Social Studies Project – Ancient Civilizations

Social Studies Project – Ancient Civilizations – Due Monday, June 1

You will be doing a project on ancient China (7000 B.C.E. – C.E. 1295). The project will consist of three parts:

1) A project board, on which will be information about the following topics:

• Inventions from ancient China

• The Silk Road

• Marco Polo

• Geography of China

• Ancient dynasties

This information can consist of pictures, drawings, and/or writing, but must be presented so that your fellow classmates can easily understand it. All vocabulary words from the Ancient China lesson in your textbook must be used.

2) A written explanation comparing and contrasting our lives with those of the ancient Chinese – This should be no less than 2 paragraphs long and will be read to the class by the student.

3) For the third part, you have the option of creating a 3-dimensional model of something related to ancient China or dressing in the clothing of the ancient Chinese. Students will give a one-minute verbal explanation of their model or clothing to the class. If you choose to wear Chinese clothing, please bring additional clothing and footwear that you can change into for recess and/or PE.


Project board: Adequate and accurate information on each bulleted topic (0-5 total points)

Use of vocabulary words (0-5 points)

Neatness, Organization, and Creativity (0-5 points)

Total: 15 possible points

Written Piece: (5 points) Relates to topic and is accurate; many details are included; mechanics are correct; length is adequate

(3 to 4 points) Relates to topic and is accurate; some details are included; few errors in mechanics; length is adequate

(2 points) Relates to topic somewhat; has some inaccuracies; needs more details; some errors in mechanics; length is inadequate

(1 point) Not related to topic; details are confusing; many errors in mechanics; length is inadequate

Total: 5 possible points

3-D Model or Clothing: Historical Accuracy – to be explained by student during one-minute presentation (0-5 points)

Creativity (0-5 points)

Total: 10 possible points


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