Southern Polytechnic State University

Southern Polytechnic State University

Computer Aided Engineering

Course Syllabus – Fall 2012

Course Description

This course introduces engineering software tools and techniques for computer modeling and simulation of mechanical components, products and systems. It introduces students to techniques common to various industries including biomedical, aviation, automobile, HVAC, etc. such as meshing and computer simulations based on finite element and computational fluid dynamics (finite volume) analyses.



M. Sajjad Mayeed, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Office: G170

Tel: 678-915-7835

Email Address:

Office Hours: Tue, Thurs: 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Mon: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

other times (by appointment – Walk in)

Class Time and Location:

Lecture: Tue, Thurs: 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Room: Q 218

Textbook (Required):

1) An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2011, by John E. Matsson, Ph.D., Published August 3, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-58503-634-9.

2) Engineering Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation 2011, by Paul Kurowski, Ph.D., P.Eng., Published March 28, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-58503-632-5.

Storage Device (Required):

1) One 16 GB (minimum) flash/thumb drive with your name written on it.


EDG 1211 – Engineering Graphics I, ENGR 3131 – Strength of Materials, ENGR 3343 - Fluid Mechanics

Learning Outcomes:


1) Perform basic stress analysis on simple geometries to obtain reliable and accurate results and to calculate displacements, reaction forces, strains, stresses, and factor of safety distribution.

2) Perform static, thermal, drop test, optimization and fatigue analysis to validate a mechanical design.

3) Perform internal and external fluid flow analyses that provide insight into the fluid flow and forces on mechanical models.

Course Outcome Measures and Assessment:

Measures and assessment of the outcomes will be made by:

1- Quizzes

2- Assignments

3- Design project

4- Exams

5- Course and instructor evaluation at the end of the semester to provide student feedback on the quality of the course and effectiveness of the instructor.


Your grade in this course will be determined from your performance on quizzes, assignments, exams, attendance and design projects.

Quizzes 15% 

Exams (each 30 points) and Assignments (each 10-15 points)     45%

Design project                  35%

Attendance 5%


[90 - 100% = A,   80 - 89% = B   70 - 79% = C   60 - 69% = D   Below 60% = F]


You must attempt all of the assessments during designated periods or during specified times. Not showing up/attempting in any assessment during designated periods or during specified times without any prior documented and valid reason means an automatic grade of “zero” without any further notice.

The formats for the assignments and design projects will be announced with the announcements of assignments and projects.

• Late assignments and design projects will NOT be accepted for credit. Work turned in late may be evaluated to provide you with feedback, but will not be graded / given credit except in cases of documented emergency.

ADA/504 Compliance

Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the ATTIC counselor working with disabilities at (678) 915-7361 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Class Attendance Policy:

“ … The instructor may reduce the course grade of any student who fails to meet the attendance requirements as set forth in the instructor’s attendance policy. Students should understand they are responsible for all course material covered and that they are responsible for the academic consequences of their absences.” (SPSU Student’s handbook)

Class attendance policy

|# of Absence |0 - 3 |More than 3 |

|Point Deduction |0 |1.5 points per absence |

Disruptive Behavior and Academic Dishonesty

A faculty member reserves the right to remove any student from his or her course if the student’s behavior is of a disruptive nature or where there is evidence of academic dishonesty. In instances of disruptive behavior and/or academic dishonesty, the faculty member will discuss the circumstances with the student(s) before taking final action. In the event the student cannot be reached, he/she will be given the grade of "Incomplete" until such time as he/she can be reached. The student shall have the right of appeal of the faculty member’s decision first to the faculty member’s department head and then to the appropriate college or school dean and, if necessary, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Removal of a student from a course under this provision will result in the faculty member’s issuing a grade of "F". A grade of "F" issued under these circumstances shall not be superseded by a voluntary withdrawal and will be included in the student’s cumulative grade point average calculated for graduation purposes. (SPSU Student’s Handbook)

Honor Code

SPSU has an Honor Code and a new procedure relating to when academic misconduct is alleged. All students should be aware of them. Information about the Honor Code and the misconduct procedure may be found at .

Important Dates

First Day of Class Fall 2012 Wednesday, August 15, 2012

End of Drop/Add Monday, August 20, 2012

Labor Day Holiday Monday, September 3, 2012

Engagement Reports Due Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mid-Term Grades Due Monday, October 1, 2012

Withdrawal Day Thursday, October 4, 2012

No Classes Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Holiday Thurs-Fri, November 22-23, 2012

Last Day of Class Fall 2012 Monday, December 3, 2012

Final Exams Wednesday, December 5-11, 2012

Senior Grades Due Noon Wednesday, December 12, 2012

All Grades Due 8AM Monday, December 17, 2012


1 8/16 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis, Basic Functionality of SolidWorks Simulation, Deflection of a Beam due to an End Force

2 8/21 Static Analysis of a Plate, Static Analysis of an L-bracket, Adaptive Methods in SolidWorks Simulation

3 8/28 Static Analysis of a Link, SolidWorks Hands-on Test Drive

4 9/4 Static, Thermal, Drop Test, and Optimization Analysis that Validate Mechanical Designs

5 9/11 Fatigue Analysis, Drop Test

6 9/18 Thermal Analysis of a Pipeline Component and a Heater

7 9/25 Thermal Analysis of a Heat Sink, Thermal Stress Analysis of a Bi-metal Loop

8 10/2 Mid-term Exam

9 10/9 SolidWorks Flow Simulation Introduction, SolidWorks Flow Simulation over the the SeaBotix LBV150 Assembly (External Flow)

10 10/16 Flat Plane Boundary Layer (2D Internal Flow)

11 10/23 SolidWorks Flow Simulation (3D Internal Flow)

12 10/30 Analysis of the Flow past a Sphere and a Cylinder (External Flow)

13 11/6 Rayleigh-Benard Convection and Taylor-Couette Flow

14 11/13 Heat Exchanger, Thermal Boundary Layer, Free-convection on a Vertical Plate and from a Horizontal Cylinder

15 11/20 Presentation of projects

16 11/27 Final Exam


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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