Sociology - Amazon Web Services


Deviance Unit Plan

Day 1: Deviance PowerPoint. Establish a base knowledge of vocab and sociological theories associated with deviance.

Day 2: Police Officer visit. Bring in a police officer to allow students to ask questions and interact with a person who deals with deviance daily. Have police officer discuss his/her personal views on how crime is associated with other topics previously discussed in class [i.e. socioeconomic status, race, gender, age, etc…]

Day 3: Hand out article Police: Bad Economy May Breed Crime. Use the accompanying worksheet to explain the article in 5 different ways using each of the theories associated with deviance.

Day 4: Film: Breakfast Club hand out worksheet and GRASPS

Day 5: Film: Breakfast Club

Day 6: Explain expectations for GRASPS. Give time for students to work on GRASPS and ask questions.

Day 7: Current Event activity. Take students to a lab and have them find a current news article dealing with deviance. Write a reflection on how that person or group has been stigmatized by society.

Day 8: Prompt: How has your thinking of deviance changed?

Prompt: How is deviance a benefit to society?

Collect responses at the end of the hour. Collect GRASPS


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