AP Physics – “The final days”

AP Physics – “The final days”

Final Projects – You and your partner(s) are to come up with a project that is physics related. You will be using the next 2 weeks to research, design and develop a presentation on your project.

Your idea (proposal) must be submitted by the end of day on May 19th.

You may have more than two members per group but more will be expected of the project and presentation and thus will be graded on a different scale than 2 or 1 member groups.

May 27th – Update Day – meet with Padge and give update on where you are with your project

June 2nd – Final Exam Question Day – Your group must turn in the final exam question (see below) to me by the end of this day.

June 4th and 6th – Projects will be presented in class. Presentation order TBD.

June 10th – AP Physics Final – your final exam will be based on the final projects. There will be 2 questions from each project, one designed by the group and one designed by me. Also there will be 2 questions designed by me on the final exam that are based on the knowledge you have gained throughout your 2 years of physics.

Finally, this is meant to be physics related and fun (and no, that is not an oxymoron). You can design and build something, you can do a research paper, you can do a movie, play or interpretive dance or just about anything else about a physics topic. You have worked hard for the past two years on stuff that I have thought was important, now it is your turn to decide what you want to do.

Good Luck!

Grading Rubric

|Topic is Physics Related |Update on 5/25 |Final Exam Question |Presentation |Final Report |

|(3) Idea for final project |(3) Met with Mr. Pagett to |(2) Final Exam Question|(9) – Presentation is well planned |(3) Hardcopy of final |

|seeks to further investigate |indicate progress and have |submitted by June 2nd |- Visuals enhance presentation |project turned in by |

|some physics topic |shown work made to date | |- Information presented in such a way|June 6th |

| | | |that everyone understands | |

| | | |- Classmates are engaged in | |

| | | |presentation | |

| |(2) Met with Mr. Pagett but | |(6) – Presentation is well planned |(2) Final report turned |

| |have only done minimal work | |- Visuals enhance presentation |in late (after June 6th |

| |on project | |- Information presented in such a way|but before June 12th) |

| | | |that everyone understands | |

| | | |- Classmates are not engaged in | |

| | | |presentation | |

| |(1) Met with Mr. Pagett but | |(3) – Presentation is well planned |(1) Final report turned |

| |have yet to start working on| |- Visuals enhance presentation |in very late (after June|

| |project | |- There is confusion about what/ why |12th) |

| | | |you are doing what you are doing | |

|(0) No idea presented by May |(0) Did not meet with Mr. |(0) No question |(0) – Presentation is a |(0) No final report on |

|19th |Pagett on/by May 27th |submitted by June 2nd |“train-wreck”, you are not |project turned in. |

| | | |knowledgeable about topic, mass | |

| | | |confusion about what you are doing or| |

| | | |no presentation at all | |

Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce that this year we will be holding our 1st annual “Learn in the Loop” Science Fair! You may be asking yourself, why is this different than the Science fairs held previous years? This year, 5th grade students will be grouped together and paired with a High School Science student mentor! The entire project will be done here, at school (with a little help in gathering materials from you). After meeting with their mentor, the group will decide what supplies are needed for their project (and will be required to bring in the items before their next science class). The high school mentors will be helping each group of students decide on the perfect project for them. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday June 11, 2014 (9:30 – 11:00) in the “LOOP”.

Thank you,

The Fifth Grade Teachers

Meeting Dates all meeting times – 1:50 – 2:40

5/23 (Friday)

High school students meet their groups and pick project

5/27 1st work day for project with group A (Come up with a Question/Hypothesis for their Science Project and begin to work on it)

5/29 1st work day for project with group B (Come up with a Question/Hypothesis for their Science Project and begin to work on it)

6/2, 6/4, and 6/ 9 work days with group A

6/3, 6.5, and 6/10 work days with group B

6/11 Science Fair “Learn in the Loop” 9:30 – 11:00

Please have high school students come with 3 ideas for science projects with a list of materials needed for each project.  Students will choose project, and get a materials list in order to have materials here for their 1st work day.  ( each High School student will work with 2 groups… which is why they need 3 ideas… so the kids can have a choice).

Project Choices:

Solar System

• Planets

• Stars


• Layers

• Crust (Plate Tectonics)

• Climate (Weathering, Erosion, Deposition)

• Rocks (change form? Fossils?)


• Renewable/nonrenewable

• Water resources (How can water be conserved? How can water pollution be reduced?)

• Land Resources (How can they be used? Preserved?)

• Sources and effects of air pollution (How can we protect air quality)

Water Cycle

• How does the Sun affect climate (greenhouse effect, tilt of earth causes seasons)

• How do Land and Water affect climate?

What makes climate change? (Volcanos, El nino, global warming)


• Producers, consumers, decomposers

• Food web/ food chain

• Pollution in ecosystem

• Growth in ecosystem ( light, water, temperature, soil)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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