These questions are for use in the Virginia High School ...

These questions are for use in the Virginia High School League’s Scholastic Bowl District regular season competition. These questions were originally used in the 2008 Missouri State High School Activities Association State tournament.

Districts must observe the following conditions, which must be known by all coaches, competitors and spectators of the competition:

(a) Public discussion of these questions before all VHSL District champions have been determined is prohibited.

(b) Releasing these questions to entities outside your District’s competition is prohibited.

First period: 15 tossups, 10 points each

1. Its day is only 10 hours long; its year is 11.85 years, and its distance from the Sun is 5.2 AU. It has at least 63 moons, the largest of which are Europa, Io, Callisto, and Ganymede. Name this fifth planet from the Sun, the largest in the solar system.

ANSWER: Jupiter

2. According to the Enuma Elish, she had children including Lahmu and Lahamu with Apsu. After Enki killed Apsu, she had a number of other children, including scorpion-men and dragons. But, she was defeated by Enki’s son Marduk. Heaven and earth were created from the body of what chaotic sea goddess of Babylonian myth?

ANSWER: Tiamat

3. His later novels include Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful and Knocking on the Door. He founded the Liberal Party to oppose the racial policies of the National Party. Who is the South African-born author of Lost in the Stars and Cry, the Beloved Country?

ANSWER: Alan Paton

4. It was known as the U.S. Taxpayers Party between 1992 and 1999. In 2006, several state affiliates left in a dispute over whether abortion should be allowed for rape or incest. In 2004, what right-wing political party’s Presidential candidate was Michael Peroutka?

ANSWER: Constitution Party

5. In May 2007, this show’s special 2000th episode was aired. In 2005, voting on this show was restricted to registered members of its network’s website, and in 2006, phone voting was disabled. The format remained the same, as each episode featured ten music videos. On November 8, 2008, its last episode was aired. What show, originally starring Carson Daly, was one of the few to actually play music videos on MTV?

ANSWER: Total Request Live or TRL

6. Rebellions led by the Bar Confederation and Emelyan Pugachev were crushed during this monarch’s reign. To gain power, she murdered Peter III, her husband. Her son, Paul I, was not groomed to rule. Between 1762 and 1796, who was the Tsarina of Russia?

ANSWER: Catherine II of Russia or Catherine the Great

7. The oxygen type has hydrogen peroxide, sodium perborate, or sodium percarbonate. It is used on wood pulp, cellulose, flour, and laundry. Name this chemical whitener that usually contains chlorine.

ANSWER: bleach

8. Consider the sentence, ‘John has high grades.’ What is that sentence with the adjective in the superlative form?

ANSWER: John has the highest grades.

9. This show featured real-life figures such as Kurt Schmoke and Bob Ehrlich in minor roles. Criminal entities included the Barksdale Organization and the Stanfield Organization. The focuses of its five seasons were the drug trade, the port, the city government, the public schools, and the newspapers. What HBO series aired between 2002 and 2008 and focused on the city of Baltimore?

ANSWER: The Wire

10. Its passage was sought by the Silent Sentinels, who were led by Alice Paul. It died in the Senate by three votes in October 1918, but succeeded in June 1919. Tennessee’s ratification enabled the passage of what amendment that granted women’s suffrage?

ANSWER: 19th Amendment

11. Her first work was 1977’s A Summer to Die. This author of Gooney the Fabulous wrote nine books about Anastasia Krupnik. What author of Gathering Blue and Messenger won the 1990 and 1994 Newbery Medals for Number the Stars and The Giver?

ANSWER: Lois Lowry

12. It is a series of sixteen paintings by C.M. Coolidge. Titles include Sitting up with a Sick Friend, A Friend in Need, and His Station and Four Aces. What are these paintings of anthropomorphic canines playing cards?

ANSWER: Dogs Playing Poker

13. Fiberglass batts are the most common type in homes. Another type is spray polyurethane foam that is applied onto concrete slabs. What component of a house is measured by an R-value and is designed to keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer?

ANSWER: insulation

14. This Master of the Royal Mint thought the world would end after the year 2060. He generalized the binomial theorem and invented the reflecting telescope. Name this co-developer of calculus known for his rings, laws of motion, and gravitation.

ANSWER: Isaac Newton

15. Her case was taken over that of Claudette Colvin, a pregnant 15-year-old; Martin Luther King called her ‘one of the finest citizens of Montgomery.’ Who was arrested on December 1, 1955, for refusing to give up her seat to a White bus passenger?

ANSWER: Rosa Parks

Second period, 10 directed questions per team, 10 points each

Set A questions have an ‘A’ after their number; set B questions have a ‘B.’

1A. Who was Barack Obama’s pastor for two decades at Trinity United Church of Christ?

ANSWER: Jeremiah Wright

1B. In Gone with the Wind, who is the wife of Ashley Wilkes?

ANSWER: Melanie Wilkes

2A. Also known as vitamin B3, a deficiency of what vitamin can cause pellagra?

ANSWER: niacin

2B. THIS IS A 20-SECOND COMPUTATION QUESTION. A cube has edges of 10 millimeters. Find the ratio of the length of a diagonal of one face of the cube to the length of an interior or space diagonal of the cube. Give your answer in simplest radical form.

ANSWER: (square root of 6)/3

3A. Its youth wing is called the Squires. The Fourth Degree is the highest rank in what fraternal service organization that is open to any over-18 male Catholic?

ANSWER: Knights of Columbus

3B. The citric acid cycle is also named for what discoverer who won the 1953 Nobel Prize in Physiology?

ANSWER: Krebs cycle

4A. THIS IS A 20-SECOND COMPUTATION QUESTION. On the number line negative 6 and positive 14 are both to the right of a certain number X. The distance from 14 to X is exactly six times the distance from negative six to X. Find X.


4B. What pass connects Pakistan with Afghanistan and was the route the Aryans and Macedonians used to invade India?

ANSWER: Khyber Pass

5A. What 1920’s phrase describing something very good refers to a non-existent insect part?

ANSWER: (the) bee’s knees

5B. The Washington Redskins moved to Washington from what city?

ANSWER: Boston

6A. THIS IS A 30-SECOND COMPUTATION QUESTION. Express, as a two-digit hexadecimal number, the sum of the octal number 131, the binary number 1011, and the decimal number 19.


6B. The leader of the rebels in the Third Servile War was what slave that escaped from gladiator school in 73 BC and led a rebellion against Rome?

ANSWER: Spartacus

7A. On August 1, 1944, the Home Army openly rebelled against Nazi occupation in what country?

ANSWER: Poland

7B. What direct male descendant of Aaron gives the first Torah reading at a synagogue service and also gives the priestly blessing?

ANSWER: kohen or kohanim

8A. The unusual red sky in The Scream may have been a result of what natural disaster that had occurred around ten years before the painting was made?

ANSWER: Krakatoa

8B. ‘Mowgli’s Brothers’ is the first short story in what collection by Rudyard Kipling?

ANSWER: The Jungle Book

9A. What term in object-oriented programming means objects of different types respond appropriately when called by the same method?

ANSWER: polymorphism or polymorphic

9B. What car part recharges the battery while the car is running?

ANSWER: alternator

10A. Spelling your answer, take the French verb dormir and conjugate it in the first person plural future.

ANSWER: (nous) d o r m i r o n s

10B. THIS IS A 30-SECOND COMPUTATION QUESTION. Solve this exponential equation: (X + 2)4/3 = 81. [Read as: the quantity X plus 2 raised to the 4/3rds power equals 81.]

ANSWER: X = 25

Third period, 15 toss-ups, 10 points each

1. A roast called the ‘Last Row Party’ is held the Friday before this event, a day known as ‘Fast Friday’ or ‘Carburetion Day.’ Ray Harroun won the first one in 1911 with the assistance of a rear-view mirror. The Sunday before Memorial Day is the date for what event held in the town of Speedway?

ANSWER: Indianapolis 500 or Indy 500 or Indianapolis 500-Mile Race

2. The reforms it passed included Dei Verbum, which refined the proper role of Scripture, and the Novus Ordo Missae, a liturgy to replace the Tridentine Mass. Meeting between 1962 and 1965 was what council of the Roman Catholic Church?

ANSWER: Second Vatican Council or Vatican II or Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican

3. It was written by Luo Guanzhong around 1322. By its end, Jiang Wei is fighting the Sima family, who have usurped the power of the Cao family. The Oath of the Peach Garden bonds Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Liu Bei in what Chinese classic set in the 2nd centruy?

ANSWER: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

4. Its crystalline form is black and is a 9.3 on the Mohs scale. It is used in nuclear reactors and in flares due to its green flame. It is a trivalent metalloid with an average atomic mass of 10.8. Name this element whose atomic number is 5 and symbol is B.

ANSWER: boron

5. The Battle of Preveza was won by his naval commander Barbarossa. His army won the Battle of Mohacs in 1526, annihilating Hungarian resistance, but was stopped after the Siege of Vienna. Between 1520 and 1566, who was the Ottoman Sultan?

ANSWER: Suleyman the Magnificent or Suleyman the Lawgiver

6. THIS IS A 10-SECOND COMPUTATION QUESTION. What are the four answers to the question, “What is the fourth root of one?”

ANSWER: 1, -1, i, -i

7. He defeated Tippu Sultan in 1792 and defeated a rebellion in Ireland in 1798. For this, he was made a Marquess. His reputation was tarnished earlier for allowing subordinates to lose at Kings Mountain and Cowpens. Who surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown?

ANSWER: (Lord) Charles Cornwallis

8. This eight-letter word comes from a Greek word meaning ‘dried-up.’ As an adjective, it can refer to a bare-bones staff during a strike or illness outbreak. As a noun, it can refer to a rough outline. What word usually refers to a collection of 206 bones?

ANSWER: skeleton

9. Anton Schindler destroyed most of his conversation books. He would play the piano by biting on a rod that was attached to the piano’s sound board. He suffered from abdominal pain from lead poisoning. Who was this composer of nine symphonies and one opera?

ANSWER: Ludwig van Beethoven

10. Lasting over 180 million years, it started after the Permian extinction event 250 million years ago. Its three periods are Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. Name this geologic era during which the dinosaurs lived.

ANSWER: Mesozoic Era

11. He advocated destroying Irish culture in A View of the Present State of Ireland. This author of The Shepheards Calender created the characters of Gloriana and the Redcrosse Knight in an epic written to praise Elizabeth I. Who wrote The Faerie Queene?

ANSWER: Edmund Spencer

12. Endorsements to one of these include T, P, S, N, H, and X. Since 1992, they have been required in all 50 states to drive a vehicle that is Class A, Class B, or Class C. What document is needed by someone that wants to drive a school bus or tractor-trailer?

ANSWER: CDL or Commercial driver’s license

13. His poetry collections include Al Que Quiere and Sour Grapes; his novels include Spring and All. He wrote a five-book poem as an ode to a New Jersey city, Paterson. Sixteen words in eight lines are in what poet’s ‘The Red Wheelbarrow’?

ANSWER: William Carlos Williams

15. In November 2007, Hashim Thaçi’s (THAH-chee) Democratic Party won the UNMIK-overseen parliamentary elections in this territory. On February 17, 2008, what territory, whose capital is Pristina, declared independence from Serbia?

ANSWER: Kosovo

15. The two living species are Meleagris gallopavo and Meleagris ocellata and have wingspans of about 6 feet. Native to North America, domesticated ones cannot fly, but wild ones can fly a limited amount. Name this gobbling bird eaten on Thanksgiving.

ANSWER: turkey(s)

Spare questions

Be sure to mark off questions as they are used. Replace, when possible, a discarded question with a spare in that area (i.e. science for science, English for English, etc.)

1. This country is divided into 28 states and 7 Union Territories. Mountain ranges in this country include the Eastern and Western Ghats, which border the Deccan Plateau, and the Indo-Gangetic Plain. What country has the world’s second-greatest population?


2. Its carrying angle is often greater for women than for men. One of its ailments is known as epicondylitis or tennis (BLANK). Name this hinge joint formed by the ulna, radius, and humerus and located in the arm between the wrist and shoulder.

ANSWER: elbow

3. Supporting characters in this novel include Lorena Wood and Jake Spoon. Gus McCrae and Woodrow Call run the Hat Creek Cattle Company in the titular Texas town. What is this novel about a cattle drive between Texas and Montana by Larry McMurtry?

ANSWER: Lonesome Dove

4. Some of its songs, such as ‘Air’ and ‘Sodomy’ were about pollution and sexual freedom. However, its primary message was anti-war: Claude goes to Vietnam and dies. The medley ‘Aquarius/Let the Sunshine in’ was from what 1968 hippie musical?


5. THIS IS A 10-SECOND COMPUTATION QUESTION. A two-year old car is 55% of its original value. A four-year-old car is 40% of its original value. If its original price was $10,000, what is the difference between the car’s value after 2 years and after 4 years?

ANSWER: $1500


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