| |information and information technology. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.3 The student will practice responsible| | |

|use of technology systems, information, and | | |

|software. | | |

| | | |

|Know the school’s rules for using computers. | | |

| | | |

|Understand the importance of protecting | | |

|personal information or passwords. | | |

| | | |

|Understand the basic principles of the | | |

|ownership of ideas. | | |

| | | |

|C/T K-2.5 The student will use technology to | | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information from | | |

|a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Identify information in various formats. | | |

| | | |

|Identify available sources of information. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the online catalog to find books on ancient China and Egypt and locate books on shelf. |

|The student will use print and nonprint encyclopedias to gather facts on both countries. |

|The student will decide which facts represent the contributions of Ancient China and Ancient Egypt to life in today’s world. |

|The student will cite sources used in a basic bibliography. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to use a subject or keyword search to locate books. |

|The librarian will demonstrate the proper way to cite a source including title, author, publisher, and copyright date. |

|The librarian will discuss why documenting sources is important. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The librarian will divide students into four groups. Two groups will be asked to find one contribution of Ancient China or Ancient |

|Egypt using print resources pre-selected by the librarian. The other two groups will be asked to find information from electronic |

|sources such as Grolier Online or World Book Online that have been book marked by the library media specialist. The librarian will |

|provide a chart for students to write their inventions or ideas that have influenced the present world that includes space for |

|title, author, publisher, date, or other information concerning the source of the information. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 9 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum. |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 11 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the effective integration of technology. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: History and Social Science |Strand: History |Grade: Two |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is information|The student will use appropriate |

|2.2 The student will compare the lives and |literate uses information accurately and |questioning skills to retrieve |

|contributions of American Indians (First |creatively. |information. |

|Americans), with emphasis on the Powhatan of | | |

|the Eastern Woodland, the Sioux of the Plains, |Standard 9 The student who contributes |The student will identify and use |

|and the Pueblo people of the southwest. |positively to the learning community and |beginning reference sources. |

| |to society is information literate and |The student will demonstrate an |

| |participates effectively in groups to |understanding of the ownership of ideas. |

| |pursue and generate information. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.1 The student will demonstrate | | |

|knowledge of the nature and operation of | | |

|technology systems. | | |

| | | |

|Identify the computer as a machine that helps | | |

|people at school, work, and play. | | |

| | | |

|Use technology to demonstrate the ability to | | |

|perform a variety of tasks; among them turning | | |

|on and off a computer, starting and closing | | |

|programs, saving work, creating folders, using | | |

|pull-down menus, closing windows, dragging | | |

|objects, and responding to commands. | | |

| | | |

|C/T K-2.2 The student will demonstrate | | |

|proficiency in the use of technology. | | |

| | | |

|Demonstrate the use of mouse, keyboard, | | |

|printer, multimedia devices, and earphones. | | |

| | | |

|Use multimedia resources such as interactive | | |

|books and software with graphical interfaces. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will locate print and nonprint resources using the online catalog, and the students will retrieve the items from the |

|shelves. |

|The student will locate information using online/print encyclopedias. |

|The student will cite sources of materials used. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to conduct a keyword or subject search using the online catalog. |

|The librarian will discuss how a book’s call number reveals whether the work is fiction or nonfiction. |

|The librarian will discuss with students the importance of a bibliography and how to do a basic one. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to use the online databases from school and home. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The librarian will ask student teams to use books and electronic sources to find information on Eastern Woodland, Sioux of the |

|Plains, and Pueblo people, and then the student will create a graphic organizer showing similarities and differences between the |

|lives of early American Indians. |

|The students will create a simple bibliography of the sources used. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 11 Student learning and achievement will be enhances through the effective integration of technology. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of |

|Learning have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: History and Social Science |Strand: History |Grade: Two |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is information|The student will recognize the |

|2.3 The student will identify and compare |literate uses information accurately and |availability of information from a |

|changes in community life over time in terms of|creatively. |variety of community resources. |

|buildings, jobs, transportation, and | | |

|population. | |The student will participate in a variety|

| | |of media production activities. |

| | | |

| | |The student will identify the periodical |

| | |and the Internet as sources of |

| | |information. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.2 The student will demonstrate | | |

|proficiency in the use of technology. | | |

| | | |

|Demonstrate the use of mouse, keyboard, | | |

|printer, multimedia devices, and earphones. | | |

| | | |

|Use multimedia resources such as interactive | | |

|books and software with graphical interfaces. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use print, nonprint, and/or human resources to find pictures of old and new buildings, transportation, and jobs. |

|The student will learn about community resources and periodicals as a source of information. |

|The student will identify and use beginning reference sources. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to locate reference materials using the online catalog. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to use an online encyclopedia responsibly and effectively. |

|The librarian will collect and display a variety of resources provided by the community. |

|The librarian will show the students how to access print and nonprint periodicals. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will demonstrate the changes in the community by creating a picture collage out of images provided by the librarian. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 11 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the effective integration of technology. |

|Integration Goal 2 Target 1 Educators and students have access to technology to support instructional goals. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |


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