Socio Economic Development Plan - Tshwane

1. Introduction 1

2. ANNUAL ACtivities 4

3. rectification procedure 4

1. Introduction

The objectives of Socio Economic development are to provide initiatives that are aimed at community and rural upliftment. Initiatives that are aimed at alleviating poverty, providing education, health care and access to the economy for those individuals and communities that are most in need.

The Tsela-Tshweu Consortium firmly embraces and commits to the principles of socio economic development (SED) within the Tshwane community. The Consortium views this as an integral aspect of the development of a broader sustainability policy which includes job creation and skills development.

In reviewing the Integrated Development Plan the Consortium has identified that one of the priorities for the CoT are:

• Strategic Objective 3: Sustainable communities with clean, healthy and safe environments and integrated social services.

o Programmes for women, youth, people with disabilities, and the elderly

The types of initiatives and programmes that the Private Party and Material Contractors will implement to achieve the Socio Economic Development obligations:

o Health and Wellness Programmes

o Education, Training and Youth Development

o Environmental initiatives

o Sustainability programmes

o School and community centre programmes

Approach to achieving the obligations

The Consortium intends achieving the target of 0,05% by addressing the priorities of the CoT as detailed above and will follow a set methodology when assessing the rollout of any Socio Economic Development initiatives. The approach that will be followed is outlined below:


o Demographic:

o Determine the following :

o Age of population

o Skills level and educational levels (school attendance by youth)

o State of health (prevalence of HIV/AIDS and related diseases)

o Rates of employment, unemployment and economically active population

o Number of people per household and average income

o Geographic

o Determine the state of infrastructure developments

o Access to running water (communal taps, taps in houses etc.)

o Access to housing ( types of housing available- RDP or traditional structures)

o Sewerage and sanitation

o Access to roads and transport facilities

o Electricity and communication lines (Telkom vs. Cellular Usage)

o State of educational facilities ( # of Schools, Colleges, Universities etc.)

o Stakeholder Engagement

o Engage the following stakeholders and determine their goals :

o Ministries (Public Works, Transport, Health, Education etc.)

o Provincial Government and National Government

o Community Leaders, NPOs and NGOs

o Funding agencies and private investors

Analyse and Select

o Availability of Skills

o Determine the skills base available by locals and upskill them to help themselves:

o Improve numeracy and literacy skills

o Bring in unemployed matriculants into research phase

o Establish a database of research information – use existing sources from municipal annual reports and other data sources

o Community Need

o Information about what the community needs are:

o Door to door research

o Interviews with community members

o Community meetings where municipal managers and local councillors sit in to hear the community voice

o Conduct through needs analysis

o Greatest Impact

o Project the following:

o Number of community members affected

o Improvements in people’s lives

o Economic growth targets for the community

o Improvements to social affairs and livelihoods


• Develop project scope:

o Set mission and vision

o Outline objectives

o Set timelines for project achievements (short, medium and long term goal)

o Set budgets

• Develop a communication strategy:

o Consult all stakeholders and get buy in for their commitment

o Sign a memorandum of agreement between all stakeholders

o Communicate the plan to the community, so they feel a sense of “ownership”

Monitoring and Evaluation

• Community Development

o Ensure adequate skills are transferred to the community (let them “own” the projects)

o Mentor and develop the community

o Build capacity (leave people with a legacy of an improved life)

o Increase productivity


• Stakeholder engagement must be on-going

• Ensure that representative committees are formed and that they perform (create performance targets)

• Develop a comprehensive risk management programme that identifies and mitigates risks

It is the intention of the PP that they manage the SED spend for the PP, CJV and OJV to ensure the maximum benefit to the community.

Tsela Tshweu will conduct a demographic and geographic analysis to understand the needs of the communities within the broader City of Tshwane region. From that analysis and in conjunction with the City and communities, the priority programmes to be implemented will be established.

The Tsela Tshweu has identified the Sizanani Home for People with intellectual and physical disability as one of the possible programmes.

Sizanani has also established two Day Care Centres as outreach programmes to care for children and adults with disabilities in the surrounding communities of Zithobeni and Rethabiseng in order to place a lesser burden on the residential home. A third one has recently been built in Ekangala and is awaiting occupation. The whole idea is to integrate people with disabilities to the communities to enhance acceptability for their disabilities. The two Day Care Centres cater for approximately 29 children, who are slightly advantaged (in that they have families who can take care of them) than the children at Sizanani who need residential care facility

This initiative was supported during the Early Works Contract.

The following is a breakdown of some of the Sizanani projects they are requesting support for:

Health Services:

• Procedures including nursing, nutrition and environmental hygiene to ensure the safety and high health care standards.

• Equipment to conduct blood tests and annual specialist check-ups to monitor the children’s general health.

• Massage and Occupational therapy focusing on children with profound disabilities to stimulate their bodies.

• Medical items like wheelchairs orthopaedic appliances and therapeutic aids.

Education training:

• Skills development for childcare workers in practical and theoretical training in Conductive Education, a highly specialised education.

• Multi-Sensory story telling (MSST) programmes, Cognitive Play Therapy and education for Children’s and Youth’s special needs.

Day Care Centres:

• Toys for the children

• Stimulation material

• Therapeutic and educational equipment like wheelchairs

• Food and medication

Running costs:

• Medical expenses

• Cleaning and laundry

• Linen and clothing

• Children’s and youth’s consumables like nappies etc.

• Food and toiletries

Sizanani’s objective is to establish a differentiated network of disability care and development within the Metsweding District Municipality. They aim to become a centre of expertise, developing a model that could be replicated across South Africa, on the basis of offering a comprehensive range of community-based programmes that meet the varying needs of children and young adults with disabilities and their families. Their goal is to complement the existing public service provision, not to duplicate services already available.

The detail of support to Sizanani will be finalised when financial close is reached.

The following clarification mark-up has been proposed for Schedule 5 and the amounts below are based on this mark-up.

|Total Project Value |means, |

| |with respect to the Construction Subcontractor, during the Construction Period, the |

| |capital costs (excluding the capital costs with respect to the Early Works)[1] for the |

| |Project; |

| |with respect to the Operations Subcontractor during the Service Period, the Operations |

| |Subcontractor annual contract value[2]; and |

| |with respect to the Private Party, means the Unitary Payment less Operations |

| |Subcontractor Costs and debt service costs; [3] |

ANNUAL ACtivities

The annual activities that will be undertaken:

• Audit of SED Spend

rectification procedure

Private Party

The Private Party aims to retain the Socio Economic Development Commitment by supporting and developing community initiatives based in Tshwane.

In the event that the Private Party and/or Material Subcontractors are not able to meet the commitment in relation to this Element, the Private will:

• Issue a formal letter to the CoT stating the element, the current achievement and why the relevant period has been a challenge;

• Propose a rectification action plant and reassess the commitment;

• Propose dates for the rectification;

• Agree rectification procedure with CoT


• Annexure 1: Sizanani Home for People with intellectual and physical disability


[1] The Early Works contract will be governed by its own BBBEE obligations

[2] Consistent with approach taken to Construction Subcontractor

[3] The Private Party’s obligations in this regard should be measured against relevant portion of the Unitary Payment




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