Sociocultural Level of Analysis Learning Outcomes


General Learning Outcomes

• Outline principles that define the sociocultural level of analysis. (SAQ)

• Explain how principles that define the sociocultural level of analysis may be demonstrated in research. (SAQ)

• Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the sociocultural level of analysis. (ESSAY)

• Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the sociocultural level of analysis. (ESSAY)

Sociocultural Cognition

• Describe the role of situational and dispositional factors in explaining behavior. (SAQ)

o Milgram (1973); Asch’s Conformity studies

• Discuss two errors in attributions. (ESSAY)

o FAE: Lee et al. (1977); Jones and Harris (1967)

o SSB: Lau and Russell (1980); Johnson (1964)

• Evaluate social identity theory, making reference to relevant studies. (ESSAY)

o Tajfel (1971); Billig and Tajfel (1973)

• Explain the formation of stereotypes and their effect on behavior. (SAQ)

o Hamilton and Gifford (1976); Moscovici (various dates); Bargh et al. (1996)

Social Norms

• Explain social learning theory, making reference to two relevant studies. (SAQ)

o Bandura, Island of St. Helena, Gergely et al. (2002)

• Discuss the use of compliance techniques. (ESSAY)

o Foot in the door, Lowballing, Reciprocity, Door in the Face

• Evaluate research on conformity to group norms. (ESSAY)

o Sherif; Asch; Asch variations

• Discuss factors influencing conformity. (ESSAY)

o Social influence; culture; dispositional/situational factors; risky shift; SIT; groupthink

Cultural Norms

• Define the terms “culture” and “cultural norms.” (SAQ)

• Examine the role of two cultural dimensions on behavior. (ESSAY)

o Individualism/Collectivism; Time Orientation (various studies)

• Using one or more examples, explain “emic” and “etic” concepts. (SAQ)

o Mead, and various research


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