Philosophy of Technology Integration

Philosophy of Technology Integration

By: David C. Hills

Automated attendance, grade book programs, teacher web pages, online homework, email hotlines, and PowerPoint presentations - virtually all aspects of the teachers and students workday have been impacted by technology. With all the new resources and tools available in the classroom, educators must be cautious in choosing technology that best fits their needs. It is the school districts responsibility to provide the best technology they can budget, and the teachers’ responsibility to implement and model the technology available to them.

Integration of technology into the educational environment is inevitable; it should be used to benefit teachers and students. The world is constantly changing, as are the skills necessary to succeed. Teachers must embrace these changes and utilize the tools that allow them to more effectively prepare our children to compete in a global market.

Technology should be used appropriately with proper planning and purpose. For example, having the good fortune of working in a small school district that has placed a high priority on technology, I have many types of technology available to me. I have tried to use the technology that fits in with our curriculum, to enhance the learning experience. The use of technology can be either simple or complex in scope. It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure the addition of the technology is necessary and appropriate. Planning and preparation is the key, as technology is neither foolproof nor guaranteed.

Technology should not drive the curriculum; teachers and administrators should. In an age where computers are used to simplify almost everything, teachers spend enormous amounts of time employing unnecessary equipment in the name of technology. It is not essential for all lessons to have components of technology, as not all technology is good for the classroom. As today’s society is bombarded with information, students must be taught how to decipher the good from the bad.

Through proper planning and effective purpose, technology can enhance a school district’s curriculum and provide for a more effective learning environment. It is the responsibility of the instructors to learn and utilize these technologies to strengthen, not replace, their curriculum.


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