Cultural Fair Project - Social Studies with Mrs. Bock

Mrs. Bock

Cultural Fair Project

All 6th grade social studies students are required to design a presentation board and report for the MMS Cultural Fair. The information on the boards will be about the country or province you have chosen or have been assigned to you to research. This is a major project, and is extremely important to your third quarter grade in social studies and communication arts. There is a total of 200 points possible for the completed project board and 100 points for the completed report. Additional points will be given for participation, presentation, and research steps such as bibliography, and note cards.

We will be spending several class periods in the library and in computer labs providing you the opportunity to conduct research on your country or area of research; however, you will probably need to spend some additional time outside of class time to work on this project. You will be required to take notes for your report. You must have a minimum of 4 resources with at least one of each: Internet site, encyclopedia, and book or textbook. You may also use CD-Rom programs to assist in the area of research. These resources will be attached to the back of your report in bibliography and to the lower right hand corner of your presentation board. We will go over the format for correctly citing resources in class.

There are guidelines for you to follow regarding what should be on your presentation board. All project boards must include: a title, subtitles, 7 or more graphics with captions, a map, your country’s flag, major language, religion, population, leading exports and imports, history, and 5 or more aspects of culture. All of this information should be obtained through your library and Internet research. Cultural aspects may include: music, clothing, food, religion, customs, traditions, type of government, type of economic system, and others approved by your teacher.

All projects must be displayed on a tri-fold presentation board. These boards may be purchased in color or white. When designing your presentation, keep in mind neatness and organization count. Use bright colors and clear, easily visible graphics and headings. Items on the presentation board must not be completely computer generated. Consider hand drawing some of the items or using cutouts from magazines or travel brochures. Be creative and take pride in your work. Tri-fold boards may be purchased at Hobby Lobby or J R Learning here in Joplin.

The Research report may be typed or hand-written. All hand-written reports must be completed neatly and in black ink. Ruled paper may not be used in reports. All reports must include a title page, outline, report, and bibliography. All reports must be bound together neatly.

Project Research Dates:

Library Research dates: January 15, 16, 20, 21 and 22 during 4th and 6th hours (social studies class time) or assigned based on availability of block teacher

Computer dates will be assigned after research has been completed.

Project due dates:

Note cards 10 completed by Friday, January 22, 2010.

Note cards 15 additional cards completed by Friday, February 5, 2010.

Bibliography Rough draft due Friday, February 12, 2010.

Final copy of bibliography and report is due Friday, February 19, 2010.

Completed presentation board due on Friday, February 26, 2010.

Oral Presentations are completed by Wednesday, March 2, 2010.

SMS Parent Cultural Fair Night is on Thursday, March 4, 2009 from

4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Final reports and completed presentation boards are due at the beginning of the social studies hour on the assigned dates noted above. Late projects will not be accepted.

Information to be included in the report.

I. Introduction ( This is the introduction paragraph to the report.)

II. Geography

A. Location

B. Landforms

C. Agriculture

1. imports

2. exports

III. History

A. Important dates of events

B. Important people in history

C. Independence date

IV. Culture

A. Religion (must include A and B in this category)

B. Language

C. Ethnic groups

D. Population

E. Way of Life

1. Traditions and holidays

2. Employment

3. Clothing

4. Foods

5. Music

6. All aspects of daily living (examples)

V. Conclusion ( Summary of introduction)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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