Software Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation of Software for

Technology Enhanced

Vocationally Oriented Language Learning


Product Description

|  |Price: ............................. |

|Title: |One User ? |

|.............................................................................. |Site Licence ? |

|Company: ....................................................................... |NOTES: .......................... |

|Address: |......................................... |

|..................................................................................|......................................... |

|....... | |

|..................................................................................| |

|........ | |

|  |  |

|Technical requirements: |Peripherals (e.g. Printers, |

|..................................................................................|video, Internet, etc.): |

|....... |........................................... |

|..................................................................................|........................................... |

|....... | |

|Needs analysis |

|Were the language needs of the target group determined? Yes θ No θ ? θ |

|(How?) .................................................................................................................... |

|Does the software provide an added value to satisfy the identified needs?Yes θ No θ |

|  |

|Programme category: |

|Courseware: Stand alone θ Part of a package (describe other components) θ |

|Reference materials: ........................................................................................................ |

|VOLL area: .................................................................................................................. |

|Target Language: ........................................................................................................ |

|Language(s) used for instruction: ............................................................................... |

|Suitable for: |

|ϒ Self study |

|ϒ In class ϒ vocational school |

|ϒ Plenary ϒ technical college |

|ϒ Small group / pairs ϒ university |

|ϒ Individual study ϒ adult education |

|ϒ other: |




|Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor) |

|5 |

|4 |

|3 |

|2 |

|1 |

| |

|θ |

|θ |

|θ |

|θ |

|θ |

| |



Language Skills – clarity of objectives (level and skills)

Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor)

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

Methodology and Pedagogy

Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor)

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor)

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

Multi-media features:

Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor)

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


|This evaluation was completed by: |


|....................... |


|..................... |


|...................... |

|e-mail |


|........... |




Language Skills – clarity of objectives (level and skills)

Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor)

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|General level of language competence: |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

|Entry level of language on CEFLL scale |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Exit level of language on CEFLL scale |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


|Skills areas practised: |Listening |Reading |Writing |Speaking |Mediating |

| |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


Methodology and Pedagogy:

Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor)

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


|  |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |N/A |

|Motivation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Tutorial |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |N/A |

|Motivation (overall rating) |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|attention is maintained |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|activities are enjoyable |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|competition (with students &/or computer) is provided |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|self confidence is favoured |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|sensory curiosity is stimulated |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|cognitive curiosity is maintained |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|fantasy is enhanced |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|variety of activities |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Interaction |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|The IMM encourages reflection | | | | | | |

|Feedback | | | | | | |

|remedial information supplied |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|encourages learner to continue |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Goal orientation | | | | | | |

|controlled instruction |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|discovery learning |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Delivery Methods (overall rating) |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Tutorial |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Drill |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Review |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Simulation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Testing |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Other |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Program Instructor's role | | | | | | |

|catalyst |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|facilitator |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|technical instructions only |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|as a resource |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Treatment of errors |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|self correction possibility |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|error type indicated |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Learner control | | | | | | |

|learner able to navigate freely |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|flexible progress |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


|Summary/Comments: |


|............ |


|............ |


|............ |


|............ |


|............ |


|............ |


|Content |

|Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor) |


|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |N/A |

|Clear curricular basis |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Sequencing |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|follows clear progression |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|degree of flexibility |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Experiencing |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|transferable to real life contexts |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Pacing |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Cognitive load |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Input compatibility |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|(with learner’s experience & knowledge ) | | | | | | |

|Adequacy | | | | | | |

|of language input |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|of vocational content |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


|Summary/Comments: |


|............... |


|................ |

 Multi-media features:

Overall rating: (Rating Code: 5-excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2-fair, 1-poor)

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1|N/A |

|Colour | | | | | | |

|impact and legibility |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Text Layout |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|text contained in a screen (scrolling unnecessary) |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|legibility |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Use of hypertext | | | | | | |

|facilitates navigation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|links help develop understanding |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Screen Layout |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|balanced combination of texts, graphics and animation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Graphics | | | | | | |

|Attractive |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|help visualisation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|support memorisation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Animation/Video | | | | | | |

|stimulates reaction |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|aesthetic appeal |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|minimises static boredom |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Sound | | | | | | |

|quality |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|supports learning |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|supports communication |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|adds to understanding |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |N/A |

|Instructions | | | | | | |

|clarity |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|effective application of terms, |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|concepts and information |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|emphasis on important aspects |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|response stimulated with appropriate tools |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Menus and Icons | | | | | | |

|interface clear and intuitive |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|availability of options |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|clear overview of learning pathway (past & future) |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

| | | | | | | |

|Interface design |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|set up / exit program procedure |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|orientation information |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|consistent tools for navigation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|(exit, forward, backward, branching etc.) | | | | | | |


| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1|N/A |

|Program Management | | | | | | |

|Individualisation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Record Keeping |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Security |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |

|Clear, complete teacher documentation |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |


Notes and explanations

Catalyst: What is meant here is that the instructor in the programme (whether through spoken or written instructions) encourages the learner to move on in the programme, to reflect on what s/he has just done, suggests alternatives, etc.

Facilitator: A facilitator is someone who helps the learner when s/he has problems, acts as a tutor and adviser.

Treatment of errors: In some parts of the program, learners may make mistakes which, although they are language mistakes, may not be particularly relevant for the exercise they are currently working on. In this case, the correction facility may choose to ignore these (minor) mistakes or indicate that they are relatively unimportant in this context.

Courseware: Materials assembled in such a way that they provide a course of (language) study, following a defined programme.

CEFLL = The Common European Framework of reference for language learning:

Chapter 8 deals in principle with the management of longer-term language learning through the establishment of scaling and levels, dealing first with the need for a 'vertical' dimension, then with methods of and criteria for, scaling and the requirements for formulating descriptors. A 'branching' approach to give both flexibility and comparability in formulating levels in differently orientated systems is then presented. Options are discussed for the description of levels of achievement in respect of the parameters and categories presented in Chapter 4 and elsewhere

IMM: Interactive Multi Media

Mediating (from The Common European Framework of reference for language learning, Chapter 4): 4.4.4 mediating

"To carry out communicative tasks, users have to engage in communicative language activities.

Many communicative activities, such as conversation and correspondence, are interactive, that is to say, the participants alternate as producer(s) and receiver(s).

In other cases, as when speech is recorded or broadcast or written texts are sent out or published, producers are separated from receivers, whom they may not even know and who are unable to respond. In these cases the communicative event can be regarded as the speaking, writing, listening to or reading of a text. Interaction involves the participants in both productive and receptive activity, often with several turns.

In most cases, the user as speaker or writer is producing his own text to express his own meanings. In others, he/she is acting as a channel of communication (often, but not necessarily, in different languages) between two or more persons who for one reason or another cannot communicate directly. This process, mediation, may again be interactive or not."

Cognitive load: This refers to both the quantity and quality of new material presented, i.e. material which is (intellectually) demanding should be presented in manageable chunks.

Learning pathway: Does the program map the progress of the learner within the program? Is s/he able to see what activities have already been completed and with what results as well as what is still to be done and how?

Individualisation Does the program allow users to continue where they left off, e.g. in the case of multiple user access, or to choose where to continue in a branching program.

Record keeping. Does the program store user records for future reference, for example, for examination / checking purposes, to help users continue where they left off where there is multiple user access.

Security: Are the records secure from manipulation by unauthorised persons? In addition, erasure of program is impossible.

Adequacy: refers to correctness at a surface level, e.g. no errors in orthography, that the language used is an acceptable standard in terms of accent, etc., and that the language reflects current use. With regard to vocational content, the material is current and accurate.



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