Perry L Miller IV

Research Interest |Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Scientific Visualization, Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), and Applied Virtual Reality. Particular interest in Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) and their applications to Geospatial and Engineering challenges. | |

|[pic] |

|Education |Iowa State University of Science and Technology |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, December 2000. |

| |Thesis: Blade geometry description using B-Splines and general surfaces of revolution. |

| |Advisor: Dr. James H. Oliver |

| |Iowa State University of Science and Technology |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, August 1995. |

| |Thesis: Interactive turbomachinery blade modeler. |

| |Advisor: Dr. James H. Oliver |

| |University of Pittsburgh |

| |Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |

| | |

| |Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, December 1992. |

|[pic] |

|Experience |Fulton High Performance Computing Initiative, ASU |

| |Tempe, Arizona |

| | |

| |Scientific Visualization Director. Oct 2007 – Present. |

| |Manager and technical lead of HPCI’s Scientific Visualization team. |

| |Lead developer of Helios (), an open-source, Rich Client Platform (RCP) for 3D |

| |graphics based on Qt () and Open Scene Graph (). |

| |Provided ASU faculty with Helios-based visualizations, including: |

| |Astrophysical Simulation (FLASH) data for Evan Scannapieco, Assistant Professor, School of Earth and Space |

| |Exploration; |

| |Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) data from FieldView for Kyle Squire, Professor and Chair, Department of |

| |Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; |

| | Portal data for Jonathan Fink, Director, Global Institute of Sustainability; |

| | |

| |LIDAR data for Ramon Arrowsmith, Associate Professor of Geology; |

| |Manage development of Minerva, an open-source, multi-body, 3D, geospatial tiling engine that can load data |

| |using WMS, ArcIMS, GeoRSS, PostGIS, GDAL/OGR, and OSSIM; |

| |Managed delivery of Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport project for Decision Theater using Minerva; |

| | |

| |Developed Nimue for the East Valley Water Forum (EVWF) and the Arizona Water Institute (AWI). An open-source, |

| |groundwater visualization program based on Open Scene Graph and Qt, Nimue displays MODFLOW output at |

| |interactive speeds; |

| | |

| |Decision Theater at Arizona State University |

| |Tempe, Arizona |

| | |

| |Assistant Director for Visualization. Apr 2006 – Oct 2007. |

| |Procured ASU funding for the Scientific and Engineering Research Visualization (SERV) initiative to support |

| |faculty research; . |

| |Provided ASU faculty with desktop and virtual reality visualizations, including: |

| |Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) data for Alex Mahalov, Professor, Department of Mathematics and |

| |Statistics; |

| |Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) based model output of land-erosion for Michael Barton, |

| |Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change; |

| | |

| |Center for Health Information & Research (CHIR); |

| |Grand Canyon Colorado River sand-flow simulation for Mark Schmeeckle, Associate Professor, School of |

| |Geographical Sciences; |

| |Managed delivery of multi-screen, interactive GIS for several projects, including: |

| |100 Cities; |

| |Scottsdale Unified School District; |

| |West Nile Virus; |

| |D.N. American |

| |Dayton, Ohio |

| | |

| |Project Manager and Lead Engineer. May 2004 - Present. |

| |Collaborating with Research Scientists at the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (ML) at Wright-Patterson |

| |Air Force Base (WPAFB) under the Computational Tools for Materials Development (CTMD) contract. |

| |Managing day-to-day project requirements and coordination with customer. |

| |Providing guidance and technical oversight for software development. |

| |Working with users of The Immersive Materials Environment (TIME) to add features to existing software as well |

| |as develop custom software. |

| |Exploring ways of implementing molecular docking for computational steering. |

| |Developing custom software for visualization of large data sets using Open Scene Graph |

| |(). |

| |Experimenting with various techniques for efficient Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) of serial-sectioned images |

| |for maximum exploitation of data. |

| |Developing NURBS enhancements for B-Spline Analysis Method (BSAM) program. |

| |Providing technical insight about Computer Aided Design file formats in order to streamline CAD-to-BSAM data |

| |transfer. |

| |Virtual Reality Applications Center |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |Iowa State University of Science and Technology |

| |Postdoctoral Researcher. April 2002 - Present. |

| |Supervisor: Professor Judy Vance. |

| |Developing geometric-model database translation software to support ongoing visualization of Mechanical |

| |Computer Aided Design (MCAD) models in virtual reality environments. The extensible architecture supports: |

| |Arbitrary combinations of independent reader and writer modules |

| |Interface-based mechanism to query for features |

| |Translation of EDS’ DirectModel (JT) format to Open Scene Graph (OSG), OpenGL Performer (PFB), Stereo |

| |Lithography (STL), and XML. |

| |Maintaining the open-source project CadKit, which contains the translator code. |

| |Exploring techniques for maintaining frame-rate in virtual reality systems. |

| |Collaborating with professors and graduate students regularly to offer advice on visualization technologies and|

| |software engineering techniques. |

| |Iowa State University of Science and Technology |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |Lecturer. January 2003 - May 2003. |

| |Instructed freshmen engineering students in ENGR 170, Engineering Graphics and Introductory Design. |

| |Topics included: engineering drafting specifcations, design principles, engineering ethics, and SolidWorks. |

| |Coordinated design-projects funded by Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS). |

| |Worked with Heartland Area Education Association (AEA) to develop project ideas. |

| |Neuralog, Inc. |

| |Houston, Texas |

| | |

| |Software Engineering Consultant. March 2001 - March 2002. |

| |Developed import capability for proprietary geological markup (cross section) software, NeuraSection. |

| |Used the Component Object Model (COM) interfaces of MJ Systems' LogSleuth. |

| |Created COM interfaces and infrastructure for communication between NeuraSection and the company's well-log |

| |scanner driver, NScan. |

| |Developed software licensing module (based on GLOBEtrotter's FLEXlm). |

| |Coordinated with Sales and Management to develop licensing strategies that maximized product value and |

| |minimized software piracy. |

| |Modelspace Corporation |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |Vice President. September 1998 - December 2000. |

| |Co-founded this software company to design, develop, and market BladeMaker, a turbomachinery CAD program |

| |derived from my research. |

| |Offered consulting services in the areas of geometric modeling, Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), |

| |computer graphics, and OpenGL. |

| |Managed responsibilities associated with a startup company, including: |

| |Business model and growth strategy development |

| |Communication with potential customers to identify important features |

| |Contract negotiations |

| |Software architecture and source code authoring |

| |Managing technical writers |

| |Exhibiting at ASME Turbo Expo |

| |Customer technical support |

| |Maintenance of company web page, |

| |Engineering Animation, Inc. |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |(Acquired by Electronic Data Systems.) |

| |Software Engineering Consultant. January 2000 - April 2000. |

| |Developed a geometric-model translation server for e- using C++, Perl, SQL, and proprietary translator |

| |software. |

| |Leveraged knowledge of MCAD assembly structures to design a scalable architecture. |

| |Collaborated with software team to plan future import functionality and integration with Product Data |

| |Management (PDM) systems. |

| |Catalpa Research, Inc. |

| |Birmingham, Alabama |

| | |

| |Software Engineering Consultant. June 1999 - October 2000 |

| |Developed interactive, OpenGL-based graphing program. |

| |Enhanced Modelspace’s scene graph library to support features such as: |

| |Intuitive markup capabilities |

| |User-defined scaling and axes properties |

| |BMP and RGB image export |

| |Virtual Reality Applications Center |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |Iowa State University |

| |Graduate Researcher. August 1998 - August 1999. |

| |Supervisor: Professor Carolina Cruz-Neira. |

| |Developed NURBS-based interactive oil well path planning program for a surround screen, virtual reality |

| |environment. |

| |Used OpenGL for graphics, DT_NURBS for numerical computations, and CAVELib for hardware management and software|

| |framework. |

| |Enhanced existing NURBS library, a C++ wrapper around DT_NURBS. |

| |Coordinated with sponsor to determine geometric constraints for the well-path that were consistent with |

| |conventional drilling capabilities. |

| |Iowa Center for Emerging Manufacturing Technology |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |Iowa State University |

| |Graduate Researcher. January 1994 - June 1998. |

| |Developed BladeCAD, a custom CAGD program for turbomachinery blades. |

| |Coordinated with the project’s sponsor to identify critical features, including: |

| |Intuitive user interaction with geometry |

| |Fast numerical calculation of blade surface from construction curves |

| |Adherence to accepted turbomachinery design practices |

| |Designed several object-oriented libraries in C++, including: |

| |NURBS library based on DT_NURBS, for rapid construction of numerical code |

| |Motif-based user-interface library |

| |Binding between above user-interface library and SGI’s Open Inventor |

| |Binding between NURBS library and Open Inventor |

| |Supported other research students’ development of user-interface and NURBS-based software. |

| |Presented library suite to research laboratory personnel to foster code-reuse. |

| |Authored online documentation for above libraries, as well as a Concurrent Versions System (CVS) tutorial. |

| |Engineering Animation, Inc. |

| |Ames, Iowa |

| | |

| |(Acquired by Electronic Data Systems.) |

| |Software Engineering Consultant. January 1997 - May 1997. |

| |Developed a geometry translator that converted a proprietary automotive CAD format (Toyota's TogoCAD, a |

| |hierarchical product assembly data structure of B-Rep solid models) into a DirectModel scene graph for |

| |real-time visualization of large MCAD models. |

| |Created NURBS library to facilitate construction of free form curves and surfaces, as well as geometric |

| |primitives. (This NURBS library was later integrated into other EAI products.) |

| |NASA Glenn Research Center |

| |Cleveland, Ohio |

| | |

| |Graduate Researcher. May - August of 1994, 1995, and 1996. |

| |Continued academic-year research on geometric design techniques for turbomachinery. |

| |Worked closely with the research sponsor to determine critical features, explore alternative approaches, and |

| |ensure integration into the design process. |

| |Allegheny-Singer Research Institute |

| |Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |

| | |

| |Biomechanics Research Laboratory |

| |Research Assistant. May - August of 1993. |

| |Assisted in research of cervical spine internal fixating devices. |

| |Designed and machined the testing apparatus (accessories for an MTS machine). |

| |Conducted tests and collected data. |

| |Contributed to preliminary analysis of results. |

|Open-Source |Creator of CAD Toolkit (CadKit), an open-source project hosted by . |

| |Project administrator, lead software developer, and primary author of source code. |

| |Webmaster and author of PHP-based website, cadkit.. |

| |Point-of-contact for feature requests. |

| |CadKit is a collection of libraries and stand-alone header files that aid in the creation of computer-aided |

| |geometric design and visualization programs. Primary features include: |

| |Framework for geometric-model database translation. |

| |Arbitrary combinations of reader and writer modules to make one “translator.” |

| |Several command-line “translator” applications. |

| |Platform-independent C++ code. |

|[pic] |

|Publications |Perry L. Miller and James H. Oliver. “Extensible Architecture For Geometric-Model Database Translation.” In |

| |ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. |

| |Chicago, Illinois USA. September 2-6, 2003. ASME Paper No. DETC2003/CIE-48235. |

| |Perry Lennox Miller IV. “Blade geometry description using B-splines and general surfaces of revolution.” Ph.D.|

| |dissertation, Iowa State University, December 2000. |

| |Perry L. Miller, James H. Oliver, David P. Miller, Daniel L. Tweedt. “Using Stream surfaces for blade design.” |

| |Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 119, No. 4, pages 66-68, April 1997. |

| |Perry L. Miller, James H. Oliver, David P. Miller, Daniel L. Tweedt. “BladeCAD: An |

| |interactive geometric design tool for turbomachinery blades.” In International Gas, Turbine & Aeroengine |

| |Congress & Exposition. Birmingham, England, June 1996. ASME Paper No. 96-GT-58. |

| |J. D. Richman, T. E. Daniel, D. D. Anderson, P. L. Miller, R. A. Douglas. “Biomechanical |

| |evaluation of cervical spine stabilization methods using a porcine model.” Spine. Vol. 20, Issue 20, pages |

| |2192-2197, October 15, 1995. |

| |T. E. Daniel, P. L. Miller, D. D. Anderson, J. D. Richman. “Application of Axial Torsional and Sagittal Bending|

| |Loads in In-Vitro Spine Testing.” ASME Advances in Bioengineering. Vol. 28, pages 93-94. 1994. |

|[pic] |

|Presentations |“Towards Virtual Reality as a Computer-Aided Design Tool.” Guest Lecturer, IEEE Computer Society, Dayton |

| |Chapter, May 2005. |

| |“Virtual Reality and Visualization: Current Approaches.” Guest Lecturer, IEEE Computer Society, Dayton Chapter,|

| |September 2004. |

| |“Object Oriented NURBS Library using C++ and DT_NURBS.” Guest Lecturer, ME |

| |625, Surface Modeling. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, March 2002. |

| |“Blade geometry description using B-splines and general surfaces of revolution.” Guest |

| |Lecturer, ME 519, Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Iowa State University, |

| |Ames, Iowa, November 2000. |

| |“BladeCAD: An interactive geometric design tool for turbomachinery blades.” International Gas, Turbine and |

| |Aeroengine Congress and Exposition. Birmingham, England, June 1996. |

|Computers |Programming Languages |

| | |

| |C++ |

| |HTML |

| |Fortran |

| |Perl |

| |PHP |

| |Java |

| |SQL |

| |14 years |

| |3 years |

| |2 years |

| |3 years |

| |3 year |

| |6 months |

| |6 months |

| | |

| | |

| |Operating Systems |

| | |

| |Windows |

| |Unix/Linux |

| |Mac OS X |

| |10 years |

| |14 years |

| |2 months |

| | |

| | |

| |Graphical User Interfaces |

| | |

| |X/Motif |

| |MFC |

| |Win32 |

| |FOX |

| |Qt |

| |wxWindows |

| |4 years |

| |4 years |

| |4 years |

| |3 years |

| |2 years |

| |6 months |

| | |

| | |

| |Development Environments |

| | |

| |Visual C++ |

| |Emacs |

| |Xcode |

| |10 years |

| |7 years |

| |2 months |

| | |

| | |

| |Visualization Toolkits |

| | |

| |OpenGL |

| |Open Inventor |

| |Open Scene Graph |

| |OpenGL Performer |

| | |

| |5 years 4 years |

| |4 years |

| |1 year |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Miscellaneous Libraries |

| | |

| |STL |

| |Boost |


| |Xerces |

| |libcurl |

| |10 years |

| |4 years |

| |3 years |

| |2 years |

| |1 year |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|[pic] |

|Advanced |Surface Modeling |

|Courses |Software Engineering |

| |Turbomachinery |

| | |

| |Vehicle Dynamics |

| |Finite Element Analysis |

| |Computational Geometry |

| | |

| |Computer Graphics and Geometric Design |

| | |

|[pic] |

|Awards |John & Mary Pappajohn Entrepreneur Scholarship Recipient, Iowa State University, January 1999. |

| |Blue-Gold Award (Academic/Athletic/Leadership/Citizenship), University of Pittsburgh, 1991-92. |

| |NCAA Academic All-American (Honorable Mention), 1990-91. |

| |NCAA All-American (Wrestling), 1990-91. |

| | |

|[pic] |

|Professional |Adrian Sannier |

|References |University Technology Officer, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-0101 |

| |480-965-8419, |

| |Professor James H. Oliver |

| |Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 |

| |515-294-2649, |

| |Professor Judy M. Vance |

| |Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 |

| |515-294-9474, |

| |Robert E. Best |

| |President, Neuralog, Inc., 4800 Sugar Grove Blvd, Suite 318, Houston, TX 77477 |

| |281-240-2525 X12, rbest@ |

| |Kenneth P. Land |

| |Vice President, Neuralog, Inc., 4800 Sugar Grove Blvd, Suite 318, Houston, TX 77477 |

| |281-240-2525 X25, kland@ |

| |Dr. David P. Miller |

| |Military Program Leader for T700 Engines, GE Aircraft Engines, 1000 Western Avenue, Lynn, MA 01910 |

| |781-594-2702, david.p.miller@ae. |

| |Dr. Daniel L. Tweedt |

| |Aerospace Engineer, AP Solutions, Inc., 22526 Tammy Circle, Council Bluffs, IA 51503 |

| |712-388-9352, daniel.tweedt@ |

| |Professor James E. Bernard |

| |Director, Virtual Reality Applications Center, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, |

| |Ames, IA 50011 |

| |515-294-0360, |

|[pic] |

|Personal References|Dr. Armand D. Assadi |

| |Co-Founder, President, Modelspace Corporation, armand@ |

| |Dr. Richard Vaia |

| |Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, AFRL/MLBP, Bldg 654, 2941 P St., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH |

| |45433-7750 |

| |937-255-9184, |

| |Bobby Douglas |

| |Head Wrestling Coach (retired), Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 |

| |515-294-4643, |

| |Rande Stottlemyer |

| |Head Wrestling Coach, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 |

| |412-648-9176, |

| |James Beichner |

| |Head Wrestling Coach, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 |

| |716-645-6876, |


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