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“Dealing With The Burdens Of Life”CD No._______Time: 12/1/2010 – Wed. N.Text: Psalms 55 -1-23 --------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction: V.22 –Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee-We find where David is having burdens. The strange thing about this is that David was a King. It makes no difference where you are a King or President or the average person who works from day to day; burdens are a part of life. We will talk about this and more in our message today, which is called: “Dealing With The Burdens Of Life”.I. The Reality Of BurdensThe Presence Of BurdensIn out text verse-V.22-Cast thy burdens upon the Lord-Job 14:1 –Man that is born of woman is of few day and full of trouble.As we have already said, “burdens are a part of life. Since burdens are a part of life, we have to learn how to deal with them. Burdens of life test the range of our emotions.There will be a day when the child of God will never have to experience burdens. Rev.21:4 talks about the no mores in Heaven. There will be no more death, sorrow, crying, and pain in Heaven. We could add many more including; there will be no more burdens, thank God!The Pressure from BurdensBurdens have a way of pressing us down. The thing with pressure is that it can put pressure on your life and if you are not careful it can cause you to respond the wrong way.We are not going to notice all of David’s responses, but we will notice two now.1. The Response Of FearWhen our burdens are big, we feel so defenseless.V.3Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.4-My heart is sore painted within me; and the terrors of death are fallen upon me. 5. Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me. Fear can cripple you. Fear can affect you emotionally and physically and spiritually. Have you been there? If all of us were honest, we would have to admit that we have experienced fear from some kind of burden that we have had.2. The Response Of FleeingHave you ever been burdened to the point that you just wanted to run away?55:6-And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest.7-Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. Selah.8-I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest.Have you ever felt like this Psalmist; that you felt like flying away and remaining and be at rest.Well, it would make no difference where you went, if you stayed there, wherever your escape may be, you would find out that things would come up in your life there and the burdens would come again. Burdens come from living in this world that is not perfect. The Reality Of BurdensII. The Response To BurdensWhat Can Be Done About Our Burdens Ourselves1. The Talking To Relieve Our BurdensHe Talked To The Lord ConsistentlyV.16a –As far me, I will call upon the Lord-V.17a-Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud-One of the best things that you can do when you are burdened down is talk to the Lord; you should pray.It is good to have someone to talk to when you are burdened down, but the best person to talk to is the Lord.He Talked To The Lord ConfidentlyV.16 –As far as me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me.V.17 b-Last phrase-will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.One of the best reasons to talk to the Lord is because He is able to do something about your burden.Having confidence in the Lord can relieve burdens.The Psalmist had confidence; he said: and the Lord shall save[ deliver] me.2. The Trust To Relieve Our BurdensV.23- Last phrase- but I will trust in thee.We should talk to the Lord, but we must also trust the Lord.Romans 1:17- The just shall live by faith.There are many things that can come up in our lives that can cause burdens. I want us to look at a few.We have to trust the Lord with our FoesMost of these verses in Psalms 55 reveal that the Psalmist had enemies that were causing him to be burdened. V.3,9,10,11,12,13,14,,15,19,20,21, and 23 talks about the Psalmist enemies.It seems that David was talking about his son, Absalom. It seems that this was written during the developing stages of Absalom revolt. You can read the entire account in 2 Samuel 14-18.Read V.13, 14 and 20 and 21 especially.We will move from David’s enemies including his son Absalom, to us having enemies.If you live long enough there will be somebody who will not like you and try to hurt you some way, maybe not physically, but in another way.What are we to do; well we have to trust God to take care of them. Romans 12: 19-Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.When burdened by an enemy, trust the Lord to deal with him or her appropriately.We have to trust the Lord with our FleshBy using the word FLESH, I am talking about our body and sickness that will come our way because of the bodies that we have. We have corruptible bodies that decays and gives us trouble.[Etc. Job was several burdened because of his sickness ]Being sick and having bad health can burden you, especially if the physical problem continues.We are to be wise and go to a medical doctrine; then we are to trust the Lord who is able to heal if it is will. Trusting the Lord can keep you going- from burdens that can get you down.We have to trust the Lord with our FoesWe have to trust the Lord with our FleshWe have to trust the Lord with our FinancesHaving financial problems or just scraping by can burden you down if you are not careful.Matthew 6:33- But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Etc. If you put the Lord first, He will take care of your needs.If you are doing your best and working and not doing something crazy by using that plastic money called credit cards; you should trust the Lord with that financial burden.If you can’t find a job and doing your best; trust the Lord with that burden. Talk to him and trust him in helping you get a job.We have to trust the Lord with our FamilyFamily problems can cause burdens.There are some young people who absolutely drive their parents crazy from the life style that they live. You have to trust the Lord for Him to get their attention.If you have children or a wife or a husband who are sick; this certainly will cause you to be burdened. Etc. daughter Tara when she was young having seizures]There may be other family problems different from what we have talked about, but whatever the problem may be with your family, you need to trust the Lord with them.We have to trust The Lord with our FuneralsHaving to bury a loved one or have a good friend to die can cause you to be burdened.My grandfather Claude Sergeant t actually grieved himself to death after his wife, my grandmother died. Loosing someone you love can put tremendous strain on your life.I have had two good, good friends to die with cancer within 3 or 4 months. One was a deacon, Alfred Smith; the other was a pastor friend of mine, “Woody Lea.We have to trust the Lord when we have someone to die that we love and am going to miss. We have to trust the Lord with that natural burden that will come our way. The talking for relieving our burdens The trust for relieving our burdens3. The Term For Relieving Our BurdensV.23 in our text: Cast thy burdens upon the Lord-Did you notice the word cast? This word is found in the N.T. in 1 Peter 5:7 – Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.We have already talked about prayer, talking to the Lord, however the word cast tells us what to do when we talk to the Lord about our burdens.The word cast is a banker’s term. When you go into the bank and make a deposit, you take your money and lay [cast] it down and then the teller takes the money and puts it into your account.Just as you lay your money down and trust the teller with your money to put in your account, you are to do the same thing with the Lord. You are to take your burdens and leave them in the hand of the Lord and you are to walk off trusting the Lord to take care of your burden.You don’t pick them up again after leaving them into the hand of the Lord; you leave them there and trust Him with them. If you don’t leave your burden in the hand of the Lord and trust Him in taking care of it, that burden can drive you crazy.Example: My son- Etc.What Can Be Done About Our Burdens OurselvesWhat Can Be Done About Our Burdens By OthersGalatians 6: 2- Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.Since I have already preached a full message from this verse not too long ago, I will be brief and remind you what this verse is telling us. I want to mention 4 things.1. The Motive For Lifting The BurdenThe burdened brother or sister in Christ is down from the pressure of the burden. The Burden has weakened this burdened brother or sister in the Lord so they need help.2. The Means For Lifting The BurdenThe word bear means to help lift or carry the burdens.This can be done by being a good listener or sending a card or letter and let them know that you are praying for them. There are many different ways that we can help bear the burden of our spiritual family member. The Motive The Means3. The Mutuality Of Lifting BurdensDid you notice the word bear ye one another’s burdens.One another: This means that this is a mutual thing that we do for one another. We are to help one another all though life bearing one another’s burdens.4. The Manifestation from Lifting the BurdensDid you notice the words: and so fulfill the law of Christ?What Law is this? It is the Law of Love. We manifest the love of God in our hearts when we help bear the burdens of others.Conclusion: “Dealing With the Burdens of Life”We have talked about:1. What can be done about our burdens ourselves?The Talking to relieve our burden- prayer-V.16-I will call upon the LordThe Trust to relieve our burden- V.23- but I will trust the Lord-The Term for relieving our burden –V.22 – cast thy burden2. What can be done about our burdens by others? Galatians 6:2- Bear ye one another’s burdens; and so fulfill the law of Christ.We have talked about how to deal with our burdens- Will you do it? It will help if you apply these spiritual truths to your lives. ................

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