Notice to Commence Work - sample

Put on Ministry Letterhead



Contractor's name and address

Dear      :

Re: NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK – CONTRACT insert contract number

Further to conditions contained in the above-noted contract, notice is hereby given to commence work on (allow 5 business days for delivery if mailed or sent by courier) insert date. Work must be commenced within insert number of days days following this date, unless a change in the commencement date is given in writing by the Ministry Representative for this contract. Failure to commence work on time may result in cancellation of the contract.

Include the following as appropriate

A pre-work conference to discuss the terms of the contract and to develop a work progress plan as specified in the contract is tentatively scheduled for enter time (am/pm), insert date at insert location. Please contact the Ministry Representative to confirm your attendance or to make other arrangements. You may have someone represent you at the conference, provided he/she bears a letter from you to this effect.

When an industrial camp will be established, you must provide contact information and the location of all camps to the parties identified in Clause 6.01 of the Camps Standards Schedule 72 hours prior to establishment of each and every camp.

This letter is an integral part of the contract and should be attached to it.

Yours truly,

enter name and title

cc: [delete if WSBC notification has recently (w/i past 45 days) been made in an award letter]

WorkSafe BC, Assessment Services

Via Email: ASSMTMOF@

(delete if services are not for planting or manual brushing)

Ministry of Labour, Citizens’ Services and Open Government, Employment Standards Branch,

Karin Doucette, Employment Standards Officer


(provide if there is potential for a camp to be established)

BC Health Authority

Via Email:

Project is located at: enter geographical location of the contracted work

enter other cc's as local procedures dictate


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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