Xiaoyu Xiong - Columbia University

Yang GuangmingmeiPhone: +86 13874148425 Email: 13874148425@ Address: #64, 15 W 107th St, New YorkEDUCATION BACKGROUND Columbia University in New York 09/2019-05/2020School: Graduate School of Arts and SciencesMajor: Sociology GPA: NA Degree(expected): Master of ArtsRenmin University of China (RUC) 09/2015-07/2019School: School of Sociology and Population Studies Major: Sociology GPA:3.3/4.0 Degree: Bachelor of LawsAward: RUC Social Work Scholarship, First Prize STANDARDIZED TESTS TOEFL: 107 GRE: 323+3.5RESEARCH EXPERIENCES Undergraduate Innovative Test Program of Renmin University of China 04/2017-04/2019On the Causes, Formation Mechanisms and Results of the Collective Actions of Lonely Organized IndividualsConducted field research, data collection, qualitative analysis (questionnaires, interviews, groups) Formation and Conflicts between Opinion Leaders in Fan Group 11/2017Analyzed the Participants’ observation of a groupApplied Lazarsfeld two-step flow of communication model and Dahrendorf’s conflict theory to analyze the observations in daily lifeInternships Digital Business Office, Digital Factory of Siemens Ltd. China Department Assistant 10/2018-03/2019Manage and neaten business data using internal platformsSupport other colleagues and daily routineNational Survey Research Center at Renmin University of China, NSRC Online Interviewer 10/2017-12/2017Collected data (tracking survey samples and data for further analysis and comparison)Promoted the CEPS project (China Education Tracking Survey)Extracurricular activities Living Department of Student Union of RUC Deputy Minister 09/2016-06/2017 Took charge of the operation of WeChat platform (official account of Student Union: Student Union of Renmin University of China)Responsible for reviewing the articles that would be post on WeChat and writing WeChat articlesRights Department on Student Union of RUC Member 10/2015-06/2016Participated in various student rights and interests surveys in RUC, and collected rights and interests proposals for teachers and students on the "Rights Service Day" (in various points of RUC for fixed-point collocation) Attended the school hospital symposium, and supervised the improvement of their work Other Information Adept at Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop, StataParticipated in classes of Principle of Economics, Principle of management, Social Statistics, etc. ................

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