Whitesboro Central Schools




MVCC Dual Credit (SO 101)


Mr. Chris Klein

Mr. Anthony L. Coriale, Jr.

Summer 2014


SO 101

Mohawk Valley Community College

Utica/Rome, New York


This course provides an understanding of and a feeling for the society in which we live. The concepts and theories discussed relate to humanity, its culture and society, to those forces that contribute to smooth operation of this society as well as those forces that contribute to conflict and social problems. Topics include culture, socialization, stratification, population and patterns of social organization.


At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Identify the socio-historical forces that gave rise to the development of sociology as a discipline. (Unit 1)

2. Define and apply basic sociological concepts, including culture, social structure, socialization, social change, deviance, social class, race/ethnicity, gender and social institutions. (Units 2, 3, 5)

3. Distinguish functionalist, conflict and symbolic interactionist. (Unit 1)

4. Apply the major sociological paradigms to contemporary issues in society. (Units 1-5)

5. Identify major methods of research used in sociology. (Unit 1)

6. Discuss how social differences have developed and how they impact everyone in society. (Units 1-5)


Throughout the course the following Common Core Standards will be addressed through various assessments (Journal Critiques) and instructional modes in class (course readings and activities)

1. CCSS-RH-11-12.1

2. CCSS-RH-11-12.2

3. CCSS-RH-11-12.3

4. CCSS-RH-11-12.4

5. CCSS-RH-11-12.7

6. CCSS-RH-11-12.8

7. CCSS-RH-11-12.10

8. CCSS-RST-11-12.3

9. CCSS-RST-11-12.6

10. CCSS-RST-11-12.8

11. CCSS-RST-11-12.9

12. CCSS-WHST-11-12.1a

13. CCSS-WHST-11-12.1b

14. CCSS-WHST-11-12.1c

15. CCSS-WHST-11-12.1d

16. CCSS-WHST-11-12.1e

17. CCSS-WHST-11-12.2a

18. CCSS-WHST-11-12.2b

19. CCSS-WHST-11-12.2c

20. CCSS-WHST-11-12.2d

21. CCSS-WHST-11-12.2e

22. CCSS-WHST-11-12.4

23. CCSS-WHST-11-12.7

24. CCSS-WHST-11-12.8

25. CCSS-WHST-11-12.9

26. CCSS-WHST-11-12.10


The textbook for this course is Essentials of Sociology by David Brinkerhoff, Lynn White, Suzanne, Ortega, and Rose Weitz. Most of the assigned readings will come from this book. Assigned readings are required and critical for understanding the content of this course. Class participation is another key component for the successful understanding of sociology as personal experiences help shape our "world views".


Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, all work is to be done independently. Academic honesty is assumed. There are procedures for sanctioning academic dishonesty. Any student caught cheating, plagiarizing, or participating in other acts of academic dishonesty, as outlined in MVCC's policy, may fail the assignment and the course.


This is a collegiate learning environment. As such, each person needs to be respectful of the learning process and of others in the class. Any behavior that impedes the learning process cannot and will not be tolerated. With that in mind, each student needs to come to class prepared to listen, to participate, and to learn. This includes attending scheduled classes (as per attendance requirement), arriving on time and staying until class is dismissed. Students should not make any derogatory or threatening comments towards others. Cell phones and pagers should be turned off. If any student's behavior is disrupting the learning environment, the student will be asked to leave the class and dismissal from the course will be considered.

Sociology 101

Mr. Klein

Course Outline

Unit 1 – Sociological Perspectives (15 days)

• Chapter 1 The Study of Society (8 days)

o Chapter 1 Quiz

• Chapter 2 Culture (3 days)

o Chapter 2 Quiz

• Chapter 3 Socialization (4 days)

o Unit 1 Exam

Unit 2 – Social Structures and Social Control (15 days)

• Chapter 4 Social Structure and Social Interaction (4 days)

o Chapter 4 Quiz

o Journal Critique 1 Due

• Chapter 5 Groups, Networks and Organizations (5 days)

o Chapter 5 Quiz

• Chapter 6 Deviance, Crime and Social Control (6 days)

o Unit 3 Exam

Unit 3 – Social Inequality (25 days)

• Chapter 7 Stratification (7 days)

o Chapter 7 Quiz

• Chapter 8 Racial and Ethnic Inequality (10 days)

o Journal Critique 2 Due

o Mid-Term Exam

• Chapter 9 Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

o Unit 3 Exam

Unit 4 – Social Institutions (20 days)

• Chapter 10 Health and Health Care (4 days)

o Chapter 10 Quiz

• Chapter 11 Family (4 days)

o Chapter 11 Quiz

• Chapter 12 Education and Religion (8 days)

o Chapter 12 Quiz

o Journal Critique 3 Due

• Chapter 13 Politics and the Economy (4 days)

o Unit 4 Exam

Unit 5 – Social Change (10 days)

• Chapter 14 Population and Urbanization (5 days)

o Chapter 14 Quiz

• Chapter 15 Social Change (5 days)

o Unit 5 Exam

o Journal Critique 4 Due

o 20 Week Exam

o Final Exam

Unit 1 Sociological Perspectives (15 Days)

Chapter 1 – The Study of Society (8 days)

1. What is Sociology

Learning Target: What is sociology?

The Sociological Imagination

Conventional Social Wisdom


2. The Emergence of Sociology

Learning Target: Who developed early sociological thinking?











3. Perspectives in Sociology

Learning Target: What are the three major perspectives in sociology?

Structural-Functional Theory

Conflict Perspective

Symbolic Interaction Theory

Interchangeable Lenses

4. The Research Process

Learning Target: What are the steps in the research process?

One: Stating the Problem

Two: Setting the Stage

Three: Gathering Data

Four: Finding Patterns

Five: Generating Theories

5. Research Methods

Learning Target: What are the various research methods?



Participant Observation

Content Analysis

Existing Statistics

Ethics in Research

Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research



• Chapter 1 Quiz

• Journal Critique 1 Assigned


• Chapter 1 PowerPoint


• Chapter 1 Review Sheet

• Theoretical Perspectives Spreadsheet

• Social Media and Society Articles


Chapter 2 – Culture (3 days)

1. Introduction and Perspectives of Culture

Learning Target: What is culture and how does it affect social behavior?

Structural Functional Approach

Conflict Theory Approach

Symbolic Interactionist Approach

Cultural Perspective

Biological Perspective

2. The Carriers of Culture

Learning Target: What are norms and values?


• Folkways

• Mores

• Laws

• Taboo



• Non-verbal Communication

• Gestures

Social Control

3. Cultural Diversity and Change

Learning Target: What is cultural diversity and how does it influence a society?

Social Category




Cultural Universals

Assimilation and Multiculturalism

Sources of Cultural Change

• Environment

• Isolation

• Cultural Diffusion

• Technology

• Mass Media

• Culture Shock


• Chapter 2 Quiz

• Culture Tool Kit Brochure Assignment


• Chapter 2 PowerPoint


• Chapter 2 Review Sheet

• Norms and Values: The Rules We Live By

• Silly Laws Websites

• Etiquette 101: Hand Gestures

• Family Values Survey


Chapter 3 Socialization (4 days)

1. What is Socialization

Learning Target: What is socialization?


Isolation and Deprivation

Necessity of Nurture

2. Theoretical Perspectives on Socialization

Learning Target: What are the perspective views on socialization?

Freudian Theory

Piaget and Cognitive Development

Structural- Functional Theory

Conflict Theory

Symbolic Interaction Theory

3. Agents of Socialization

Learning Target: What are the major agents of socialization?




Mass Media


4. Socialization through the Life Course

Learning Target: How does socialization change from childhood through adulthood?




65 and Beyond



Total Institutions


• Unit 1 Exam


• Chapter 3 PowerPoint


• Unit 1 Review Sheet

• “Power of Peers”

• Case Studies in Isolated Children

• Internet Socialization Survey

• Various forms of Media Examples


Unit 2 Social Structures and Social Control (15 Days)

Chapter 4 Social Structure and Social Interaction (4 days)

1. Social Structure

Learning Target: What are the various components of social structure?


• Ascribed Status

• Achieved Status

• Master Status

• Status Set


• Rights

• Obligations

• Role Conflict

• Role Strain


2. Types of Societies

Learning Target: What are the types of societies?

Hunting and Gathering Societies

Horticultural Societies

Agricultural Societies

Industrial Societies

Postindustrial Societies

3. Social Interaction and Everyday Life

Learning Target: How do individuals interact in everyday life?

Managing Everyday Life

Impression Management


Avoiding Blame

Gaining Credit


• Chapter 4 Quiz

• Rights and Obligations Diagram


• Chapter 4 PowerPoint


• Chapter 4 Review Sheet

• Micro-Level Perspective Diagram


Chapter 5 Groups and Organizations (5 days)

1. Social Processes

Learning Target: What are the types of social interactions that take place in groups?







Everyday Social Processes

2. Groups and Networks

Learning Target: What are the characteristics of groups and social networks?

Primary Groups

Secondary Groups



Strong and Weak Ties

Significant Others

Voluntary Associations

3. Complex Organizations

Informal Groups


• Weber’s Theory


• Chapter 5 Quiz

• Journal Critique 2 Assigned


• Chapter 5 PowerPoint


• Chapter 5 Review Sheet

• “Hitler Youth” Article

• Group Pressure and Obedience Reading


Chapter 6 Deviance, Crime, and Social Control (6 days)

1. Conformity and Deviance

Learning Target: What is deviance?



2. Theoretical Perspectives and Deviance

Learning Target: How do the sociological perspectives explain deviance?

Structural-Functional Theories

Conflict Theory

Symbolic Interaction Theories

3. Crime

Learning Target: What are the various types of crimes?

Property Crimes and Violent Crimes

Victimless Crimes

White-Collar Crimes

Correlates of Crime

• Age

• Sex

• Class

• Race

Fear of Crime

4. The Criminal Justice System

Learning Target: What are the elements of the criminal justice system and how does society address deviance?

Why Punish?

The Police

The Courts


Other Options

• Rehabilitation

• Recidivism

• Retribution


• Unit 2 Exam


• Chapter 6 PowerPoint


• Unit 2 Review Sheet

• “Capital Punishment” Reading

• “Spare the Rod” Reading


Unit 3 Social Inequality (25 days)

Chapter 7 Stratification (7 days)

1. Structures of Inequality

Learning Target: What is stratification and how is it measured?

Types of Stratification Structures


Measuring Social Class

Social Mobility

2. Inequality in the United States

Learning Target: What social classes are found in America?

Economic Inequality

The Consequences of Social Class


3. Theoretical Perspectives on Inequality

Learning Target: How do the perspectives explain stratification?

Structural-Functional Theory

The Conflict Perspective

Symbolic Interaction Theory

4. The Determinates of Social-Class Position

Learning Target: What contributes to social class position?

Microstructure: Individual Opportunities

Macrostructure: The Labor Market

The American Dream: Ideology and Reality

Explaining Upward Mobility

5. Social Class and Social Life

Learning Target: What are the social classes in society?

The Poor

The Near Poor

The Working Class

The Middle Class

The Upper Class

6. Social Class and Public Policy

Learning Target: How does public policy view and address inequality?

Fair Wage Movements

Increasing Educational Opportunities

7. Inequality Internationally

Learning Target: What are the conditions of stratification in other societies around the world?

Three Worlds: Most to Least Developed Countries

Structural-Functional Analysis: Modernization Theory

Conflict Analysis: World Systems Theory

Global Inequality and Armed Conflcit


• Chapter 7 Quiz


• Chapter 7 PowerPoint


• Chapter 7 Review Sheet

• Inequality Handouts

• IMF and WTO Websites

• Personal Income in Relation to World Standard Website

• Stossel Videos on Income Inequality


Chapter 8 Race and Ethnic Inequality (10 days)

1. Understanding Racial and Ethnic Inequality

Learning Target: What are the characteristics of a minority?

The Social Construction of Race and Ethnicity

Majority and Minority Groups

Multiplying Disadvantages

Patterns of Interaction

2. Maintaining Racial and Ethnic Inequality

Learning Target: How do people experience racial and ethnic inequality?




Institutionalized Racism

3. Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the United States

Learning Target: Who are the ethnic and racial groups in the United States?

White Americans

African Americans

Hispanic Americans

Asian Americans

Native Americans

Arab Americans

Multicultural Americans

4. The Future of Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the United States

Learning Target: How will inequality develop and be addressed in the future? What minority groups will emerge?

Combating Inequality: Race versus Class

Strategies for Ending Inequality


• Chapter 8 Quiz


• Chapter 8 PowerPoint


• Chapter 8 Review Sheet

• Various Mass Media Handouts


Mid-Term Exam


Chapter 9 Sex, Gender, and Sexuality (8 days)

1. Sexual Differentiation

Learning Target: How does culture influence and define gender identity?

Sex versus Gender

Gender Roles Across Cultures

2. Theoretical Perspectives on Gender Inequality

Learning Target: How do the theoretical perspectives view gender inequality?

Structural-Functional Theory: Division of Labor

Conflict Theory: Sexism and Discrimination

Symbolic Interactionism: Gender Inequality in Everyday Life

3. Gender as Social Construction and Social Structure

Learning Target: How are gender identities and roles socialized in a society?

Developing Gendered Identities

Reinforcing Biological Differences

“Doing Gender”

Gender as Social Structure

4. Differences in Life Chances by Sex

Learning Target: Is there inequality for opportunity based on sex and gender?



Work and Income

5. Gender and Power

Learning Target: What are the power struggles that are present in society based on sex and gender?

Unequal Power in Social Institutions

Unequal Power in Interaction

Sexual Harassment


6. The Sociology of Sexuality

Learning Target: How does sexuality affect social interaction?

Sexual Scripts

Premarital Sexuality

Marital Sexuality

Sexual Minorities


• Unit 3 Exam

• Gender Stereotyping Discussion/ Activity


• Chapter 9 PowerPoint


• Unit 3 Review Sheet

• Various Mass Media Handouts


Sociology Unit 4 Social Institutions (20 Days)

Chapter 10 Health and Health Care (4 days)

1. Health and Health Care as a Social Problem

Learning Target: How does healthcare influence societal structure and what are the problems with healthcare?




2. Theoretical Perspectives on Illness

Learning Target: How do the theoretical perspectives view health and healthcare?

Structural-Functionalist Theory: The Sick Role

Conflict Theory: Medicalization

Symbolic Interaction Theory: The Experience of Illness

3. The Social Causes of Health and Illness

Learning Target: How does society address health and health care and cause health problems?

Underlying Causes of Preventable Death

Micro-Level Answers: The Health Belief Model

Macro-Level Answers: The Manufacturers of Illness

4. The Social Distribution of Health and Illness

Learning Target: Does social status affect health care?


Social Class

Race and Ethnicity


Life Expectancy

5. Mental Illness

Learning Target: What are the characteristics of the mentally ill?

How Many Mentally Ill?

Who Becomes Mentally Ill?

6. Working in Health Care

Learning Target: What are the issues in the health care profession?

Physicians: Fighting to Maintain Professional Autonomy

Nurses: Fighting for Professional Status

7. Understanding Health Care Systems

Learning Target: What are the characteristics of the various health care systems in societies around the world?

Paying for Health Care in the United States

The Uninsured in the United States

Health Care in Other Countries

The United States and National Health Insurance?

• The Affordable Care Act


• Chapter 10 Quiz

• Comparative Health Care of Countries Analysis

• Journal Critique 3 Assigned


• Chapter 10 PowerPoint


• Chapter 10 Review Sheet


Chapter 11 Family (4 days)

1. Marriage and Family: Basic Institutions of Society

Learning Target: What is marriage and how is the family a social institution?

Universal Aspects of Marriage and Family

Cross-Cultural Variations

2. The U.S. Family over the Life Course

Learning Target: What are the stages of the U.S. Family Structure?



The Transition to Adulthood

Early Adulthood

Middle Age

Age 65 and Beyond

3. Roles and Relationships in Marriage

Learning Target: How are genders roles defined and assumed in marriage?

Gender Roles in Marriage

The Parental Role: A Leap of Faith

4. Contemporary Family Choices

Learning Target: What are the various family structures in current society?

Marriage or Cohabitation

Having Children…or Not

Work versus Family

5. Problems in the American Family

Learning Target: What are the current problems facing families?




• Chapter 11 Quiz


• Chapter 11 PowerPoint


• Chapter 11 Review Sheet

• Mr. or Mrs. Right Survey


Chapter 12 Education and Religion (8 days)

1. Educational and Religious Institutions

Learning Target: How do schools and churches serve as social institutions?



2. Theoretical Perspectives on Education

Learning Target: How do the theoretical perspectives explain education?

Structural Functional Theory: Functions of Education

Conflict Theory: Education and the Perpetuation of Inequality

Symbolic Interactionism: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

3. Current Controversies in American Education

Learning Target: What educational structures are considered and debated in the U.S.?


High-Stakes Testing

School Choice

• Vouchers

• Charter Schools

• Public Education

College and Society

Learning Target: What role does college fill as a social institution?

Who Goes?

Why Go?

4. Understanding Religion

Learning Target: What is religion and what purposes does it serve in society?

What is Religion?

Why Religion?

Why Religion Now? The Rise of Fundamentalism

5. Theoretical Perspectives on Religion

Learning Target: How do the theoretical perspectives explain religion?

Durkheim: Structural-Functional Theory of Religion

Marx and Beyond: Conflict Theory and Religion

Weber: Religion as an Independent Force

6. Tension between Religion and Society

Learning Target: How does society embrace or separate religion as part of everyday life?



New Religious Movements

7. Religion in the United States

Learning Target: What is the role of religion in the United States today?

Trends in U.S. Religious Membership

Trends in Religiosity

Consequences of Religiosity

U.S. Civil Religion


• Chapter 12 Quiz


• Chapter 12 PowerPoint


• Chapter 12 Review Sheet


Chapter 13 Politics and the Economy (4 days)

1. Power and Politics

Learning Target: What is power and how does one attain it through politics?




2. Power and the State

Learning Target: How does the government attain and use its power?


State Coercion

Authoritarian Systems


Globalization and State Power

3. Who Governs? Models of U.S. Democracy

Learning Target: How is the political system structured in the U.S.?

Structural-Functional Theory: The Pluralist Model

Conflict Theory: The Power-Elite Model

Individual Participation in U.S. Government

Learning Target: How citizens address civic responsibility in the U.S.?

Who Votes?

Which Party?

Why So Few Voters?

4. Modern Economic Systems

Learning Target: What are the various economic systems employed by societies and how do they influence a society?



Mixed Economies

The Political Economy

5. The U.S. Economic System

Learning Target: How has the U.S. economic system evolved and what is it today?

The Postindustrial Economy

The Corporate Economy

The “Wal-Mart Economy”

The Economy in Crisis

6. Work in the United States

Learning Target: What are the characteristics of the U.S. Labor Market?


The Experience of Work

Unemployment and Underemployment

The Future of Work


• Unit 4 Exam

• Journal Critique 4 Assigned


• Chapter 13 PowerPoint


• Unit 4 Review Sheet

• Final Exam Review Sheet


Sociology Unit 5 Social Dynamics and Social Change (10 Days)

Chapter 14 Population and Urbanization (5 days)

1. Understanding Population Growth

Learning Target: How is population growing and what are the impacts of this growth?

Population in Former Times

The Demographic Transition in the West

The Demographic Transition in the Non-West

2. Population and Social Structure: Two Examples

Learning Target: What are the impacts of High Growth Rates? Of Low Growth Rates?

Ghana: Is the Fertility Rate Too High?

Italy: Is the Fertility Rate Too Low?

3. Population and Social Problems: Two Examples

Learning Target: What are the social impacts of high population growth?

Environmental Devastation: A Population Problem?

Poverty in the Least-Developed World

Population in the United States

Learning Target: What are the population growth characteristics in the U.S.?

Fertility Rates

Mortality Rates

Migration Patterns

4. Urbanization

Learning Target: What is the relationship between urbanization and population growth?

Theories of Urban Growth and Decline

The Nature of Modern Cities

Urbanization in the United States

Urbanization in the Less-Developed World

5. Place of Residence and Social Relationships

Learning Target: How does the population interact in different communities?

Urban Living

Suburban Living

Small-Town and Rural Living


• Chapter 14 Quiz


• Chapter 14 PowerPoint


• Chapter 14 Review Sheet

Chapter 15 Social Change (5 days)

1. How Societies Change

Learning Target: How do societies change in regards to mass behavior?

Social Change

Sources of Social Change


2. Collective Behavior

Learning Target: What are the conditions for collective behavior to take place?






3. Social Movements

Learning Target: How do social movements evolve?

Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements

Why Movements Succeed or Fail



Learning Target: How does technology contribute to social change?

Theoretical Perspectives on Technology and Social Change

The Costs and Benefits of New Technologies


• Unit 5 Exam

• 20 Week Exam

• MVCC General Education Assessment Questions


• Chapter 15 PowerPoint


• Unit 5 Review Sheet


Final Exam


Additional Topic if Time Allows (carried from previous curriculum and included in Chapter 12)


1. The Nature of Sport

Learning Target: What role do sports serve in American society?


Sports as a Social Institution

Sport Subcultures

2. Theory and Sports

Learning Target: Are sports positive or negative to society?

3. Social Issues in Sport

Learning Target: What social issues exist in sports?

Racism in Sports

Sports and Economics

Title IX

4. Money in Sports

Learning Target: Has money destroyed sports?

Is Money Ruining Sports?

Are Fans Out of Control?

Are Players Out of Control?

5. Discrimination in Sports

Learning Target: How much discrimination exists in sports?

Is There Sexism in Sports?

Are Native American Team Nicknames Wrong?

Gender socialization in sports

Title IX


• Sports Quiz


• Sports PowerPoint


• Sports Review Sheet



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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