Solution of the Briggs-Haldane System

Solution of the Briggs-Haldane System

Exact Solution for Constant [S]

We consider the enzyme kinetics model with an intermediate enzyme-substrate and three reaction rate constants, depicted by the reaction


This reaction can be studies using the following system of differential equations:





Assuming that [S] does not change much over small times, we let [pic] Then the first two equations of the system become



This is a linear system of differential equations, which can be solved exactly for [E] and [ES]. There are two methods that can be used, a matrix method and that of writing this system as one linear, second order constant coefficient differential equation of the type seen by undergraduates in a first course on differential equations. We employ the latter method.

Differentiating the first equation, we obtain


Now, replace [pic] by the expression in the second equation of the system:


This equation can then be turned into an equation in [E] alone by using the first equation of the system. Solving for [ES] and substituting the new expression in the last equation, we get


This equation can be integrated to yield


where A is an arbitrary constant. Another integration gives the result.


where B is a second integration constant.

From equation one, we can solve for [ES] to obtain


where we have introduced [pic]

We can determine the integration constants from the initial conditions

[pic] [pic]

These conditions determine a system of two algebraic equations for A and B:



Solving this system, we find



Inserting these expressions into the solutions for [E] and [ES], we obtain



We can now find [P]. Integrating the fourth equation of the system yields


where the integration constant C can be determined from the initial condition [pic]

One finds that [pic] so


Finally, we should note that there is a natural time scale in this problem. Namely, the time [pic]

Condition for Constant [S]

Finally, we need to check the third equation of the system. Since [S] is assumed to be constant, then


for the time of observation. This gives a condition on the assumption that [S] does not change very much. Using the solutions above and the typical magnitudes of the variables used in the program, we can establish a bound on the right hand side of this equation.

We can easily bound this expression. Note that



Typical values for the constants in this bound are


Then we find that [pic]

Scaling the System

In studying such systems, it is best to convert it to dimensionless quantities and determine which terms are the dominant terms in the system. We will introduce the following dimensionless variables:


where a and b are characteristics concentrations and T is a characteristic time. Furthermore, we relate the rate constants by


Then, [pic]

The system becomes





where [pic] Typical values of the parameters are given by



Each equation has a factor of [pic] In the first equation, the first term in the first factor is of order [pic]and the second is of order b. These terms are generally of the same order as indicated below. The overall contributions from each term in the first and second equations are of order 0.1 to 10 for times on the order of T.

|[pic] |[pic] |b (M) |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|100 |[pic] |[pic] |1.1 |0.1 |[pic] |0.1 |

|1000 |[pic] |[pic] |2.0 |1.0 |[pic] |1.0 |

|10000 |[pic] |[pic] |11. |10. |[pic] |10. |

In the third equation, we see by a similar argument, that the terms are of the order of [pic] or [pic] This confirms that the change in [S] is small over this time scale.

Finally, the order of the term in the last equation is [pic] which varies on the orders of [pic] to 10.

These considerations further confirm the need to keep all the terms in the system studied above and confirm the assumption that [S] can be treated as a constant. Such an analysis can also be used to search for systems in which the nonlinear terms in the first three equation should be kept.

The Velocity

The velocity is given by


for the steady state solutions. Steady state solutions are obtained from the solutions obtained above by seeking the asymptotic values of the solutions as t gets large. We find that




Therefore, we have


Thinking of v as a function of [pic]this expression does not have an extremum, but it does level off as [pic]gets large. This asymptote is called [pic]and is easily seen to be [pic]

We now determine at what velocity [pic], which is a well-known relation in the study of this system. From the above expressions for v and [pic] we have


So, when [pic] [pic]

Finally, the expression for v can be rewritten in terms of [pic]


In summary, we have obtained known expressions involving the velocity of this reaction.



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