FEAR IN A HAT - Weebly


Brian Jackson & Jennifer Metzger

Group Session 3

July 17, 2013


The purpose of this group is to have the group members explore the topic of fears and express their fears of being in this group and/or the word fear in general. Fear is a very common emotion especially among settings where people don't know each other very well because people may feel judged or insecure. By using our activity we want to allow the group members to define their fears and discuss their similarities and differences with how they approach the word fear.

This topic is a broad topic and the direction of the group may go many different directions. Everyone can relate to being fearful at some point in their life and we believe that by pointing out this feeling during the beginning stages of a group we will be able to make the group members feel more connected and comfortable with each other.

Opening Activity:

The opener we chose is a simple round question of " On a scale of 1-10 (1 = the worst and 10= the best) how are you feeling this morning about participating in group today?"

We feel by opening the group with a simple yet direct approach we will be able to focus the members on thinking about group and starting the day. This question is meant to scale everyone's current state and by reusing this question to wrap up group we can monitor the group member's differences from the beginning to the end of group.

Main Activity and Procedure:

Fear in a hat activity. The group members will receive a piece of paper and a writing utensil. They will take a few minutes to write about a fear that they have. They need to be specific but not put their names on their papers. The papers will then be collected and placed in a hat. They will be shuffled and re-distributed to all group members. The group members will then read each fear without discussion moving from member to member. At the end of all the papers being read, questions will be asked to get the members to process each fear and see if any similarities exist and to dig deeper into the root of the fears.


Paper, pencils and hat.

Processing Questions:

➢ How did you feel while writing your response?

➢ Were you surprised by anyone's response? Why?

➢ Were you disappointed by anyone's response?

➢ What would you change about your fears?

➢ Was it difficult to write down a fear? Why or why not?

➢ Why do you think your fear exists? What may have happened in the past to create this fear?


➢ Discuss similarities that have occurred to get the group closer together.

➢ Thank the group for sharing their fears because sometimes it’s not easy to discuss.

➢ Explain why we decided to talk about fears if we didn’t already discuss previously.

➢ What are the benefits of talking about fears?

➢ Can anything negative come from bringing up these fears?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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