9th Grade Poetry Unit

9th Grade Poetry Project

Grading Rubric

Remember that this poetry project is worth a test grade. If you do the minimum that is required of you, you will receive a minimum result. Effort will be rewarded! This is not a group activity, so work in a respectful fashion and be considerate of your classmates.

Order # Assignment Points Available

1. Title Page 10

2. Lyric Poem (ten feet tall) 10

3. Haiku (minimum of two) 10

4. Ode (to something in your house) 10

5. Limerick (minimum of two) 10

6. Sonnet (to someone or something you love) 10

7. Ballad (lyrics to a song you like that contains a metaphor) 10

8. List of Poetry Terms (from board) 10

9. Poem Report 10

10. About the Author (paragraph about yourself) 10

Description of Assignments

All assignments should first be planned and completed on notebook paper, then re-done on construction paper or computer paper at home. Wasting your time in class means you will receive even less time to finish the project. This poetry portfolio is due on Friday, May 9th.

1. Title Page – Your title page should include:

a. Your name

b. A title for your book of poetry (preferably the name of your best poem)

c. CP or Honors English 9

d. A symbol representing your poetry (picture or drawing)

2. Lyric Poem – Write a lyric poem about the theme “If you were ten feet tall.”

a. Three stanzas with six verses per stanza

b. a a b b b a (rhyme scheme)

c. Be creative

d. See the poem “One Inch Tall” for help

3. Haiku – Write two haikus meeting the following requirements:

a. Three verses

b. 17 syllables (5, 7, 5)

c. About any topic you choose

d. See the cricket or cookie haiku handouts for help

4. Ode – Write one ode (a poem of praise) to something you love (dog, car, shoes, etc.).

a. 15 verses – they do not need to rhyme

b. Use plenty of detail and create imagery

c. Use lots of adjectives to describe the item

d. See “Ode to My Socks” handout for help

9th Grade Poetry Project continued…

5. Limerick – Write two limericks (funny poems) meeting the following requirements:

a. 5 verses

b. a a b b a (rhyme scheme)

c. About any topic you choose, except a person!

d. See the limericks handout for help

6. Sonnet – Write one sonnet about someone or something you love

a. 14 verses

b. 7 couplets (the first two lines rhyme, then the next two, and so on) or if you really want to impress, try this:

a b a b

b c b c

c d c d

e e

c. Be sure the topic is appropriate and suitable

d. See the sonnets handout for help

7. Ballad – Find one song you like that contains a metaphor (ex. Life is a highway)

a. Print or write the lyrics

b. Please include as many lines as possible

c. Be sure all lyrics are appropriate and suitable

d. See the Garth Brooks song handout for an example

8. List of Poetry Terms

a. Include a list of poetry terms and definitions that are found in your poems.

9. Poem Report – Read and analyze your assigned poem from the literature book.

a. Write a brief summary of the poem

b. Analyze the significance, purpose, and impact of the poem

c. Define your assigned literature term and tell how the poem incorporates it

10. About the Author – This page should include

a. Information about yourself

b. How great a poet you are

c. How you got your poetic beginning in Mr. Brown’s English class

d. A self-portrait (picture or drawing)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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