Love as a Way of Life

Study Series: Name Above All NamesBy: Alistair Begg & Sinclair FergusonLesson Title: “Jesus Christ, the Son of Man” (pp. 57-67)July 2, 2017Session 05 The main point of this lesson is: Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, reigns supreme.Focus on this goal: To help adults worship the unique Son of Man.Key Bible Passage: Daniel 7:1-28Before the SessionFor Step 2, plan to show the group how to do concordance work with a Bible search site such as WordSearch () or BibleGateway (). Bring your computer or phone to demonstrate looking up a word or phrase everywhere it occurs in Scripture. Consider also bringing a physical concordance, or prepare to show the abbreviated ones in the back of some Bibles.To the LeaderSend a thank you to each group member for a way he or she contributed to last session’s Bible Study.During the SessionStep 1. Lead-in Guide the group to leaf through their copies of MasterWork to identify the four names of Jesus Christ studied so far. Invite volunteers to state how one of these names has helped them to live for Jesus in a fresh way.Step 2. Day 1 – The Coming Reign of GodExplain that if Jesus were to pick one name for Himself, He might well choose Son of Man. He used that title nearly fifty separate times about Himself. Explain that we can find out about the Son of Man by letting the Bible context teach us about it. Reading the phrase in each context gives hints about what it means. Do this for Son of Man. Day?One, activity 1 (p. 58) provides four of the fifty instances of “Son of Man” in the New Testament. (Sample responses: Matthew 8:20 teaches me Jesus had nowhere to lay His head; 9:6 shows me Jesus has authority to forgives sins, and when He forgave the paralyzed man, that man was able to walk; 12:8 teaches me Jesus is Lord over all; 13:37 teaches me that Jesus sows good seed.)Step 3. Day 2 – The Certain Judgment of EvilNote that a set of Old Testament verses shows that Jesus, the Son of Man reigns supreme. His coming was prophesied in Daniel 7:1-28, the key Bible passage for today’s session. Guide the group to look through 7:13-28 for actions of the Son of Man. Say that one of these facts is that Jesus, the Son of Man, will judge evil. It really is true that good will triumph. Read the two quotes, one each from Day One (p. 59) and Day Two (p. 60): “Daniel foresees times in which the powers of darkness arise … the sea” and “[Jesus says] now will the ruler of this world be cast out” (John 12:31). Lead a discussion of the questions for Day Two (pp. 59-60).Step 4. Day 3 – “The Son of Man”: Promise & SignificanceHighlight that further study reveals that the title “Son of Man” does more than simply stress Jesus is both human and divine; it pictures Jesus’ unparalleled triumph, magnificence, and glory. Three Bible examples illustrate this. If you have three or more group members assign each (or form teams) to one of the three examples covered in the following sections: Ezekiel (p. 61), Psalm 8 (pp. 61-62), or The Big Picture (p. 62). Let the three teams of one or more persons choose a phrase from the section and explain what it teaches about the Son of Man. Day?Three, activity 1 (pp. 62-63) guides this process, giving sample phrases.Step 5. Day 4 – Aspects of the Son of Man, Part 1Call on a volunteer to read aloud “Focus on this Goal” from page 68 of MasterWork. Point out that to learn even more details about how to worship the unique Son of Man, Day Four and Day Five guide us to categorize the Son of Man sayings in the Bible. Use the discussion questions (p. 64) to focus on the first category, sayings that describe the incarnate Son of Man establishing His kingdom. Guide the group to keep their Bibles open to Matthew 4–7 as they discuss. Re-emphasize “establishing” by reading the quote from Day Four (p. 65): “He is building His church on enemy-occupied territory.” Step 6. Day 5 – Aspects of the Son of Man, Part 2Repeat the first category (establish) and send the group to Day Five (pp. 65-67 for the other two categories of Son of Man sayings (suffering, and triumphant). Note that most Christians can articulate that Jesus suffered for us. Guide your group to share fresh insight about the Son of Man’s suffering, using Day Five, activity 1 (p. 66). Pause to thank Jesus for loving us through suffering, and to thank God for the mystery that we can embrace even when we don’t fully understand it. Challenge the group to choose phrases from the Category 3 section of Day Five (pp. 66-67) that delight them. Then guide the group in Day Five, activity 2 (p. 67). Pause to pray again, thanking Jesus Christ for His triumph and for providing us triumph. Step 7. Make It PracticalAgree that this session was deep, full of profound realities. Call for all group members to scan the days to find one truth about Jesus, the Son of Man, that will change the way they act in daily living. Note that to act and speak in ways that are good and right and true gives Him profound worship.Closing Prayer. ................

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