Trigonometry and Trigonometric Equations

Trigonometry and Trigonometric Equations.

|Lesson 1 |Trigonometry independent work, students can work through the power-point to review their |

| |trigonometry work. This does not need to be teacher led. |

|Lesson 2 |Using a unit circle to determine the graph of a sine curve. |

| |[pic] |

| |This moves on to solving simple trigonometric equations by considering the corresponding |

| |trigonometric curve. |

| |[pic] |

|Lesson 3 |I use this as thinking and exploring lesson, students work in partners. One partner has the |

| |trigonometric curve and the region where the solutions lay, i.e. 360 to 720 degrees. |

| |[pic] |

| |The other student then asks questions about the graph determining with it is sine, cosine or tangent|

| |(make rules that mean students can not use some vocabulary to differentiate the task). The task is |

| |for the student to determine where the solutions are, i.e. between 180 and 360 degrees or between 0 |

| |and 180 degrees. |

|Lesson 4 |Easiteach Studio looking at special triangles to determine exact angles. |

|Lesson 5 |Investigating Compound Angle Formulae, students can work independently through a worksheet and then |

| |power-point or both used together to determine a formula for compound angle formulae. |

| |[pic] |

| |Use the round buttons as trigger buttons, the students will have to press these more than once to |

| |have extra explanations. |

|Test |Qwizdom multiple choice and written test. |


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