Linn-Benton Community College

Linn-Benton Community College

Machine Tool Technology

Course Syllabus

Course Name: Solidworks II

Course Number: MA3.428

CRN: 44038

Credits: 3

Prerequisite: None

Days, Hours: Monday, 6:00 pm to 8:50 pm

Location: IB 110A (Machine Tool computer support lab)

Instructor: Rick Bahr

Office & Office Hours: IB 201, By Appointment

Phone # and E mail Address: 541-917-4886,

Course Description:

SolidWorks is a tool that helps Design Engineers, Machinists and others that want to harness their imagination and add creativity to their designs. SolidWorks Parametric design software allows you to create Part’s, Assembly’s and Hardcopy’s or Drawings. The true Measure of a good tool is when it becomes part of the Process without getting in your way. When you design, you need to do just that……Design. This class is the second of the two part SolidWorks curriculum and will teach advanced techniques in the use of SolidWorks.

Course Objectives:

The purpose of this course is to further orient students to the SolidWorks program and interface. Students successfully completing this course will have advanced Skill Sets to accomplish complex drafting and Solids operations with SolidWorks. Students will be required to demonstrate hands-on skill working with 2D and 3D Geometry. SolidWorks II will allow students to fully exploit the power of SolidWorks. A certain amount of design creativity will be required of the student for their Terminal Studio Project.

Methods of Instruction:

A combination of lectures, demonstrations and exercises are used to guide students to a series of competencies. Specific skills are gained and measured, by the completion of the exercises.

Method of Evaluation: Class Participation 25%, Programming Exercises 25%, Terminal Studio Project 50%.

A Design Portfolio and Electronic copy of your projects will be handed in at the end of the Term.

Note that completion of these Exercises and your Terminal Studio Project is (75%) of your Grade.

Attendance is Mandatory. Unexcused absences will drastically affect your grade.

A: 100~90%

B: 89~80%

C: 79~70%

D: 69~60%

F: 59% or below

IN: By signed agreement, Student Requested. All Coursework must be

Completed by the student within the Next Term.

Y: Not enough Coursework completed to Warrant Grading.

Course Content:

Week 1

Lecture and discussion topics: Introductions, objectives, Course Syllabus, Features.

Lab: Active Learning exercise-Features, Exercise 1 – Base Feature, Exercise 2 – Extrude and Extrude cut, Exercise 3 – Chamfer, Exercise 4 – Convert Entities, Exercise 5 – View Orientation and Named Views, Exercise 6 - Copy/Paste Function, Exercise 7 – Rollback.

Week 2

Lecture and discussion topics: The SolidWorks Model, Complex Parts and Modifying a Part.

Lab: Active Learning Exercise-Creating a Complex Part, Exercise 1 – Creating a New Part Document, Exercise 2 – Overview of the SolidWorks Window, Exercise 3 – Complex Sketch, Exercise 4 – Adding Dimensions and Changing the Dimension Values, Exercise 5 – Extrude the Base Feature, Exercise 6 – View Display and Saving the Part, Exercise 7 – Round the Corners of the Part (Fillet), Exercise 8 – Add relations, Exercise 9 – Extruded Cut Feature, Exercise 10 – Linear Pattern, Exercise 11 – Extrude the Sketch and Rotate the View.

Week 3

Lecture and discussion topics: Base Features, Modeling More Parts, Advanced Mates.

Lab: Active Learning Exercise- Create and Modifying a Part, Exercise 1 – Converting Dimensions, Exercise 2 – Advanced Mates, Exercise 3 – Modifying the Part, Exercise 4 – Calculating Material volume, Exercise 5 – Calculating the volume of the Base Feature.

Week 4

Lecture and discussion topics: 3D Model Documents, Features and Complex Assembly.

Lab: Active Learning Exercise- Creating a Complex Assembly, Exercise 1 – Modifying Feature Size, Exercise 2 – Designing a Sub Assembly, Exercise 3 – Creating an Assembly, Exercise 4 – Component Patterns, Exercise 5 – Size, Fit and Function, Exercise 6 –Physical Simulation Tools.

Week 5

Lecture and discussion topics: SolidWorks Simulation Finite Element Analysis Tool.

Lab: Active Learning Exercise – SolidWorks Simulation FEA, Exercise 1 – Linear static analysis, Exercise 2 – Tetrahedral Elements, Exercise 3 – Nodes, Exercise 4 – Material Properties, Exercise 5 – Restraints, Exercise 6 – “Boundary conditions”, Exercise 7 – Applied loads and Young’s Modulus.

Start Terminal Studio Design Project.

Week 6

Lecture and discussion topics: SolidWorks Simulation Finite Element Analysis Tool.

Lab: Active Learning Exercise- SolidWorks Simulation FEA, Exercise 1 – Elastic Modulus, Exercise 2 – Poisson’s Ratio, Exercise 3 – Yield strength, Exercise 4 – Mass Density.

Lab: Terminal Studio Project.

Week 7

Lecture and discussion topics: eDrawings, Isometric views, three standard views, Dimensions.

Lab: Active Learning Exercise – Creating an eDrawing, Exercise 1 – Creating an eDrawing, Exercise 2 – Exploring eDrawings, Exercise 3 – Emailing an eDrawing.

Lab: Terminal Studio Project.

Week 8

Lecture and discussion topics: Families of Parts, Design Tables.

Lab: Terminal Studio Project.

Week 9

Lecture and discussion topics: Complex Assembly Models.

Lab: Terminal Studio Project.

Week 10

Lecture and discussion topics: Review progress and difficulties, applications, Visualization.

This is the Final week to work on Terminal Studio Design Project.

Lab: All Class exercises are due by the end of class today.

Week 11

Terminal Studio Design Project is due.

Disabilities Services and Emergency Planning – Meet with Instructor Week One

If you have emergency medical information for your instructor, need special arrangements to evacuate campus, or have a documented disability, please meet with your instructor, by appointment, no later than the first week of the term, to discuss your needs. If you have a documented disability that will impact you at college and you seek accommodations, contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) for intake and to document your disability with LBCC. Then, each term, at least two to three weeks prior to the start of classes, submit your “Request for Accommodations” form to ODS and pickup instructor letters. ODS may be reached from any LBCC campus/center by email to or by calling 917-4789. Letter pickup is available at each LBCC campus/center.

The LBCC community is enriched by diversity. Each individual has worth and makes contributions to create that diversity at the college. Everyone has the right to think, learn, and work together in an environment of respect, tolerance, and goodwill.  (Related to Board Policy #1015)


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