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Exam Review:

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Question: In more than ______ of traffic collisions, human error is the cause.

1) a) 60% 2) b) 70% 3) c) 80% 4) d) 90%


Question: Passing on the roadway should be done with:

1) a) abandon 2) b) caution 3) c) both 4) d) neither


Question: Air bags are primarily designed to offer protection from crashes from the rear and side.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: If your brakes fail, you should keep your foot on the accelerator to keep your speed up.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: If your brakes fail, look for something to rub against. Try to pick something that will not give way.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: No passing to the left should be done when:

1) a) approaching or upon the crest of a grade 2) b) curve of a highway 3) c) both 4) d) neither


Question: Highway hypnosis puts drivers at higher risk for having a collision.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: _________________ is/are involved in the establishment of traffic laws.

1) a) Planning and research 2) b) Fundraising 3) c) Political experience


Question: Unsupervised and uncontrolled driving would lead to ___________ on the roadways.

1) a) no affect 2) b) improvement in the driving envoirnment 3) c) chaos


Question: To avoid impaired drivers, you should drive late at night on weekends as no one drinks on weekends.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: If one vehicle is traveling at 20 MPH and another is traveling at 60 MPH, the 60 MPH vehicle has ______ times the force at impact as the 20 MPH vehicle.

1) a) Three 2) b) Six 3) c) Nine 4) d) Twelve


Question: Additional time should be allowed for poor visibility and weather conditions such as fog and rain.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: If your motor vehicle experiences brake failure you should quickly pump your brakes and try to use any residual pressure in the brakes.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: Drivers should exercise ________ when approaching and proceeding through intersections.

1) a) yourself 2) b) extreme caution 3) c) both 4) d) neither


Question: The liver's function is to _______ all-toxic substances from the body.

1) a) Concentrate 2) b) Remove 3) c) Keep the same


Question: A __________ is a type of drug that temporarily stimulates some vital process or organ in the body.

1) a) Stimulant 2) b) Depressant 3) c) Narcotic 4) d) Hallucinogen


Question: Theoretically speaking, if you are convicted of DUI, the penalties incurred can lead to the cost of "one" beer mounting to somewhere in the neighborhood of $8,000.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: When there are no other ways to return home after consuming alcohol, you must drive.

1) a) True 2) b) False


Question: The safe designated driver is the person who has _______ drinks.

1) a) Less than three 2) b) Two 3) c) One 4) d) No


Question: If you are going the same speed, the greater the vehicle _______ the greater the force of impact.

1) a) Weight 2) b) Length 3) c) Width 4) d) All


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