This week a Maths based problem to think ...

-31115447040Dear P2 and their lovely families,We hope you enjoyed the long weekend and had an opportunity to relax and have fun!!We have lots of exciting activities for you to enjoy this week, including some Space themed maths activities and an opportunity to become a journalist!! We also hope you might enjoy a piece of music based on the planets in the Solar System!We would be over the Moon If you shared some of your learning with us Miss Duff and Mr Pritchard00Dear P2 and their lovely families,We hope you enjoyed the long weekend and had an opportunity to relax and have fun!!We have lots of exciting activities for you to enjoy this week, including some Space themed maths activities and an opportunity to become a journalist!! We also hope you might enjoy a piece of music based on the planets in the Solar System!We would be over the Moon If you shared some of your learning with us Miss Duff and Mr Pritchard632650514478000613346519685Follow us on Twitter!@DuddyP2 We’d still like to use Twitter for sharing some fun stuff from us and from home!If you’re not on Twitter, you should still be able to read our Tweets by visiting DuddyP20Follow us on Twitter!@DuddyP2 We’d still like to use Twitter for sharing some fun stuff from us and from home!If you’re not on Twitter, you should still be able to read our Tweets by visiting DuddyP2P2 Home Learning Newsletter and Grid 11th May 202061334652806700WebsiteIf you have found any resources that you have enjoyed using in your home learning, please let send them in to us. We’d love to share them with everyone through the website.00WebsiteIf you have found any resources that you have enjoyed using in your home learning, please let send them in to us. We’d love to share them with everyone through the website.-311151026160Keep in touch!Thanks so much for all the emails letting us know what you are getting up to. We are always here to do whatever we can to support you and your family while the school is closed.Do not hesitate to get in touch.Email Mr Pritchard: stephen.pritchard@duddingston.edin.sch.ukEmail Miss Duff: We are both regularly monitoring our emails.0Keep in touch!Thanks so much for all the emails letting us know what you are getting up to. We are always here to do whatever we can to support you and your family while the school is closed.Do not hesitate to get in touch.Email Mr Pritchard: stephen.pritchard@duddingston.edin.sch.ukEmail Miss Duff: We are both regularly monitoring our emails.-311152919730Find lessons from our fantastic Music teacher at mrcraigheadmusic184794772. Or get inspired to stay active by following our equally fantastic PE teacher on Twitter @MrsLeggatt_PE. 0Find lessons from our fantastic Music teacher at mrcraigheadmusic184794772. Or get inspired to stay active by following our equally fantastic PE teacher on Twitter @MrsLeggatt_PE. Home learning grid for school closure Primary 2week beginning 18th May 2020Writing ReadingNumberLast week we loved reading your imaginative stories about Space!This week we are asking you to create a Newspaper article all about Space using the template attachedYou might like to write an article about the first person on the moon.Or writing an article describing the discovery of a new planet.We would like you to include the 5 W’S.Who- Who first walked on the moon or discovered the planet.What- What did they see? What did it look like?Why- Why did astronauts go to the moon/planet? Where- Where did the rocket leave from?When- When did this happenWe would also love a headline and an illustration to complete your Newspaper article.Reading comprehensionLast week we asked you to complete the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.This week we would love you to have a go at the next Reading Comprehension activity which the ‘Ginger Bread man’Some of the words are a little tricky, so perhaps you could ask a grown up or sibling to help you.There are 3 levels of text attached. We ask you to choose only one of these activities based on the level you and your child are comfortable with. If you would like us to help advise you, please feel free to contact us!You can continue to make use of free reading resources at BBC Bitesize, Epic, Storynory etc. – see previous grids – and keep practising reading aloud as often as you can!Space Addition and SubtractionLast week we practised our counting in steps of 1s, 2s,3s, 5’s and 10’s up to 100.We also practised grouping objects.This week we would like you to complete a Space Themed Maths Activity of your choice- Mild/Medium/Spicy.You only need to complete 1.You will find these on Learning JournalsParents/Carers if you like guidance as to which level you think is most appropriate for your child please don’t hesitate to contact us!SpellingTalking & ListeningMaths/NumeracyTricky Words 2: The Next FrontierLast week we were looking at our tricky words.Here’s a new set for you to tackle.MildMediumSpicySoHaveGreatTwoAlsoPeopleAnyDoesMoneyWhatDoneEightWhoFriendLearnThis week can you try an outdoor spelling activity:Can you write your words in chalk on the ground?Can you write them using water on the stones?Can you practice your 2D shapes and write the spelling words in them?Can you say or sing your spellings, make a song using as many words as you can and ask a partner to repeat them?Miss Duff has been enjoying listening to some classical music.She has found a piece of music all about the planets which is out of this world!It’s by a musician called Gustav Holst. You can listen to it below: Can you listen to all or some the music by yourself, with a grown up or brother or sister?What do you think of the music?Does it make you think of the planets?What kind of film would you find some of this music in?What was your favourite ‘planet’?Perhaps you could have a go at making or recording some Space music of your own.Or choosing some music you think would work well in a move about Space.TimeLast week we asked you to record your daily schedule, and to plan out your perfect day, and the times you would do different things.This week we would like you to record 3 activities you completed. It can be anything: How long it took you to complete a learning activity.How long you played a game of football, or played in the garden, played with Lego.How long it took you to eat your tea or have a bath.We would like you to record what time you started the activity and what time you completed it, and draw the hands on the face of the clock.We would also like you to calculate how long each activity took. You can write this in your jotter or use the worksheet to help you.Please find the worksheet to support this activity on the Learning Journals page.Something fun!Problem to solve!IDL Theme/ProjectBubbles!Create your own bubble mixture – BBC Good Food suggests 1 part washing up liquid to 5 parts water! Then use a variety of objects to experiment with making bubbles in the garden or at the park. You can really use anything that has a hole in it:slotted spoonscookie cutterscolanders try giant bubbles by getting an adult to help you bend an old wire coat hanger into shape!If you have wire or pipe cleaners available, watch these videos to see how to take your bubbles to the next level! week you found out about Neil Armstrong, who was the first man to ever walk on the moon!This week a Maths based problem to think about.Here are shadows of some 3D shapes.What 3D shape could make each shadow?Can you think of more than one answer for each shape?To help you, explore making shadows with 3D objects in your house using a lamp.Can you find a way to track the movement of the Sun over a day?Remember though, it is very, very important that you never, ever look directly at the Sun.SuggestionsPlace an object in a sunny spot in the garden or by a south facing window. Every hour, mark the end of the shadow and watch as the shadow moves round through the day.Can you explain why there is a shadow there?Take photographs towards the Sun every hour. Look at all your photographs together and notice how the sun has moved across the sky.Can you invent another safe way to track the movement of the sun throughout a day?ChallengesCan you create a sundial that you could use to tell the time?Can you use your body or other objects to create interesting shadow shapes?Religious & Moral EducationModern LanguagesArt/Music/DramaEid al FitrThis weekend should mark the end of Ramadan and the celebration of the Islamic festival of Eid al Fitr. Interestingly, there is a connection to our space topic as Eid only begins when the new moon is seen in the sky! So, look out for the new moon this rmationHave a look at the attached powerpoint to learn about some of the traditions related to Eid al Fitr.CardsCreate a card wishing ‘Eid Mubarak’ (A blessed Eid) for a Muslim classmate, friend or family member. Perhaps you could include the crescent moon and star symbol! You could create it on a computer to send by email or send an ‘e-card’ using a website or app.MehndiUsing the blank hand template, design your own intricate mehndi pattern. Perhaps use the internet to find some examples.Most of the names of the planets are similar in French to English but can you find the French for the following words and try to say it? Use a French dictionary or translation website to help you!The Sun The EarthThe Moon A starA rocket An alienAn astronaut The Solar SystemA galaxy The universeHand and foot print aliensUse the attached guide to create your own aliens starting with a hand or foot print! If the paint would be too messy, perhaps draw round your hand or foot instead.MusicMiss Duff has included some music inspired by space in the Listening and Talking activity above. Can you find and share some other space themed music that you enjoy? Try these famous examples:Also Sprach ZarathustraSpace Oddity by David BowieOr the class ‘The Solar System Song’:watch?v=F2prtmPEjOcTry creating your own space music. You could even record different ‘instruments’ on a website or app like Soundtrap or just a voice recording app.Don’t forget Mr Craighead’s music lesson available via the link on the first page.Health & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesQuestionsWe have a new Building Reslience unit beginning this week:Challenge Your MindsetA growth mindset is the belief that if we find something difficult, we can keep practising to improve at it.IntroductionClass Dojo have produced a series of introductory videos to explain the Growth and Fixed Mindsets for children. You can watch them using this playlist: MapWatch a video clip of a baby learning to crawl or walk. Brainstorm what new things have you learnt since being a baby. Create an all about me poster or mind map. What I am good at and what would I like to be better at? Can you think about things where you have a fixed mindset and say ‘I can’t do it!’ A growth mindset says ‘I can’t do it… yet!’Growth Mindset characterCan you design a mascot to encourage you and your family to have more of a growth mindset.Solar system modelUse household objects to create a scale model of the solar system.We would love to hear from you all.What have you been learning?What’s your proudest achievement this week?What does your learning space look like?Send us an emailkristina.duff@duddingston.edin.sch.ukstephen.pritchard@duddingston.edin.sch.ukor Tweet to@DuddyP2Remember to share your Happy News with Miss Smith if you want it shared on the school website. ................

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