How to sit in a chair

How to sit in a chair.

Seems obvious, but there are ways to do it that promote a healthier body.

Fact: the importance of office seating is underscored by the fact an office worker, throughout their career, spends 80,000 hours sitting in an office chair. Another reason why offices need seating that supports employees at all occupational levels.

There are uncertainties in ergonomics as in any other science. But one point is not in dispute: that the human body is not structured to sit in a chair all day!

Sitting for starters is inherently stable requiring muscles to work continually to help you sit. It is harder on backs then standing because when you stand the spine is in a state called lordosis - with pressure evenly distributed along the 24 vertebrae of your backbone. Blood flow along the spine is fee and unobstructed. When you bend the body at a right angle in sitting, you flatten the lumbar (lower section) of your back.

In fact, sitting is harder on your back than standing. Why?

Most people think your backbone supports your body. It doesn’t. Your body actually supports your backbone. Your back’s 24 vertebrae and its jelly-like disks offer you flexibility, but not much strength.

When you stand, your spine maintains a state called lordosis. Pressure is evenly distributed along your backbone. When you sit at a right angle, the bending of your body flattens the lumbar, or lower, section of your back. 

This causes a state called kyphosis, or uneven pressure on the disks in your back. This state strains the muscles in that area and causes lower back pain.

The less we move while sitting, the less our bodies are able to supply parts of our bodies with vital nutrients. When your lumbar area is nutrient-deprived, those fluid-filled disks harden. As they become less flexible, your body is more vulnerable to injuries caused by motion. 

(Think explosion.) And sitting incorrectly, essentially crunching your lumbar area, will gradually erode the disks in your back over time. (Think erosion.)

The best bet for our bodies is to maintain lordosis, which helps make sure that nutrients can reach vital areas of your spine. Sitting for just 20 minutes can so reduce the flow of nutrients to your disks that they begin to harden. So if your chair is too soft and fluffy, your body doesn’t really move much. It’s almost like being encased in a foam-rubber body cast. No movement. No nutrients. And your disks pay the price.

The goal is to continually allow your muscles and bones to find the most stable, most healthy position as easily as possible.

Studies have proven that sitting in a properly adjusted chair that encourages motion reduces cumulative trauma disorders to nerves, tendons, and the neurovascular system.

These excellent tips from Neutral Posture Ergonomics work for just about anyone. An ounce of "adjustment consciousness" can protect you body from long term stress injuries.


|If you experience this problem |Caused by: |Try this: |

|Neck tension, tightness, upper back and |Head too far forward while you type or view your monitor |Elevate your monitor so your head and trunk relationship is |

|shoulders tension. | |more vertical. |

|  |Hands and arms not supported while keyboarding. |Adjust the chair's armrests. |

| | |Note: ideally ergonomic professionals suggest not resting arms|

| | |while keyboarding. However in the "real world" we recognize |

| | |this is often done. |

|  |Head is too far back during monitor viewing.  |Tilt the seat and backrest forward so as to keep the head and |

| | |trunk relationship more vertical. |

|Hand, wrist and lower arm discomfort |The wrist is deviated (turned) in an unnatural position. |Set the keyboard or calculator to produce a neutral (straight)|

| | |position. |

|  |Excessive application of force to the keys |Train yourself to reduce excessive keystroke force. Excessive |

| | |force is not needed or efficient. |

|Lower back pain discomfort. |Lumbar curvature is not being maintained or supported. |Bring your chair's backrest in closer to your back, tilt it |

| | |forward, or change your lumbar support by increasing or |

| | |decreasing the air pressure on the chair's air lumbar support |

| | |(if you have this.). The backrest should be placed just above |

| | |the pelvis to provide lower back region support. |

|  |The major thigh muscle is pulling on the spine because your |Lower your chair and or use a footrest so that the feet |

| |feet are dangling or unsupported. |support both their own weight and the weight of the lower legs|

| | |only. |

|  |Increased disc pressure because vertebrae do not have |Open up trunk/thigh angle towards the neutral position. |

| |equidistance spacing. This results in stretching the muscle, | |

| |tendon and ligament system. | |

|Buttock discomfort |Sitting too far forward in the seat pan and not using the |Sit deeper in the chair. It may be necessary to adjust the |

| |footrest. |backrest by tilting the angle. |

|  |Pressure is too great on the buttock/ischial tuberosities (the|Raise the chair height and increase the pressure naturally for|

| |bony parts of the pelvis where we sit on. |the thigh. Back of the thighs should touch the seat pan. |

|Thigh discomfort |Too much pressure on the thigh because the chair is too high |Lower chair height so the feet support themselves and the |

| |and legs are dangling |lower legs only. |

|  |Too much pressure on the popliteal area (the soft tissue area |Sit further forward in the seat pan and adjust backrest |

| |behind the knee) from the seat pan. |further forward. |

|Lower leg/foot discomfort |Too much pressure in the popliteal area (soft tissue behind |Sit further forward in the seat pan and adjust the backrest |

| |the knee) from the seat pan so that circulation is restricted |further forward. |

| |to the lower leg and feet. This puts pressure on the nerves to| |

| |the lower legs and feet. | |

|  |Infrequent posture changes in the feet and lower legs. |Utilize a well designed footrest to promote movement and |

| | |frequent posture changes. |


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