( 5 minutes) – welcome

▪ Over the next few classes, we will be looking at the values and ways of life the Mi’Kmaq, the Anishinabe, and the Haudenosaunee (also known as the Iroquois 7 nations) shared.

▪ These are three of the main groups that the European Explorers first made contact with.

Look at the map at the bottom of page 7

1. Mark Claresholm (and area) on the map below

2. Indicate on the map, (using the map on page 7 as a reference), which First Nations groups live(d) in our area.

3. On the map of Canada below, (using the map on page 7 as a reference), indicate where the Mi’kmaq, Haudenosaunee (also known as Iroquoian), and Anishinabe First Nations groups lived. (Hint: the areas are identified by the ovals on the map)

World Views (page 8)

In your vocabulary list, you explained what a Core Value is:

Core Values = important ideas or beliefs about how people should live.

4. What are some of the Core Values Canadians have?


When you take all of the important values people have, we have a person’s Worldview. The definition of Worldview = The combination of ideas, beliefs and values that determine how a person sees the world.

5. So if my World View was that the world was a dangerous place, and I had to protect myself at all costs, what would some of my actions be?

▪ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What about if my World View was that everyone is friendly?

▪ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read the bullets on page 8. They summarize the worldview of the First Nations groups who lived in what is now Canada, before European contact.

7. Summarize each bullet in the space below.

• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. How would these beliefs affect the ways the groups interacted with each other? What about the way they interacted with the first White men that were to come?


Read the translation of the Mi’Kmaq story on page 9 of your text. This is a creation story from their culture.

Read page 10 & 12

9. What role did elders play in passing the culture of the group on to the young?


10. What role do elders play in our society?


Read page 11

11. Would you consider yourself Ethnocentric? Why or why not?


Now let’s look at how the cultures of the Mi’Kmaq, Haudenosaunee and Anishinabe differed. Watch the Smartboard presentation, and fill in the information.

Three Ways of organizing a group:

Economic Structure: _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Social Structure: _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Political Structure: _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Mi’Kmaq

(pp 14-16)


Economic Structure:

• Geography/Land

The Mi'Kmaq people lived in the woodlands and seacoasts of what is now ______________________, ______________________, and the southern part of ______________________

• Economic Activities

The Mi'Kmaq people were ______________________, ______________________, and ______________________

• Resources

- They never ______________________their resources (killed only what they needed)

- They always ______________________ them with each other

- Their resources included:

|Hunters |Fishers |Gatherers |

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• Other info

- They spent about half their time inland (____________________________) and half their time on the coastal areas (_______________________________)

Social Structure:

- They lived in ______________________

Explain what this means: _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

-Each clan had a _______________________________and ______________________________with other clans


-they were very _________________________________ (lived according to the seasons)

- Nature = "______________________"

-Humans are ___________________to everything else in nature *** not separate from them or better than them!

- They treated all living and non-living things with ____________________

Roles of Women:

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________


- It was not unusual for people to __________________________________

Political Structure:


- The Mi’Kmaq had a grand council and 7 district chiefs (who had several clans to oversee)

- Each clan had a leader called the Sagamaw

- Council gave advice to Sagamaws

12. Draw a diagram below of the government system of the Mi’Kmaq

Decision Making:

-Leader’s role: ___________________________________and ____________________come to decisions (leaders did not tell them what to do)

- all men and women who had an opinion were listened to, then issue was discussed ____________________________________________________________on what to do.

** This form of decision making is called: ____________________

Women’s Role:

- Women were seen as ____________________

- They were ____________________to voice their opinions on issues (small ones and large ones like whether to go to war or not!)

- Many elders were females but usually they were not ________________

Other info about the Mi’Kmaq:

- Deep belief: Land is something ____________________


(Also known as the Iroquois)



Economic Structures:


- They lived along the ____________________and ____________________

- Their land had ____________________and a ____________________

Economic Activities:

- Haudenosaunee were hunters, fishers and gatherers, but were mostly known as ____________________

- Everyone shared the labor (work)

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13. What technology did the Haudenosaunee develop and how did it help them?


Role of Women:

- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Other info:

- The Haudenosaunee are known as the ____________________

Social Structure:


- ____________________Society

- Head of each longhouse was ____________________

- All possessions in longhouse owned by ____________________


- 3 sisters is linked with their creation story

- Lacrosse! (A gift from the creator)

Cultural Traditions:

- Duty was to:

o ____________________

o ____________________

o ___________________

o ____________________

- Equality: all (___________________________________) were full members of society

- Each clan had its own animal symbol

- People had to marry people from other clans

Other info:

- Haudenosaunee groups all spoke the common language of ____________________

Political Structure


- The Six Nations joined together to form the _______________________ (This was an agreement not to fight amongst themselves, and to help each other against enemies)

- The “_______________________________” was a set of laws given by the creator that explained their laws and how they should live

Decision Making:

14. Explain the Seventh Generation Rule = _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

- Before men could go to war, the women would make moccasins for them to wear. If they did not want the men to go to war, they would not make the moccasins!


- Leaders were usually _____________, but were chosen and watched over by the ____________________

Women’s Roles:

- Women were respected for their ability to create life

- The women:

o decided where ____________________would be

o decided what ___________________to plant/where

o decided whether men ____________________or should make ____________________

o decided ____________________ issues (refugees/orphans)

o Were central to ____________________ (ensured rituals were performed properly)

o Could __________________any law the men passed

o Could ____________________from a position & appoint a new one


(PP 22-25)


Economic Structure:


• The Anishinabe lived in the ____________________of what is now Northern and Central ____________________, and in what is now Southern ____________________

• They lived in ____________________dotted with many ___________________________________

Economic Activities:

• The Anishinabe were____________________, ____________________and ____________________– they did a bit of ____________________, but not much

o The Marten clan was in charge of getting resources!

• Their Resources:

|Hunting |Gathering |Fishing |Farming |

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A note on harvest:

- Harvest was ____________________

Explain: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

- Wild Rice - only enough to fill need was harvested

- the rest was left to ensure a ____________________!

Role of Women:

• _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


• The Anishinabe created ____________________

o (The Deer clan was responsible for maintaining shelter)

• They also developed:

o ____________________

o ____________________

o ____________________

o Traditional ____________________ techniques (for Wild Rice)


Social Structure


• The name “Anishinabe” means “____________________”

• ____________________family clans lived in lodges


• They have a legend of the grandfathers giving them the 7 Values which shaped all aspects of their lives


o Wisdom ( _________________________________________)

o Love (____________________________________________)

o Respect ( _________________________________________)

o Bravery ( _________________________________________)

o Honesty ( _________________________________________)

o Humility ( _________________________________________)

o Truth ( _________________________________________)

• The Anishinabe believed that if they were in harmony with nature, ______________________________________________

• The Bird clan were the Spiritual leaders


• The Fish clan taught the young and settled disputes

Women’s Roles:

• The Anishinabe women were ___________________ to men – all adults shared the roles that cared for the community

Political Structure:


• ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• The Anishinabe formed _____________________________________ with other groups as they saw need

Decision Making:

• The “Ogimauh” was the Anishinabe ________________________ ________________

• Each clan had a leader who had a say

• Crane and Loon clan made decisions

o Crane: leadership about matters ______________________the community

o Loon: leadership about matters ______________________ the community


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