Risk Assessment Worksheet - UCalgary

|Project Name: | |Date: |

| | | |

|Period of Examination: | |

|Identify Risk Scenario & Potential Impacts |Impact & Probability Rating|Risk |Risk Treatment Strategy |Residual Risk |

| | |Level |And Mitigation Plan | |

| | | | | |

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|What could stop us from achieving our objectives?|What impact does it have? |What is the current |If the risk is deemed to be unacceptable what can be done about it? |What level of risk |

|What can go wrong? |NOTE: Consider each impact|level of risk given the| |is left over and / |

| |category separately! |existing practices? | |or has the |

| | |(Use Risk Matrix below)| |treatment strategy |

| | | | |or mitigation plan |

| | | | |introduced new |

| | | | |risk(s)? |

|A |B |C |D |

|Remote |Unlikely |Likely |Frequent |

|Not likely to occur during |Conceivable but unlikely to |Isolated incident - Likely to |Happens often and might be |

|life cycle |occur during life cycle |occur during life cycle |expected during life cycle |

|- or - |-or- |-or- |- or - |

|Rare in industry, none |One occurrence every three to |Less than one occurrence a |Annual occurrence or more (> |

|expected for the system being |five years |year |1/year) |

|assessed | | | |

| |Schedule |Customer Satisfaction |Scope/Quality |Budget |

| |Timeline is extended by >100% |Total loss of productivity in the business |System does not produce any of the correct |Projected cost is overspent by >100% |

|5 | |functions |business results |Many additional project resources required |

|Critical | |Client is extremely unhappy about many |System solution does not satisfy a | |

| | |aspects of the project |significant portion of the requirements and| |

| | | |processes defined | |

| |Timeline is extended by >75% |Moderate to High loss of productivity in the|Major flaws in the results produced by the |Projected cost is overspent by >75% |

|4 | |business functions |system |Several additional project resources |

|Serious | |Client is unhappy about many aspects of the |System solution does not satisfy a high |required |

| | |project |portion of the requirements and processes | |

| | | |defined | |

| |Timeline is extended by >50% |Client has difficulty doing portions of |Errors and inconsistencies in the results |Projected cost is overspent by >50% |

|3 | |their job |produced by the system |Additional project resources and skill sets |

|Major | |Client is unhappy with certain aspects of |System solution does not satisfy a certain |required |

| | |the project |portion of the requirements and processes | |

| | | |defined | |

| |Timeline is extended by >25% |Delivered solution causes extra work to the |Some of the business process results are |Projected cost is overspent by >25% |

|2 | |client |incorrect |Some additional project resources or skill |

|Moderate | |Client is irritated with changes made to |System solution does not satisfy some |sets required |

| | |their business processes and job functions |requirements and processes defined | |

| |Timeline is extended by >10% |Client is mildly unhappy with a small |A few business processes have incorrect |Projected cost is overspent by >10% |

|1 | |aspect of the project |results |Some additional skill sets required |

|Minor | | |System solution does not satisfy a very | |

| | | |small number of the requirements and | |

| | | |processes defined | |

| |

| |Approvals: | | | |

| |Business Sponsor: | | |

| | |Name, Title Date | |

| | |(The Project Sponsor is approving the contents of this Project Worksheet and is accepting the risk| |

| | |identification, risk ranking and risk responses that have been identified.) | |

| |IT Lead: | | |

| |Name, Title Date |

| |(The IT Lead is approving the contents of this Project Worksheet and is accepting the risk identification, risk|

| |ranking and risk responses that have been identified.) |

| |Project Manager: | | |

| |Name, Title Date |

| |(The Project Manager is committing to monitor and respond to, manage and escalate as necessary, any risk events|

| |that occur as well as new risks that may arise. The Project Manager is also committing to ensure the |

| |identified risk responses are executed as defined.) |

Revision History

|Date of this revision: |Date of Next revision: |

|Revision |Revision Date |Summary of Changes |Author |

|Number | | | |

| | | | |

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Moderate – Risk Controls Required.


Extreme – Stop activities unless risk controls have been implemented and the risk is reduced to a lower level.

High – Extensive risk controls must be immediately implemented.


Risk Level and Action

Low – Some risk controls are justified.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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