[pic] Award Candidate Background

State awards will be presented at the NYSSPE Annual Meeting, June 11-12, 2015 at The Fort William Henry Hotel & Conference Center, 48 Canada St., Lake George, NY 12845

Candidate: Freedman Elana D Last First Middle

Year of Nomination: 2015

[ ] Engineer of the Year [X ] Young Engineer of the Year [ ] Outstanding PE in Manager

[ ] Contribution to Education [ ] Meritorious Service [ ] Citizen of the Year

[ ] Government Engineer of the Year [ ] Construction Professional of the Year

[ ] Industry Professional Development Award


1. General Information:

Birth Date: 8/5/84 NSPE Affiliation: Westchester/Putnam County NY Chapter State

Home Address: 632 E11th Street, Apt #12, New York, NY 10009

Email: _____________elana.freedman@___________________________________________

Check Which Criteria apply:

___X__ ABET-accredited graduate

____X_ Graduate with at least four years professional experience in engineering work

___X__ NYS registered Professional Engineers

Other states you are registered in: _______________________________________________

_____ Equivalent professional competence evidenced by unusual personal development and professional accomplishments.

Licensed and Certifications:

|BS, Civil Engineering, Syracuse University, 2007 |

|BA, Philosophy, Syracuse University, 2007 |

|Professional Engineer, Structural, New York, No. 091137 |

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2. Current Position:

Title and company or institution

Structural Engineer, HDR

3. Level of Responsibility:

Use this space to describe what you do. Include any supervisory, management, or budget responsibilities.

Current responsibilities are focused on construction support services. This includes delegating work to a small team of junior engineers, overseeing and managing their work and schedule as well as guiding the design efforts and reviewing the design work. Additional responsibilities include oversight and coordination of a subconsultant design team and their design effort and schedule and design quality. Furthermore, I coordinate between my teams and scope of work with the work of the other disciplines and the delivery schedule of the other disciplines and the client. A large portion of my responsibilities focus on the management of client expectations, schedule and needs.

4. Accountability:

In narrative form, explain any particular challenges encountered and overcome or skills required. Draw for all areas of your career, not just your current role.

One of the greatest challenges I have faced over the course of my career is overcoming low expectations from colleagues, or clients i.e. not taking me seriously because I’m a young female engineer. Most commonly, they underestimate your capabilities and contributions, and getting the upward opportunities can be difficult. Overtime, I have learned that resilience, consistency and unwavering determination are the only solution. You need to provide a high quality product, on time, and never falter in the face of a challenge.

5. Describe what you have done to stay current in your field

Include any continuing education and training. Provide course names, dates and why it is relevant. Consider any papers you published or presentations you delivered. (List a Maximum of 10 relevant articles, journals, conferences, dates)

For continuing education, I usually attend our internal monthly technical seminars. These seminars are for PDH credit and are particularly useful for internal networking within a large company to get to know engineers and talent form across the country as well as a great continuing education opportunity. I am also involved in volunteer efforts within the company and try to contribute financially or by donating my time and organization efforts to our good works programs such as “Adopt a family” and “Habitat for Humanity”. I have also volunteered to represent my company at a local highschool’s Engineering EXPO and sit on the “Young Engineer’s Panel”.

6. Activity and leadership in Professional Societies

Include all local, state and national affiliations. Please specify officers held, and committee duties. Provide dates and responsibilities.

After much time focused on my work and project commitments, I am looking to get more involved in professional societies. I have been involved with “Women in Transportation” and “ASCE” in the past. I hope to get more involved with WTS, ASCE, NYSSPE, and programs which encourage women in STEM in the future.

7. Awards:

List any recognition that supports your achievements.

Young engineer of the year award for NYSSPE, NY

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8. Professional Experience and business acumen:

Provide dates and organizations where you were employed and give a brief description of what your duties involved. This will help the committee understand what your involvement and level of responsibility have been. We are also evaluating if the candidate demonstrates leadership and sound decision making skills.

I have been with HDR since graduating from collage in 2007. During that time I work as an EIT where my responsibilities have been diverse and included working as a member of structural inspection teams, and performed the design of numerous concrete and steel structures, using finite element analysis programs, working as an on site engineer, overseeing field operations, coordination with clients and subconsultants, and design teams, development of contract and construction documents and design details and scheduling and resource management. After receiving my NYS PE in 2012, my responsibilities have expanded to oversee and manage the design of numerous structures requiring extensive interdisciplinary coordination, management of numerous internal and subconsultant design teams and construction support services.

9. College Education & Scholastic Achievement:

Please list all degrees you hold and when and where they were earned. Include honorary societies, awards, and organizations you were involved in. Consider extra activities in which you participated.

|BS, Civil Engineering, Syracuse University, 2007 |

|BA, Philosophy, Syracuse University, 2007 |

|Deans list, Chi Epsilon Engineering Honor Society |

10. Activity and Leadership in Professional Societies:

Include all local, state and national affiliations. Please specify offices held, and committee duties. Provide dates and responsibilities.

After much time focused on my work and project commitments, I am looking to get more involved in professional societies.

Candidate’s Signature: /s/ Elana Freedman

I certify that the above data is correct and will fully disclose all information to anyone who may be concerned.


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