Curriculum Vitae, November 2003

Jerry Z. Park

Curriculum Vita

October 2021

Department of Sociology Baylor University One Bear Place #97326 Waco, TX 76798-7326

Office Telephone: 254-710-3150 Department Fax: 254-710-1175 Email: Webpage: ORCID: 0000-0002-0943-4679

Employment and Affiliations: Fall 2010-present. Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Baylor University. Fall 2004-Spring 2010. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Baylor University.

2016-Present. Affiliate Fellow, Asian American Center, Fuller Theological Seminary. 2004-Present. Affiliate Fellow, Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion, Baylor University. 2017-2021. Associate Editor, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion

Education: Ph.D. Sociology, University of Notre Dame. Title: The Ethnic and Religious Identities of Rising Asian


M.A. Sociology, University of Notre Dame. Title: Religious Influences on the Volunteering Behavior of Churchgoing Protestants.

B. A. Psychology with Sociology minor, University of Virginia.

Grants, External Funding, Honors (current/ former graduate student co-authors underlined, undergraduate

co-authors in italics):

2020-2021. Primary Investigator. "Diversity, Political Engagement, and American Congregations" Louisville

Institute Program Grant for Researchers ($30,000)

2019-2020. Co-Investigator. "Comparing Antireligious and Antiracial Bias in Employment: A Field

Experiment." Field Experiment Religion Research Network, John Templeton Foundation ($5,000)

2018-2019. Primary Investigator. "Religion, Race, Gender and Occupational Mobility in the US." University

Research Committee Small Grant Program ($4451).


Primary Investigator. "Predictors or Racial and Religious Outgroup Sentiment" Baylor University

College of Arts and Sciences Summer Sabbatical Program ($19461.12).


Primary Investigator, "Prevalence of Religious Influences on Prejudice Toward Multiple Religious

and Racial Minority Groups" (with James C. Davidson, Caroline Capili, Christine Capili, Cassidy

Story, Baylor University) Jack Shand Small Grant Award Society for the Scientific Study of

Religion ($3019)


Social Sciences 21st Century America Scholar (University of California at Irvine) ($15,000)


Primary Investigator. "The New Protestant Work Ethic." Baylor University College of Arts and

Sciences Research Leave.


Cornelia Marschall Smith Professor of the Year (Nominated)


Co-Investigator, "National Study of Asian Pacific Islander Catholic Americans" (Tricia Bruce, PI,

Maryville College), United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, 2014-2015 ($114,523)


Primary Investigator. "Challenges to Faith at Work." University Research Committee Small Grant

Program ($1615).


Co-Investigator, "Women, Religion and Entrepreneurial Behavior" (Jenna Griebel, Co-PI, Baylor

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2009. 2009. 2008. 2007. 2006. 2006. 2005-2007. 2005. 2004.

2003-2004. 2002-2003. 2002. 2002. 2002. 2001.

2001. 2000-2003. 2000. 1998-1999.

University), Fichter Grant Program, Association for the Sociology of Religion ($6000). Co-Investigator, "Faith to Innovation: A Study of Religious Communities' Impact on Entrepreneurial Behavior" (Jenna Griebel, Co-PI, Baylor University) Jack Shand Small Grant Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion ($2240)

Co-Investigator, "National Study of Entrepreneurial Behavior, Regulatory Focus, and Religion" (Mitchell Neubert, PI, Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business), National Science Foundation, 2009-2011 Grant # 0925907 ($394,654). Primary Investigator. "Choosing My Traditions: Second-Generation Asian American Racial, Ethnic, and Religious Identities." Baylor University College of Arts and Sciences Research Leave. Primary Investigator. "Asian Immigrant Parenting and Religion" Baylor University College of Arts and Sciences Summer Sabbatical Program ($14,353.04). Primary Investigator. "Secular Media and the Sacred: How Pastors Use Media to Communicate Faith." University Research Committee Small Grant Program ($1000). Primary Investigator. "Religion, Race and the New Immigrants." University Research Committee Small Grant Program ($3000). Primary Investigator. "Religious Consumption in American Culture." University Research Committee Small Grant Program ($3000). Primary Investigator. "The Transformation of Asian American Identities." Baylor University College of Arts and Sciences Summer Sabbatical Program ($12,330). Co-Investigator. "The Longitudinal Survey of Religious Behaviors and Values," John M. Templeton Foundation Grant ($715,576). Primary Investigator. "Emerging Asian American Ethnic and Religious Identities." University Research Committee Small Grant Program ($3000). Primary Investigator. "Religious and gender identities among young Asian Americans" Fichter Grant Program, Association for the Sociology of Religion ($1300)

Research Assistanceship for the Panel Study of American Religion and Ethnicity University Teaching Year Fellowship John J. Kane Memorial Award (for outstanding graduate student in sociology) Korean American Scholarship Foundation Award ($1000) Teaching Assistant to Robert Wuthnow (Princeton University) for the Pew Undergraduate Summer Seminar ($1000 stipend) American Sociological Association Section on Religion Outstanding Article of the past 2 years. Citation: Steensland, B., J. Z. Park, M. D. Regnerus, L. Robinson, W. B. Wilcox, & R. D. Woodberry. 2000. "The Measure of American Religion: Toward Improving the State-of-the-Art." Social Forces 79: 291-318. Erasmus Summer Seminar Participant ($600) Pew Mentoring Program Participant. Mentor: Robert Wuthnow (Princeton University), Pew Charitable Trusts ($3000) "Religious and Ethnic Identities of Rising Asian American College Leaders." Religious Research Association Constance H. Jacquet Research Award ($1980) Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society

Refereed Articles: (H-Index 13 in Web of Science; 1,464 citations in 1,282 articles excluding self-citations; average citations per article: 34.53; Google Scholar H-Index: 19; ORCID: 0000-0002-0943-4679); Web of Science ResearcherID: AAB-6923-2020; (current/ former graduate student co-authors underlined)

Boddie, Stephanie C., and Jerry Z. Park. 2021. "Racializing the Religious during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Religions 12(5):341-351. doi: 10.3390/rel12050341.

Park, Jerry Z. and Joshua C. Tom. 2020. "Political Trajectories of Asian Americans: Bringing Religion In." AAPI Nexus 17:1-18.

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Park, Jerry Z., Joyce C. Chang, and James C. Davidson. 2020. "Equal Opportunity Beliefs beyond Black and White American Christianity." Religions 11(7):1?15.

Thomson, Robert, Jerry Z. Park, and Diana Kendall. 2019. "Religious Conservatives and TV News: Are They More Likely to be Religiously Offended?" Social Problems 66: 626-644.

Chen, Carolyn and Jerry Z. Park. 2019. "Secularization and the New Religious Assimilation: Religious Retention and Religiosity Among Second-Generation Asian Americans." The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 58:666-688.

Dougherty, Kevin D., Mitchell Neubert, and Jerry Z. Park. 2019. "Prosperity Beliefs and Value Orientations: Fueling or Suppressing Entrepreneurial Activity." The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 58:475-493.

Steensland, Brian, Robert D. Woodberry, and Jerry Z. Park. 2018. "Structure, Placement and the Quest for Unidimensional Purity in Typologies of American Denominations." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 57:800-806.

Yi, Joseph, Gowoon Jung, Saul Serna Segura, Joe Phillips, Jerry Z. Park. 2018. "Gay Seouls: Expanding Religious Spaces for non-Heterosexuals in South Korea." Journal of Homosexuality 65: 1457-1483.

Park, Jerry Z., Brandon C. Martinez, Ryon J. Cobb, Julie J. Park, and Erica Ryu Wong. 2015. "Exceptional Outgroup Stereotypes and White Racial Inequality Attitudes Toward Asian Americans." Social Psychology Quarterly 78:399-411.

Cobb, Ryon J., Kevin D. Dougherty, Jerry Z. Park, and Samuel L. Perry. 2015. "Congregational Size and Attitudes Toward Racial Inequality Among Church Attendees in America." Religions 6:781-793.

Griebel, Jenna, Jerry Z. Park, and Mitchell Neubert. 2014. "Faith and Work: An Exploratory Study of Religious Entrepreneurs." Religions 5:780-800.

Park, Jerry Z., Jenna Griebel Rogers, Mitchell Neubert, and Kevin D. Dougherty. 2014. "Workplace-Bridging Religious Capital: Connecting Congregations to Work Outcomes." Sociology of Religion 75: 309-331.

Park, Jerry Z. and Brandon C. Martinez.2014. "Young Elite Asian Americans and the Model Minority Stereotype: The Nativity Effect" Studies on Asia 4:78-107. (Authorship equally shared)

Neubert, Mitchell, Kevin D. Dougherty, Jerry Z. Park, and Jenna Griebel. 2014. "Beliefs About Faith and Work: Development and Validation of Honoring God, Prosperity Gospel Scales." Review of Religious Research 56:129146.

Park, Jerry Z. 2013. "Ethnic Insularity Among 1.5-and Second-Generation Korean American Christians." Development and Society 42:113-136. (Reprinted 2014 in Second-Generation Korean American Experiences in the United States and Canada. Edited by Pyong Gap Min and Samuel Noh. Pp. 53-73. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books).

Dougherty, Kevin D., Mitchell Neubert, Jenna Griebel, and Jerry Z. Park. 2013. "Research Note: A Religious Profile of American Entrepreneurs." The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 52:401-409.

Woodberry, Robert D., Jerry Z. Park and Lyman A. Kellstedt, with Mark D. Regnerus and Brian Steensland. 2012. "The Measure of American Religious Traditions: Theoretical and Measurement Considerations." Social Forces 91:65-73.

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Howard Ecklund, Elaine, Katherine Sorrell, and Jerry Z. Park. 2011. "Scientists Negotiate Boundaries Between Religion and Science." The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 50:552-569.

Draper, Scott, and Jerry Z. Park. 2010. "Sunday Celluloid: Visual Media and Protestant Boundaries with Secular Culture" Sociological Spectrum. 30:433-458.

Park, Jerry Z. 2009. "Assessing the Sociological Study of Asian American Christianity." SANACS Journal. 1:5994.

Howard Ecklund, Elaine and Jerry Z. Park. 2009. "Conflict Between Religion and Science Among Academic Scientists?" The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48: 276-292. (Authorship equally shared)

Loveland, Matthew, Keely S. Jones, and Jerry Z. Park. 2008. "Religion and the Logic of the Civic Sphere: Religious Tradition, Religious Practice, and Voluntary Association." The Interdisciplinary Journal of Religious Research. 4:1-26 (Article 7)

Park Jerry Z. 2008. "Second-Generation Asian American Pan-ethnic Identity: Pluralized Meanings of a Racial Label." Sociological Perspectives 51:541-561.

Howard Ecklund, Elaine, Jerry Z. Park and Phil Todd Veliz. 2008. "Secularization and Religious Change Among Elite Scientists: A Cross-Cohort Comparison." Social Forces. 86:1805-1840. (Authorship equally shared)

Park, Jerry Z. and Joseph Baker. 2007. "What Would Jesus Buy: American Religious Consumption in the 21st Century." The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 46:501-517. (Authorship equally shared)

Park, Jerry Z. and Cara R. Taylor. 2007. "Information Resources of Elite Ministry Professionals." The Review of Religious Research 48: 428-436. (First author)

Park, Jerry Z. and Elaine Howard Ecklund. 2007. "Negotiating Continuity: Family and Religious Socialization for Asian Americans." The Sociological Quarterly. 48:93-118 (First author)

Howard Ecklund, Elaine and Jerry Z. Park. 2007. "Religious Diversity and Community Volunteerism Among Asian Americans: An Initial Portrait." The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46:233-244. (Authorship equally shared)

Howard Ecklund, Elaine and Jerry Z. Park. 2005. "Asian American Civic Participation: The Civic `Model Minority'?" The Journal of Asian American Studies 8:1-21. (Authorship equally shared)

Hinojosa, Victor and Jerry Z. Park. 2004. "Religion and the Paradox of Racial Inequality Attitudes." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 43: 229-238. (Authorship equally shared)

Park, Jerry Z. and Samuel Reimer. 2002. "Revisiting the Social Sources of American Christianity 1972-1998." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 41:733-746. (Authorship equally shared)

Reimer, Samuel and Jerry Z. Park. 2001. "Tolerant (In)civility? A Longitudinal Analysis of White Conservative Protestants' Willingness to Grant Civil Liberties." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 40:735-745. (Authorship equally shared)

Steensland, Brian, Jerry Z. Park, Mark D. Regnerus, Lynn Robinson, W. Bradford Wilcox, and Robert D. Woodberry. 2000. "The Measure of American Religion: Toward Improving the State-of-the-Art." Social Forces 79:291-318.

Park, Jerry Z. and Christian Smith. 2000. "To Whom Much Has Been Given...": Religious Capital and Community Voluntarism Among Churchgoing Protestants. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 39: 272-

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286. (First author)

Book Chapters (current/ former graduate student co-authors underlined) Boddie, Stephanie C. and Jerry Z. Park. 2021. "Racializing Religious Institutions during the COVID-19 Pandemic" in Racialized Health, COVID-19, and Religious Responses: Black Atlantic Contexts and Perspectives. Edited by R. Drew Smith, Stephanie C. Boddie, and Bertis English. New York & London: Routledge

Park, Jerry Z. 2020. "Asian American Religious Beliefs Reconsidered" in Envisioning Religion, Race, and Asian Americans. Edited by David K. Yoo and Khyati Y. Joshi. Pp. 41-68. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.

Park, Jerry Z. and James C. Davidson. 2020. "Decentering Whiteness in Survey Research on American Religion." in Religion is Raced: Understanding American Religion ion the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Grace Yukich and Penny Edgell. Pp. 251-274. New York: New York University Press.

Park, Jerry Z. and Kenneth Vaughan. 2018. "Sacred Ethnic Boundaries: Korean American Religions" chapter in Brill Companion in Korean American Studies Edited by Shelley Lee and Rachael Joo. Pp. 383-417. The Netherlands: Brill.

Park, Jerry Z., Kevin D. Dougherty, and Mitchell Neubert. 2016. "Work, Occupations, and Entrepreneurship" in Handbook on Religion and Society. Edited by David Yamane. Pp.29-46. Switzerland: Springer.

Park, Jerry Z. 2013. "Color-Conscious Structure-Blind Assimilation: How Asian American Christians Can Unintentionally Maintain the Racial Divide." in Christians and the Color Line: Race and Religion After Divided By Faith. Edited by J. Russell Hawkins and Phillip Luke Sinitiere. pp. 178-204. New York: Oxford University Press.

Park, Jerry Z. 2012. "Racial Insularity and Ethnic Faith: The Emerging Korean American Religious Elite." in Sustaining Faith Traditions: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion Among the Latino and Asian American Second Generation. Edited by Carolyn Chen and Russell Jeung, pp. 135-155. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Jeung, Russell, Carolyn Chen and Jerry Z. Park. 2012. "Introduction: Religious, Racial and Ethnic Identities of the New Second Generation." in Sustaining Faith Traditions: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion Among the Latino and Asian American Second Generation. Edited by Carolyn Chen and Russell Jeung, pp. 1-24. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Park, Jerry Z. and Scott Draper. 2008. "Religious Media Consumption: The DaVinci Code Effect." In What Americans Really Believe. Edited by Rodney Stark, pp. 167-176. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.

Book Reviews, Encyclopedia Entries, Essays, and Reports (graduate student co-authors underlined) Park, Jerry Z. 2020. "Book review: Family Sacrifices: The Worldviews and Ethics of Chinese Americans." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 88:607-609.

Park, Jerry Z. 2019. "Book review: The Mindful Elite: Mobilizing from the Inside Out." Sociology of Religion 80:269-270. Park, Jerry Z. 2019. "Book review: Immigrants, Evangelicals, and Politics in an Era of Demographic Change." Christianity Next 3:105-107.

Park, Jerry Z. and James C. Davidson. 2017. "Forum: Studying Religion in the Age of Trump" Religion and American Culture 27: 36-43. Park, Jerry Z. 2017. "Book review: Oxford Handbook of Asian American History." Ethnic and Racial Studies 41: 602-604. Park, Jerry Z. 2017. "Book review: Embracing Our Inheritance: Jubilee Reflections on Korean American

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Catholics." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55:879-881. Park, Jerry Z. 2017. "Book review: At Home in Exile: Finding Jesus Among My Ancestors and Refugee Neighbors." Christianity Next 1:115-117.

Bruce, Tricia C., Jerry Z. Park, and Stephen M. Cherry. 2015. "Asian and Pacific Island Catholics in the United States: A Report Prepared for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Cultural Diversity in the Church." Park, Jerry Z. 2015. "Book review: Ambivalent Miracles: Evangelicals and the Politics of Racial Healing." Politics and Religion 8:628-631. Park, Jerry Z. 2015. "Book review: Faith, Family, and Filipino American Community Life." American Journal of Sociology 120:1250-1251. Park, Jerry Z., W. Matthew Henderson, Kenneth Vaughan, Tricia Bruce, and Stephen Cherry. 2015. "Asian Pacific Islander Catholics in the United States: A Preliminary Report."

Park, Jerry Z. 2014. "Book review: Religion on the Edge: De-Centering and Re-Centering the Sociology of Religion." Sociology of Religion 75:355-356. Park, Jerry Z. 2014. "Second-Generation Korean Americans" in Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Mary Yu Danico. Pp.806-809. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Park, Jerry Z. 2014. "Book review: When Diversity Drops: Race, Religion, and Affirmative Action in Higher Education."

Park, Jerry Z. 2013. "Book review: Blacks and Whites in Christian America: How Racial Discrimination Shapes Religious Convictions." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 52: 235-237.

Park, Jerry Z. 2012. "Book review: Preserving Ethnicity Through Religion in America: Korean Protestants and Indian Hindus Across Generations." Sociology of Religion 73:93-94.

Dougherty, Kevin D., Scott Draper, Aaron Franzen, Paul Froese, Brandon Martinez, F. Carson Mencken, Mitchell J. Neubert, Jerry Z. Park, Andrew L. Whitehead. 2011. The Values and Beliefs of the American Public: Wave III Baylor Religion Survey. Prepared by the Department of Sociology and Baylor University.

Park, Jerry Z. 2010. "Book review: Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 39:1132-1134. Park, Jerry Z. 2010. "Book review: Deliverance and Submission: Evangelical Women and the Negotiation of Patriarchy in South Korea." Contemporary Sociology 39: 432-433.

Park, Jerry Z. 2009. "Proceedings: First Biennial Conference on Religion and American Culture, June 4-7, 2009." The Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture. Pp 24-25. Park, Jerry Z. 2008. "Book review: People of the Dream: Multiracial Congregations in the United States." Sociology of Religion 69:493-494. Park, Jerry Z. 2008. "Book review: God's New Whiz Kids: Korean American Evangelicals on Campus." Review of Religious Research 49:341-342. Park, Jerry Z. 2007. "Book review: Korean American Evangelicals: New Models for Civic Life." Review of Religious Research. 49:100-101. Park, Jerry Z. 2006. "Book review: Elusive Togetherness: Church Groups Trying to Bridge America's Divisions." Review of Religious Research. 48:115-116. Bader, Christopher, Kevin Dougherty, Paul Froese, Byron Johnson, F. Carson Mencken, Jerry Z. Park, Rodney Stark. 2006. American Piety in the 21st Century: New Insights to the Depth and Complexity of Religion in the US. Prepared for the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion. Park, Jerry Z. 2005. "Book review: Faithful Generations: Race and New Asian American Churches." Review of Religious Research. 46:314-315. Park, Jerry Z. and Cara R. Taylor. 2004. "The Louisville Institute 2004 Survey of Pastoral Learning: Executive

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Summary." Prepared for the Louisville Institute.

Park, Jerry Z. 2003. "Book review: Moral Reconstruction: Christian Lobbyists and the Federal Legislation of Morality, 1865-1920." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 42: 682-683. Park, Jerry Z. 2002. "Book review: Habitat for Humanity: Building Private Homes, Building Public Religion." Contemporary Sociology 31:48-49.

Blogs, Op-Ed (graduate student co-authors underlined) 2019. "Here are Ten Reasons Not to Fall for the `Asian American Penalty' Trap in Admissions." , February 22, 2019. (with Margaret M. Chin, OiYan Poon, and Janelle Wong)

2015. "One Step Forward, but Now What?" Patheos Public Square: March From Selma: Fifty Years Later March 4, 2015.

2014. "Affirmative Action Lawsuits are Out of Touch." December 10, 2014. (with Joshua Tom and Karthick Ramakrishnan)

2014. "Keeping (and Losing) Faith, the Asian American Way." May 22, 2014. (with Joshua Tom)

2014. "Fifty Years of Religious Change: 1964-2014." Council on Contemporary Families Civil Rights Symposium. February 6, 2014. (with Brita Andercheck and Joshua Tom). Reposted on , July 9, 2014:

2013-. Occasional blogger at Asian- ()

2012. "Is the GOP about to have an (Asian American) evangelical problem?" The Washington . Guest Voices: Other Views on Faith and Its Impact on the News. August 3, 2012 (with Janelle Wong).

2012. "What Jeremy Lin Means to Asian American Christians." The Washington . Guest Voices: Other Views on Faith and Its Impact on the News. February 24, 2012.

2011-2018. Regular blogger at Black, White and Gray ( )

Papers Under Peer Review, Edited Chapters, Grants and Other Works in Progress (current/ former graduate student co-authors underlined, undergraduate co-authors in italics):

Park, Jerry Z. "Choosing My Traditions: Emerging Asian American Ethnic and Religious Identities" (book manuscript) Under contract.

Evans, Hannah and Jerry Z. Park. "Intersectional Stratification: Race, Religion, and Status Attainment." Revise and Resubmit.

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Vaughan, Kenneth R., Joshua C. Tom, Jerry Z. Park, and Murat Yilmaz. "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't: Perceived Discrimination and the Paradoxes of Assimilation Among UI.S. Muslims." Revise and Resubmit.

Thomson, Robert, Di Di, and Jerry Z. Park "The Moral Menace: Conservative Christians as a Perceived Threat in the USA". Under review.

Lauve-Moon, Tim and Jerry Z. Park. "Racism in the Hands of an Angry God: How Image of God Can Activate or Resist Colorblind Racism Narrative Frames Regarding Police Treatment of African Americans." Under review.

Park, Jerry Z. and Joyce C. Chang. "Centering Asian Americans in Social Scientific Research on Religious Communities." Under review.

Park, Jerry Z., Joyce C. Chang and James C. Davidson. "Perceived Religious Group Threats." In progress.

Park, Jerry Z. and Tim Lauve-Moon. "Group Threat Clusters" In progress.

Park, Jerry Z., Joyce C. Chang, and Joshua C. Tom. "Asian American Perceived Discrimination" In progress.

Park Jerry Z. and Yingling Liu. "Asian American Religions and Religious Attendance Question Wording in Surveys." In progress.

Park, Jerry Z., Rebecca Bonhag, and Elizabeth Drews. "Welcoming the Stranger: Religious Affiliation and Syrian Refugees in 2017." In progress.

Story, Cassidy and Jerry Z. Park. `'Terrorist Threat,' Punitive Policy, and the Intersectionality of Racial and Religious Prejudice." In progress.

Capili, Christine M., Tim Lauve-Moon, Jerry Z. Park, Caroline J. Capili, and James C. Davidson. "A Comparison of Black and Hispanic Stereotypes and Racial Inequality Explanations Among White Americans." In progress.

Lauve-Moon, Tim, Caroline J. Capili, Jerry Z. Park, Christine M. Capili, and James C. Davidson. "White Sentiment Toward Black and Latino Government Aid in Relation to Racial Inequality Explanations." In progress.

Borja, Melissa, Jerry Z. Park, and Kenneth R. Vaughan. "The Role of Religion and Hmong refugee migration to the US 1970-1990." In progress.

Park, Jerry Z. and George A. Yancey. "The Role of Racial and Religious Affinities and Disaffinities in the Shaping of Political Attitudes." In progress.

Park, Jerry Z., Brandon Martinez, and Ryon Cobb. Exceptional Outgroup Stereotype and Racial Attitudes Among Young Asian, Black, Latino, and White Americans. In progress.

Park, Jerry Z., Joshua Tom, Matt Henderson, Brandon Martinez, and Michael Emerson. Comparing Attitudes About African and Asian American Inequality. In progress.

Boddie, Stephanie, Jerry Z. Park, Kevin Dougherty, and Mitchell Neubert. Religion, Work and Entrepreneurialism (book manuscript). In progress.

Bruce, Tricia, Stephen Cherry, Jerry Z. Park. Asian and Pacific Island American Catholics (book manuscript). In progress.

Paper Presentations: (italics indicate lead presenter in co-authored papers)

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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