Introduction to Health

STI Unit Packet

All About Condoms

1. Is it good for condoms to be kept in a wallet?

___: the heat could _________ it.

2. Are oil based lubricant appropriated to

use with a condom?

_______: they ________ down the latex.

3. Do condoms have expiration dates?

_______: Just like many foods & mediation


** Pregnancy- _____% chance of unplanned pregnancy, while using a condom

** STI’s - whether they are _________ or bacterial they are still not __________ enough to get past the latex!

* ______ among 50 states in Chlamydia infections (446 per 100,000 persons)

* ______ in gonorrhea infections (169.4 per 100,000 persons)

** Chlamydia among women (659.6 cases per 100,000) were ______ times greater than those among

Condoms are convenient, here is why!

1____________in many places 2) Cost is ___________ 3) ____________ and Protective

4) ___________ to use!

Sexually Transmitted Infections: General Information

Sexually Transmitted ______________: These ________________ are mainly passed from person to person through sexual contact... Root word = ___________

Unprotected __________ sex Unprotected __________ sex Unprotected __________ sex

They can be transmitted by coming into contact with:

1. ______________ 2. Vaginal _____________ 3. _______________

There are other modes of (_______-sexual) transmission including..

Used _____________ Mother to _________ * And sometimes even ___________ to ____________ contact

So what happens if I get an STI???

• It can cause _____________ to the reproductive system * ________________ * ________ cancer

• ___________ disease *Cervical ___________ *_________ disease * ___________ *___________

How do I know if I have been infected?

- The signs and symptoms vary depending on the type of infection, but most of the time you may have _______ SYMPTOMS AT ALL.

- So if you are worried, get ________ at your doctor's office _______ some tests can be anonymous and free at family planning clinics and at the Health Department if you are under 18!

Approximately _____out of ____people in the U.S. have one or more STIs!

| |HIV |Hepatitis B |HPV |Herpes |

|What is it? |Virus that causes AIDS. |Strong virus that damages, and can |There are over 100 different types of|- Simplex virus 1- cold sores |

| | |lead to liver cancer. Very common in |HPV. Most sexually active individuals|and fever blisters |

| | |Asia and Africa. |come in contact with virus, but body |- Simplex virus 2- genital |

| | | |is able to fight it off. |herpes |

|Signs and Symptoms |No symptoms; sometimes similar to |Often no symptoms, sometimes flu-like|Most people have no symptoms. Some |Clusters of itchy or painful |

| |the flu |and jaundice (yellow skin or eyes). |develop a soft fleshy lump or warts |blistery sores appearing on the |

| | | |on or near their genitals or anus. |vagina, cervix, penis, mouth, |

| | | | |anus, buttocks, or elsewhere on |

| | | | |the body. |

|What are some |Attacks the immune system. When the |Liver Cancer and Death |Increases your chance of getting |Could be transferred by through |

|complications? |immune system gets weak, other | |cervical cancer |childbirth. |

| |disease and infections can develop | | | |

| |leading to AIDS. | | | |

|How is it |Transmitted through unprotected |Unprotected vaginal, anal and/or oral|Unprotected vaginal, anal and/or oral|Unprotected vaginal, anal, |

|transmitted? |vaginal, anal and/or oral sex. Also |sex. Sharing needles. Blood. |sex |and/or oral sex. Kissing while |

| |infected mother to child | | |there is a break out. |

| |(breast-milk), and by sharing | | | |

| |needles. | | | |

|How is it diagnosed|Diagnosed with HIV Rapid Blood Test |Diagnosed with a blood test. Treated |During a pap smear (looking at a |Diagnosed with fluid samples |

|and treated? |and further testing. Treated with |with anti-viral medications. |sample of cervical cells), the doctor|taken from sores. Medicine can |

| |anti-virals. No vaccines YET. | |will look for these viruses. Treated |reduce the symptoms, but no |

| | | |with anti-virals. |cure. |

|How can you protect|Use latex condoms. Limit the number |Get the VACCINE! |VACCINES: both boys and girls (age 9 |Refrain from sex during |

|yourself? |of sexual partners. Do not share |Use condoms. Do not share things that|to 26). Use condoms. Limit number of |breakouts, wear condoms, and |

| |needles. |may come in contact with another |sexual partners. Get cervical cancer |limit the amount of sexual |

| | |person's blood (toothbrush, shaver, |screening for women between the ages |partners. |

| | |etc.). Do not share needles. |of 21 and 65 years old. | |

| |Chlamydia |Syphilis |PID |Gonorrhea |

|What is it? |Bacterial infection; more common |Caused by a bacteria. The infection |A progressive infection that harms a |Caused by a bacteria. Another |

| |among women than men. |has 3 stages. |women's reproductive system. |common STI in the US. |

|Signs and Symptoms |Silent STI; Some women have vaginal |- 1st stage: painless sore on mouth, |Long or painful periods, pain in |Most of the time no symptoms, |

| |discharge, burning with urination, |genitals or anus lasts from 1-5 weeks.|abdomen, fever, nausea, and pain |however both men and women can |

| |lower abdomen pain and anal | |during intercourse. |have pain with urination and |

| |discomfort. |- 2nd stage: Rashes, flu-like | |discharge. |

| |Some men have watery white discharge|symptoms, warts. | | |

| |from penis, burning pain with |- 3rd stage: No sores or rashes, but | | |

| |urination and anal discomfort. |Syphilis is still in the blood | | |

| | |infecting your organs. | | |

|What are some |Complications: Ectopic, PID, |Heart disease, blindness, brain |Sterility, ectopic pregnancy, and |Complications: infection of the |

|complications? |infertility in men and women, easier|damage, and complications with |chronic pain. |joints, complication with |

| |to get HIV. |pregnancy (stillbirths, infant with | |pregnancy, and even INFERTILITY |

| | |damaged organs, etc.) | |(no more babies). |

|How is it |Transmitted through unprotected |Unprotected vaginal, anal and/or oral |It's mostly caused due to untreated |Unprotected vaginal, anal and/or |

|transmitted? |vaginal, anal and/or oral sex. Also |sex |STI's. |oral sex. |

| |infected mother to child. | | | |

|How is it diagnosed |Diagnosed using cotton swab of |Diagnosed with a blood test; Treated |Pelvic exam, culture is analyzed, or |Diagnosed by testing the infected|

|and treated? |vagina or urine sample. Treated with|with ANTIBIOTICS. |larparoscopy (scope inserted in a |bodily fluid and/or urine. |

| |antibiotics | |small cut above the belly button) |Treated with ANTIBIOTICS. |

|How can you protect |Use condoms. Limit the number of |Use condoms. Limit number of sexual |Condoms and getting tested to treat |Use condoms. Limit number of |

|yourself? |sexual partners. |partners. |previous STI's. |sexual partners. |


_______________: Parasites can go away with treatment only.

___________: Stuck with you forever

_______________: Curable with medical treatment only

4. It's ok if you don't pinch the tip of a condom before use.

_______: the air could create friction, and cause a _______

5. Are condoms one size fits all?

______: they come in _____________ sizes.

6. Can you can get free condoms or testing at your local health department

_________: if you are under the age of ___________.


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