Solar System Project

[pic]Solar System Project[pic]

December 11, 2015

Dear Parents,

We have worked as a class to come up with ideas for this project (making a model of the solar system). This project will be completed as homework. We decided that there should be choices for completing this assignment, but cost to construct project should be a factor. Please try to use items already at your house and be creative.

Here are some ideas that we came up with:


Some additional optional ideas for this assignment are:

• Add a made-up planet to the solar system

• Work alone or with one other person. If working with another person, one solar system model should be turned in for the pair.

*The project will be worth one test grade.

This project is due on or before: January 13, 2016



*Please return this section on Monday, December 14th to let me know that your parents are aware of the project.


Mr. Jarsma

Parent Signature: ___________________


-Edible model


-Planets on Popsicle sticks

-Paint rocks

-Planets on foam balls

-Draw diagram on poster board

-Paper Mache’

-3-D diorama in shoebox

-Make t-shirt, plate, pillow case (puffy paints, markers)

**Any other ideas? Just ask!**


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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