As you look at each numbered picture, write down one or ...


As you look at each numbered picture, write down one or two sentences that best describe what comes to mind when you look at the picture. Remember to use your senses when thinking about this. Not only what you see, but what you feel, hear, and think. You will be expected to share your observations with your group and the rest of the class.

Questions before Reading

1. What is the title of the book?

2. Who is the author?

3. What do you predict will be the genre of this book? Explain your prediction.

4. When was this book written?

5. Write down one prediction that you have about this book.

Read each of the following statements. Decide whether you agree or disagree with each statement and discuss your choice with a member of your group.


|1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|4. | |

|5. | |

|6. | |

|7. | |

|8. | |

|9. | |

|10. | |

1. Being popular is the most important thing in school.

2. Having lots of friends is better than having just a couple of good friends.

3. Being kind to someone is hard work.

4. You should think of yourself before you think of others.

5. Students who are different from everyone else should not be allowed in public schools.

6. Children will most likely end up like their parents.

7. It is cool to be different from everyone else.

8. It is possible to change if you really want to.

9. Good friend are the people who help you to become more popular.

10. A true friend does not expect you to change.

Before reading the assigned chapter, look over the vocabulary words and questions that you will be expected to answer. This will give you a purpose for reading. If you have them, use your post –it notes to help you locate important information AS YOU READ!! After Reading Porcupine Necktie and Chapter 2 (Pages 1-12), answer the following questions.

1. Quills (p2)-one of the large feathers of the wing or the tail of a bird

2. Milling (p3)-to move around aimlessly and slowly, without direction

3. Keener (p3)-eager, interested or enthusiastic

4. Marooned (p4)-to abandon or leave without aid or resources

6. Serenaded (p6)-music that is sung or played to someone (such as a valelntine



Chapter Questions (your answers should be written NEATLY and on the lines!

*** What was today’s reading MOSTLY about? Give 2 or 3 main ideas.




1. How does the gift of the porcupine necktie prepare the way for other events?



2. Why does Stargirl immediately become the target of gossip at Mica High? ________________________________________________________________________


3. Why do the students believe that Stargirl is a fake? _____________________________________________________________________________


4. Do you agree with Kevin that Stargirl will not survive at the high school without changing in some way? (p10) Explain your answer ______________________________________________________________________________


5. Where is this story taking place so far? (Be specific about the setting)




BONUS!! Based on the details and descriptions in the story so far, draw a picture of how you think Stargirl looks.

Chapters 3-5 (pages 13-26)


1. Saguaros (14)a tall cactus, usually found in Arizona

2. Balking (14)to refuse to proceed or to do something

3. Perpetual (15)continuing forever

4. Converging (23)to come together

5. Antic (26)- a playful trick

Chapter Questions*** What was today’s reading MOSTLY about? Give 2 or 3 main ideas.




1. What reason do you think that Leo has for not recruiting Stargirl for the Hot Seat? ________________________________________________________________


2. Do you agree or disagree with Leo’s point of view? Explain.______________


3. On page 14 there are many theories about Stargirl listed. Which ones do you think are true about her? __________________________________________


4. In what ways was Wayne Parr typical of the entire student body at Mica High School? _______________________________________________________


5. Why does Leo follow Stargirl after school one day and what does he learn? ____________________________________________________________________


Make a prediction!!

Do you think Stargirl will leave Hillari alone on her birthday? What makes you think this? ___________________________________________________


Learn about a simile:

A simile is a figure of speech, which compare two unlike objects using “like” or “as”. For example:

We did not know what to make of her (Stargirl). In our minds, we tried to pin her to a corkboard like a butterfly, but the pin merely went through and away she flew.

What is being compared? ________________________________________________

What does this reveal about Stargirl? __________________________________


Learn about Metaphors. A metaphor is an implied or suggested comparison between tow unlike objects. It DOES NOT use the words “like” or “as”.

For example:

She (Stargirl) seemed marooned in a sea of staring buzzing faces,

What is being compared? _________________________________________________


Learn about Point of View

Point of view in literature refers to the voice telling the story. It could be one of the characters or the author narrating. From whose point of view is the story being told? ______________________________________________________

Why do you think the story is not being told from Stargirl’s point of view?



Learn about a Cliffhanger!

A cliffhanger is a device in literature in which a chapter ends at the moment of suspense. What is the cliffhanger at the end of Chapter 5? _



Find similes on the following pages:

page 8


page 10


Page 15


Find metaphors on the following pages:

Page 4


Page 15


Page 19



Write a journal entry that could have been written the night after she leaves the football stadium. Remember to write from Stargirl’s point of view.



Chapters 6-9 (pages 27-42)


1. ferociously (28)-fierce/ violently cruel

2. Proximity (30)-to be near

3. confirmation (32)-agreement

5. charade (39)-a word or phrase acted out

6. amorphous (39)-lacking definite form

7. Dormant (40)-in a state of rest or inactivity


Chapter questions:

1. What was Stargirl’s solution to the problem of Hillari’s birthday? _____


2. Describe Archie and what his role is in Leo, Kevin and Stargirl’s lives. Be specific._________________________________________________________________


3. Why didn’t Hillari drop Stargirl’s pet rat down the stairwell? _________


4. What does Wayne Parr symbolize? __________________________________

5. What does Stargirl symbolize? ______________________________________

Learn about foreshadowing

Foreshadowing refers to the hints or clues that an author provide to suggest later event n the story. What do you think Leo foreshadowed when he said “it was a golden age, those few weeks n December and January. How could I know that when the end came, I would be in the middle of it?”


Learn about Personification

Personification is a literary device in which an author grants human qualities to non human objects. For example”

Senor Saguaro was a cactus, a thirty-foot -tall giant that towered over the tool shed in the backyard. It had two arms high up on the trunk One stuck straight out’ the other made a right turn upward, as if wais ‘adios” The waving arm was green from the elbow up. All else was brown, dead Much of the thick, leathery skin along the trunk had come loose and crumpled in a heap about the massive foot. Senor Saguaro ha lost his pants. Only his rigs, thumb thick vertical timbers, held gin up.

What is being personified?



What is being compared in the following simile:

From the moment we arrived at school the next day, the atmosphere bristled like cactus paddles.

What does this suggest about the mood at school?


Find a simile on page 27.



BONUS: Archie seems to be an ideal teacher to many students at Mica High School. Write a description of your ideal teacher.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Daily Group Evaluation Sheet

Each class that you meet with your group, you will be required to participate and behave appropriately. You will be evaluating yourself as well as the other members of your group. This evaluation sheet will be reviewed by your teacher and will have an impact on your grade for this book.

I was prepared with all of my supplies. (book, packet, vocab cards, pencil and character log. My chapter questions were filled in completely. I did not have to leave the group for any reason. YES or NO If you circled NO for any reason, please explain on the lines below.


I participated and behaved appropriately with all of the members of my group.


Who was absent in your group today? ________________________________________

Were all of the members of your group prepared today? YES OR NO

If no, please briefly state who was not prepared and why._______________________



Did everyone in your group participate and behave appropriately? YES or NO

In your opinion, who participated the most in today’s discussion/____________________________________________________________________?

In your opinion, who participated the least in today’s discussion? _____________


Do you have any other comments? _____________________________________________

Ch 10-12 Vocabulary (pages 43-61)

1. Suppress (49)- hold or keep down

2. Oblivious (50)-unconscious, unaware, forgetful

3. Indifferent (51)-not caring one way or another

4. Verdict (55)-decision

1. oblivious ____ a. decision

2. suppress____ b. completely destroyed

3. verdict ____ c. antagonism or anger

4. flustered ___ d. hold or keep down

5. h0stility ___ e. not aware

6. jubilation f. embarrassed

7. annihilated g. triumphant joy

Chapter questions:

1. What was this today’s reading mostly about?_________________________



2. Name 2 of Stargirl’s acts of generosity to the community. (ch10)



3. Why did some of the townspeople consider these acts to be



4. Why do you think Stargirl agrees to appear on the HOT SEAT?________


5. What was the “trick” that was played on Stargirl by the cheerleaders at the basketball game?_________________________________________________________


6. What can you infer about the cheerleaders based on this prank?________


7. What did Leo mean when he said that Stargirl was taking the Hot Seat literally? Why did she behave in this manner? ____________________________


8. What does it mean for a person to have “no ego”? _________________________



Ch 13-15 (pages 62-75)


1. flustered-to become agitated or confused

2. hostility-unfriendliness

3. jubilation-extreme happiness

4. annihilated-destroyed

Vocabulary Activity

Use the context to determine the meaning of the underlined word in each of the following sentences. Write in your own words a synonym for the underlined word.

1. Because she was oblivious to the coming storm, the hiker continued climbing up the mountainside._______________________

2. The doctor prescribed a liquid medication that would suppress the child’s


3. The jury had difficulty reaching a verdict but finally decided that the accused man was innocent._________________________

4. When my sister has to give an oral report, she always becomes flustered and doe not perform well.__________________________

5. The hostility of the crowd caused the politician to leave the stage after several minutes.____________________________

6. When the war ended, you could see signs of jubilation on every street.


7. The germs brought by the settlers annihilated the native population of the region._____________________________

Chapter Questions

1. What was Stargirl’s opinion of her name? ____________________________


2. What were some of the main things the jury wanted to know about Stargirl when she appeared on the Hot Seat? _____________________________



3. What happened that made Mr. Robineau flip the switch and end the show?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How does Stargirl’s cheerleading attitude change during the playoffs? _


5. How does Leo feel about the card he received? ____________________________


6. What was the meaning of Archie’s lesson about the Loyal Order of the Stone Bone? ________________________________________________________________



What is being compared in the following metaphor?

But on this day (the day of the Hot Seat show), the thrill was missing, I felt only a dark dread snaking along the cables.

Discussion Question:

What kinds of problems can occur when an individual has a different value system from his or her peer group? ____________________________________


Chapter 16-18 (pages 76-99)


1. barren____ a. broken down

2. detached ____ b. empty with nothing on it

3. dilapidated ___ c. unable to move

4. immobilized ____ d. loud or noisy causing a disturbance

5. raucous ___ e. the act of being disloyal

6. treason ___ f. to get to know

7. acquainted ___ g. to remove or take apart

We bought an old, __________________________house because it was inexpensive and we could do the repairs ourselves.

The veterinarian had to ____________________________the dog before she could do a complete examination.

The ___________________-screech of the crow outside my window woke me from a sound sleep.

We had scarcely become ___________________-with our neighbors before she sold her house and left town.

The __________________land was useless for farming for grazing.

Weeks after Halloween had passed, my little brother finally _______________

the stickers of witches and pumpkins from our windows.

The spy was sentenced for the crime of_________________against the nation.

Chapter Questions

**What was today’s reading mostly about?_______________________________


1. How does Leo describe Stargirl and her smile at the beginning of Ch 16?


2. Where does Stargirl take Leo after school?_____________________________________


3. What does Stargirl tell Leo they are going to do while sitting in the dessert?



4. Have you ever done anything out of the ordinary because of someone else’s influence on you?________________________________________________________________


5. What does Leo begin to notice at school after he and Stargirl become a couple?



6. Do you agree or disagree with the way Stargirl’s classmates are treating her?



Find a simile on page 88



Find an example of personification on page 91



Find a metaphor on page 95


__________________________________________________________________________________ RECORD ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHARACTERS IN THIS CHAPTER IN YOUR CHARACTER LOG!!!

Chapter 19-21 (pages 100-118)


1. Excommunicated (100)-to exclude from membership from a group

2. Derelict (104)-negligent or delinquent

Chapter Questions

** What is today’s reading mostly about? _____________________________________



1. Why isn’t Leo satisfied with Archie’s advice about Stargirl? _________________


2. Why do you think Archie asks Senor Saguaro for questions rather than anwers? __________________________________________________________________________


3. How do you feel about Senor Saguaro’s question “Whose affection do you value more, hers or the others?”___________________________________________________


4. When Leo says that Stargirl taught him to see, what does he mean? _________


5. If getting credit isn’t Stargirl’s motivation for doing things for others, what is her motivation? ________________________________________________________________


Find a simile on page 106



Find a metaphor on page 106



Think about Setting

Setting refers to the time and place which the events in a story take place. Reread the passage about the desert in Chapter 17.

How did the description of the desert setting give greeter meaning to the conversation between Leo and Stargirl?


We will discuss this question in class:

Conflict: Conflict refers to the clash of opposing people, objects, or ideas. In literature, a character may face any f the following conflicts.

✓ person vs. person

✓ person vs. nature

✓ Person vs. self.

What kinds of conflict have you encountered so far in this novel?


Contrast the way that Leo and Stargirl see the world around them.

|Stargirl |Leo |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Chapter22-25 (page 119-138


1. Morale (127)-overall attitude of a group

2. Extravagance (130)-excessive and unnecessary spending of money

3. Gumption-resourcefulness, common sense

** What is today’s reading mostly about? ____________________________________


Chapter questions:

1. How are Stargirl’s parents and home different from how Leo imagined they would be? ________________________________________________________________________


2. Leo is intrigued by a bowl of hair and a wagon filled with pebbles in Stargirl’s room. What were each of these used for? _____________________________


What can you infer about Stargirl by these objects? ___________________________


3. What items in your room do you have that say something about your personality? _______________________________________________________________________


4. Why does Stargirl take pictures of the kids across the street? _________________


5. What question does Leo ask Stargirl that hurts her feelings? ________________


6. Though Leo continues to like Stargirl, he is bothered by the shunning at school. “I had never realized how much I needed the attention of others to confirm my on presence” (page 126) what does Leo mean by this statement? ____________



7. When Leo sees the sign Stargirl made him, he has mixed emotions. Even though he is initially thrilled to see the sign why does he treat Stargirl rudely when she speaks to him later in the day? ______________________________________





Where do you think Stargirl has gone? _______________________________________


Do you think she will return? __________________________________________________

Chapters 26-28 (page 139-156)

no new vocab!!

Chapter Questions

1. After Stargirl vanishes, who appears? ________________________________________


2. Who is Evelyn Everybody? ___________________________________________________


3. Why do you think Leo is ashamed to be with Stargirl in front of his peers but is proud to be wit “Susan’ in front of them._____________________________________?



4. Why are the students still rude to Susan even though she is still one of them?



5. What is making Susan sad enough to remove all but two pebbles from her happy wagon? ____________________________________________________________________


6. How does the audience respond after Susan finishes her speech at the oratorical debate? _________________________________________________________



Will Susan win the competition? __________________________________________

Will the Mica High School students give her a hero’s welcome upon her return?

Explain your opinion ____________________________________________________________


Chapter 29-33 (pages 156-183)






Chapter Questions

1. Why was the audience at the final oratorical competition stunned by Stargirl’s performance? How do you know they approved? ________________


2. Why were Stargirl and Leo shocked an upset when they returned to the parking lot at Mica High? ___________________________________________________


3. What caused the final separation between Leo and Stargirl? ______________


4. What was the magical event that took place at the Octillo Ball?___________


5. How did this event prove that Stargirl had mad the right decision to be true to herself? _________________________________________________________________________


6. How did knowing Stargirl change Leo? _______________________________________














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