Five Paragraph Physical Education Research Essay

Five Paragraph Physical Education Research EssayParagraph 1----Introduction This paragraph introduces your topic: Nutrition & Physical Fitness. You want to start with some facts about the importance of nutrition and physical activity to one's health. The last sentence of this paragraph must finish with a THESIS statement. (ex: Eating healthy and maintaining a physically active life will not only improve your health, but it may contribute to a long healthy life.)Paragraph 2 ----- First Body Paragraph discusses Nutrition (Use 2-3 facts)Start with a topic sentence (TS)telling the reader what this paragraph is about (nutrition). Follow up with some concrete details (CD) found through your research. CD sentence should end with the author's name & date in parentheses (Douglas, 2002). After you state the facts, you must comment (CM) or explain how these facts relate to your thesis. Paragraph 3 -----Second Body paragraph discusses Physical Fitness (Use 2-3 facts)Start with a topic sentence (TS) telling the reader what this paragraph is about (physical fitness). Follow up with some concrete details (CD) found through your research. CD sentence should end with the author's name & date in parentheses (Douglas, 2002). After you state the facts, you must comment (CM) or explain how these facts relate to your thesis.Paragraph 4 -----Third Body paragraph discusses how Nutrition and Physical Fitness Work together (Use 2-3 facts)Start with a topic sentence (TS) telling the reader what this paragraph is about (how nutrition and physical fitness work together). Follow up with some concrete details (CD) found through your research. CD sentence should end with the author's name & date in parentheses (Douglas, 2002).After you state the facts, you must comment (CM) or explain how these facts relate to your thesis.Paragraph 5 ---- This is for your personal reflectionStart with a topic sentence (TS).This paragraph is where you get to tell what you learned, what you might change about your diet and/or physical activity, and anything else that you might have come to recognize about your health. Remember somewhere in this paragraph you want to write one well written sentence stating what you learned about yourself relating back to your thesis.TS = topic sentence CD = concrete details = facts from their research CM = commentary = their explanation of how the research relates to their thesis statementWorks Cited Author's last name, first initial, (year published), ................

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