Ms. Morean's Professional Portfolio

Appendix 5

Social Studies Lesson Plan

Name Shannon Morean

Title of Unit Space and the Solar System

Title of the Lesson History of Space

Grade Level Fifth

Content Knowledge The students should have knowledge of time lines and how they work.

Rationale This lesson is important because students should know about the past and how it leads to the present. Students will also learn how to complete a timeline worksheet about themselves.

Standards State 8.1.6. A. Understand chronological thinking and distinguish between past, present and future time.

• Calendar time

• Time lines

• People and events in time

• Patterns of continuity and change

• Sequential order

• Context for events

National –

Time, Continuity, and Change

People, Places, and Environments

Science, Technology, and Society

Goal(s) The student will be able correctly use timelines that deal with space and about themselves.

Objective(s) The student will be able to use timelines.

The student will be able to recall people and events in time.

The student will be able to put dates in order.

Formative Assessment The teacher will make observation when observing the students.

The students will hand in the papers when they have completed them.

Procedures/Evens of Lesson Beginning

Instruction Review:

“What are timelines and how are they useful?”

Students – Timelines tell us how things happened in the past. They are useful for telling us about who did what and when.


“Have you ever wanted to know who the first astronaut in space was? What was the first space craft? Well we are going to talk about the people who were first in space.”

Lesson Development

Hand out the paper.

“Let’s go over this together and then you and your partner can go over the other paper together.”

“Directions: read the timeline and then answer the questions below.”

“(Name) will you read the first date?”

Student - 1957 – Sputnik, the world’s first Earth-orbiting satellite sailed around the Earth.

“Good. The first orbiting satellite was Sputnik, it sailed around the Earth.”

“Can someone read the next one, yes, (name) thank you.”

Student - 1957 – Laika, a female dog from Russia was launched into paving the way for human spaceflight.

“Great. Laika was the first animal in space.”

“(Name) you had your name up last time, will you read the next one.”

Student - 1959-1968 – Pioneers 5, 6, 7, and 8 were the first satellites that took pictures of the sun from the distance of the Earth.

“Good job. Pioneers 5, 6, 7, and 8 were the first satellites that took pictures of the sun.”

“(Name) would you like to read?”

Student - 1961 – The first human, Yuri Gagarin flew around the Earth for the first time.

“Excellent. The first human was Yuri Gargarin, he flew around earth for the first time.”

“Next, (name) go ahead?”

Student - 1969 - Neil Armstrong manually landed the shuttle on the moon and walked onto the moon.

“Awesome, Neil Armstrong was the first one to walk on the moon. Who can tell me what Country he is from? US or Russia?”

Student – US. “Correct, how’d you know that.” Student answers.


Student - 1983 – Sally Ride became the first American woman and youngest American to fly in space.

“Yes, Sally Ride was the first American woman in space.”

Now, how about you and your partner work on the answers together and then I’ll collect those and look over them while you complete your other sheet.

After the pairs finish the first paper, the teacher gives them the second paper and she grades what they have given her.

The teacher would read the directions allowed, “Create your own timeline that is a timeline of your life. Timelines aren’t only for events and dates but for people too. Can anyone tell me what kind of timelines have people in them? What kind of book would this be best in?”

Student – Biographies, Autobiographies.

“Yes, excellent. Now you may take a partner and sit around the room to complete this paper.

The students work quietly together while using their inside voices.

The second worksheet is a timeline about themselves and how they can relate to a timeline.

Lesson Ending

If they do finish their paper then go over it with them as a group, if they do not finish it or can’t remember the dates than they will have to take it home and ask their parent or guardian.


In the last few minutes ask them to stop and look at the teacher.

“So who can tell me why the space timeline were important?”

Student – We learned a whole lot more about what happened in space.

“Who can tell me some things they learned about the past?”

Students answer.


“Talk with your partners about how you would like to get to space. Would you have liked to have been first person in space in a rickety space ship or a new space shuttle from our time period?”

Materials Two Worksheets

References I came up with this lesson on my own.

Mode The students will be working in pairs.

Special Adaptations Put extra spacing in between dates and people

Anticipated Difficulties The students may be loud and noisy with their partners and disrupt other groups of students that are working.

Critique I wasn’t able to teach my lesson I did use the first timeline in a Learning Center for Science. The kids thought it was easy so I made up another little timeline for them to do as well. I probably wouldn’t change anything until I tested it once on actually kids but if I had to guess at something I might change would be the actually way I introduced each lesson. It seems that I really need to work on a way to introduce or rather explain activities.

NAME:_______________________ Group:_______________ Date:_______________

Read the timeline and complete the questions below.

1957 – Sputnik, the world’s first Earth-orbiting satellite sailed around the Earth.

1957 – Laika, a female dog from Russia was launched into paving the way for human spaceflight.

1959-1968 – Pioneers 5, 6, 7, and 8 were the first satellites that took pictures of the sun from the distance of the Earth.

1961 – The first human, Yuri Gagarin flew around the Earth for the first time.

1969 - Neil Armstrong manually landed the shuttle on the moon and walked onto the moon.

1983 – Sally Ride became the first American woman and youngest American to fly in space.

1) Who was the first female astronaut in space? _________________________________________________

2) What was the first animal in space? __________________________________________________

3) Who was the first person to walk on the moon? __________________________________________________

4) What was the name of the first human to fly around the Earth? __________________________________________________

5) What was the name of the first satellite to fly around the Earth? __________________________________________________

6) What was the first satellite to fly around the Sun? __________________________________________________

Bonus Questions:

7) What is one spaceship or shuttle you have heard or read about before?


Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________

Directions: Create your own timeline that is a timeline of your life. Timelines aren’t only for events and dates but for people too.

1. When were you born?______________________________________________________

2. When was your first Winter Holiday? (Christmas? Hanukah? Kwanza?)_______________________________________________________________

3. What year did you first attend school? ________________________________________

4. What year did you have a sleep over or go to the movies with only friends? ___________


5. (You think up one.) _______________________________________________________


6. (You think up one.) _______________________________________________________


Make a timeline here. Remember to start with your earliest date and end with your latest date on the other side. Below and on the back you can write up your timeline.


Start Here


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