Phase 1 - Neshaminy School District


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: September

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

|Pythagorean Theorem |Approximate square roots |Supplemental PSSA Packet |

| |2.1.8.B | |

| |Identify Pythagorean triples | |

| |2.10.8.A | |

| |Use the Pythagorean Theorem to identify the missing side of a right | |

| |triangle. | |

| |2.10.8.A | |

| |Use the Pythagorean theorem to determine if you have a right triangle| |

| |2.10.8.A | |

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Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: September/October

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Manipulative formulas for a given variable. 2.8.8.F |Daily Warm-Up |

|Formulas |Determine appropriate formula to use |Guided Practice |

|Area |2.3.8.C |Daily Homework |

|Perimeter/Circumference |Utilize a formula appropriately and apply appropriate units 2.3.8.C |Weekly Quiz |

|Prisms – Area Volume |Determine the sum of the interior angles of a 3-8 sided polygon |Cumulative Assessment |

|Temperature |2.3.8.C | |

|Distance |Determine the number of sides of a polygon given total degrees | |

|Interest |2.3.8.C |Supplemental PSSA Packet |

|Interior angles |Simplify a ratio 2.1.8.C | |

| |Determine a unit rate 2.11.8.B | |

| |Use a ratio to solve a real-life situation | |

| |2.1.8.C | |

| |Convert units within the metric system | |

| |2.3.8.D | |

|Ratio |Convert customary units 2.3.8.D | |

| |Classify a 3-Dimensional figure | |

| |2.9.8.A | |

| |Determine the net of a given polyhedron and vice versa 2.9.8.A | |

| |Classify angles formed by an intersecting transversal 2.10.8.A | |

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|Conversions | | |

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|3-Dimensional Figure | | |

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Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: October

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Determine the measures formed when a transversal intersects parallel |Daily Warm-Up |

|Parallel Lines |lines |Guided Practice |

| |BLANK |Daily Homework |

| | |Supplemental PSSA Packet |

| | |Weekly Quiz |

| |Organize data using tables and graphs |Cumulative Assessment |

|Data Analysis |2.11.7.B | |

| |Interpret a Stem-Leaf Plot | |

| |2.6.8.B | |

| |Interpret a Box-Whisker Diagram | |

| |2.6.8.B | |

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| |Find the probability of a single event | |

| |2.7.7.A | |

| |Find the probability of two or more events 2.7.8.E | |

|Probability | | |

Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: November

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Review formula sheet |Real number quiz |

| |Classify types of numbers |Fraction quiz |

| |2.1.8.A |Decimal quiz |

| |Review fraction operations |Daily Warm-Up |

| |2.2.8B |Daily Warm-Up |

| |Simplify one step fraction problems using +, -, x, ( |Guided Practice |

|Real Numbers |2.2.8.B |Daily homework |

| |Evaluate variable expressions including formulas |Algebraic Expressions Quiz |

|Fractions |2.3.8.B |Cumulative assessment |

| |Recite the order of operations | |

|Decimals |2.2.8.C | |

| |Simplify algebraic expressions using | |

|Algebraic Expressions |order of operations | |

|(Numerical & Variable) |2.2.8.C | |

| |Operate calculator properly (at teacher’s discretion) | |

| |2.2.8.D | |

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*Integrate PSSA topics during September – March

Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: December

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Transform from standard to scientific notation and vice versa |Daily Warm-Up |

|Scientific Notation |2.1.8.B |Guided practice |

| |Check solutions to equations and inequalities by evaluation |Daily Homework |

| |2.5.8.A | |

|Equations & Inequalities |State the rule for a given sequence | |

| |2.8.8.C | |

| |Translate words into symbols |Chapter Assessment (Cumulative) |

|Number Sequences |2.8.8.E | |

| |Compare Real Numbers | |

| |2.1.8.A | |

|Math Phrases & Sentences |Graph Real Numbers | |

| |2.1.8.A | |

| |Order Real Numbers | |

|Real Numbers |2.1.8.A | |

| |Operations with real numbers. | |

| |2.2.8.B | |

| |Find opposites and absolute value. | |

| |2.1.8.B | |

| |Identify properties of real numbers. | |

| |Simplify real number expressions using the distributive property and | |

| |by combing like terms. | |

| |2.8.8.B | |

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|Created on June 2010 | | |


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: January

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Identify linear equations |District quarterly |

|Linear Equations |2.8.8.C |District Assessment |

| |Solve one-step linear equation using addition/subtraction. |District Lottery |

| |2.8.8.B |Daily Warm-up |

| |Solve one-step linear equations multiplication/division |Guided Practice |

| |2.8.8.B |Daily Homework |

| |Solve multi-step equations |Weekly Quizzes |

| |2.8.8.B |Cumulative Assessment |

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Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: January/February

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Solve equations with variables on both sides |Daily Warm-Up |

|Linear Equations |2.8.8.F |Guided Practice |

| |Recognize one solution, no solution and many solution answers |Daily Homework |

| |2.8.8.F |Weekly Quiz |

| |Solve equations containing parenthesis |Cumulative Assessment |

| |2.8.8.E | |

| |Graph inequalities | |

| |2.8.8.B | |

| |Solve one-step inequalities involving addition/subtraction | |

|Linear Inequalities |2.8.8.B | |

| |Solve one-step inequalities involving multiplication/division | |

| |2.8.8.B | |

| |Solve multi-step inequalities | |

| |2.8.8.B | |

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|Created on June 2010 | | |


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: January/February

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

|Linear Equations |Solve equations involving fractions |Daily Warm-Up |

| |2.8.8.A |Guided Practice |

| |Solve equations involving decimals |Daily Homework |

| |2.8.8.A |Weekly Quiz |

| |Rewrite equations involving percents |Cumulative Assessment |

| |2.8.8.B | |

| |Apply previous knowledge to solve equations involving formulas. | |

| |2.8.8.B | |

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Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: March/April

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Plot point on a coordinate plane |Daily Warm-Up |

|Graphs of Linear Equations |2.9.8.C |Guided Practice |

| |Identify point on a coordinate plane |Daily Homework |

| |2.9.8.C |Weekly Quiz |

| |Graph linear equation by developing and using a table of values |Cumulative Assessment |

| |2.8.8.D |District based practice PSSA Quarterly |

| |Determine if a given point is a solution to a linear equation |Supplemental PSSA Packet |

| |2.8.8.E | |

| |Determine if a given graph or table represents a function. | |

| |2.8.8.D | |

| |Find x and y intercepts and utilize to make a graph | |

| |Determine the slope of a line 2.11.8.B | |

| |Determine if two lines are parallel | |

| |Write a graph equation that represents direct variations 2.8.8.C | |

| |Rewrite an equation in slope intercept form 2.8.8.F | |

| |Graph an equation in slope-intercept form. 2.8.8.F | |

Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: April

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Write an equation in slope-intercept form 2.8.8.F |PSSA Testing |

|Forms of Linear Equations |Write an equation in point-slope form |Daily Warm-Up |

| |2.8.8.F |Guided Practice |

| |Convert an equation into slope-intercept form |Daily Homework |

| |2.8.8.F |Weekly Quiz |

| | |Cumulative Assessment |

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Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: May

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Write an equation in standard form 2.8.8.F |Daily Warm-Up |

|Forms of Linear Equations |Write and use a linear equation to solve a real life problem |Guided Practice |

| |2.8.8.F |Daily Homework |

| |Determine if two lines are perpendicular 2.8.8.E |Weekly Quiz |

| |Write an equation of perpendicular lines 2.8.8.E | |

| |Graph inequalities | |

| |2.8.8.B | |

| |Solve multi-step inequalities | |

| |2.8.8.B | |

| |Solve compound inequalities 2.8.8.B | |

| |Graph compound inequalities 2.8.8.B | |

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Created on June 2010


Course/Subject: Algebra 1 Part 1 Grade: 8 Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teachers

Month: June

|Content |Skills |Assessment |

| |Solve Absolute Value Equations 2.8.8.F |Daily Warm-Up |

|Absolute Value |Solve Absolute Value Inequalities 2.8.8.F |Guided Practice |

| |Graph linear inequalities containing two variables 2.8.8.D |Daily Homework |

| | |Weekly Quiz |

| | |Cumulative Assessment – Inequalities and Absolute Value |

| | |District Cumulative Review – Chapters 1-6 |

|Linear Inequalities | |District Final Exam |

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Created on June 2010


Spiral Assessments for PSSA review and for Algebra 1 Part 1 and Accelerated Algebra 1


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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