There are three different resources/tutorials that accompany SolidWorks:

1. Online Resources

2. Solid Professor

3. Curriculum and Courseware

1. Online Resources

These resources can be opened from the task bar on the right hand side of the screen when you open SolidWorks.

If this taskbar is not visible go to ‘View’ and left click on ‘Task Plane’ to view the task bar.

Left click on the ‘House’ symbol to view these resources.

A task plane opens on the right hand side. The ‘Getting Started’ section contains excellent tutorials for beginners, especially ‘Making My First Part’, ‘Making My First Drawing’ and ‘Online Tutorials’

If you left click on ‘Online Tutorials’ for example another task plane opens whick displays 34 lessons on various aspects of SolidWorks.

Left click on ‘Lesson 1’ for example.

This shows a part that can be created using some of the basic features of the package.

Click on ‘Next’ to take you through a step by step process to create this part.

When finished left click on to close this task plane.

Left click on any area of the task bar to close the ‘SolidWorks Resources’ task plane

2. Solid Professor

The ‘Solid Professor’ disc comes with the full Education Version of the software.

Install it on your desktop/laptop and create a shortcut to your desktop (already installed on the Dell machines as part of the master image).

Open ‘Solid Professor’ by double clicking on the icon

View the AVI files in the ‘Getting Started’ area.

These are a number of videos which show you how to install and navigate through the various lessons.

Select your lesson from the table of contents on the left hand area of the screen.

The AVI for the lesson plays on the right hand area of the screen. The lessons cover all the essential areas of the software.

3. Curriculum and Courseware

The ‘Curriculum and Courseware’ disc comes with the full Education Version of the software. Install it on your PC/laptop (already installed on the Dell machines as part of the master image).

Open ‘Curriculum and Courseware’.

The materials are contained in three folders.

The ‘SolidWorks Teacher Guide 2006-2007’ folder contains the most pertinent information for beginners.

Double click on the folder to open.

This contains three folders. Double click to open the ‘English folder’

Folder contains an excellent set of powerpoint slides for the introduction of SolidWorks along with a teacher and student workbook.

The folder, ‘SolidWorks Files’, contains the solid models used in each of the lessons used in introducing SolidWorks.

The models used in Lesson 2 for example.

The ‘Templates’ folder contains templates that can be copied to C:\Program Files\SolidWorks\data\templates (see notes on ‘Templates’ as part of resources for Round 4)

The ‘SolidWorks Teacher Guide 2006-2007’ folder also contains a SolidWorks screen saver that you can install on your computer.


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