Introduction to Sociology, Fall 2005

Introduction to Sociology, Spring 2011

Review Sheet for Examination #1

A. Lecture Topics and Concepts: For the following, you will need to: (1) know what each of these terms/ideas means (including their definitions) and (2) be able to discuss/apply them correctly.

1. Sociological Imagination

2. Birth of Sociology and the Social Sciences

a. the three great revolutions and how they relate to sociology's origins

3. Scientific Sociology

a. basics of scientific method

b. types of "data"

4. Interpretive Sociology

a. basic assumptions, differences from scientific sociology

b. types of "data"

5. Major Theoretical Traditions & Theorists

a. Conflict (Marx), Functionalism (Durkheim), Interactionism (Weber, Mead, Goffman)

6. Key Sociological Concepts

a. Culture: Signs, Symbols, Language

b. Values, Norms, Sanctions, Roles

c. Ethnocentrism

d. Status and Role

i. Status set

ii. role strain/conflict

iii. ascribed and achieved status

iv. status consistency

e. Groups

f. Organizations

g. The Four Main Social Institutions

7. Socialization (be able to define socialization, and know the following materials)

A. Sigmund Freud

1. Psychoanalysis

2. Psychoanalytic theory on the formation of identity

a. the three parts of the self

b. the three key developmental stages

3. Criticisms of Freud (know, and be able to explain, them)

B. George Herbert Mead

1. Definitions of social action and social interaction

2. Stages of symbolic interaction in formation of the social self

B. Readings for which you will be held responsible: you should be able to link authors with their articles, and article with the concepts covered in the lectures and the main text.

1.Schaefer Text) Chapter 3, “Culture”; Chapter 4

2. Macionis and Benokraitis Reader):

Mills, "Promise of Sociology"

Berger, "Invitation to Sociology"

Weber, “The Case for Value-Free Sociology”

Babbie, “Importance of Social Research”

Miner, "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema"

White, “Symbol: The Basic Element of Culture"

Harris, "India's Sacred Cow"

Mead, “The Self”

Gerbner, “Socialization and TV Violence”

3. Videos:

“Coming of Age in Samoa”

“The Secret of the Wild Child”


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