Use computers to research sayings or song lyrics related ...


Step 1: Prewriting. Number your paper 1-5 in the margin, spread out all the way down your page, so that #3 is about halfway down, and #5 is at the bottom. For each number, choose one term from below that means something to you. At least two words should be ones you couldn’t define before you walked in today.

Ethics Cooperation Respect Sportsmanship Kindness Self-control

Courage Loyalty Perseverance Responsibility Peer pressure Bullying

Pride Honor Citizenship Forgiveness Vision Empathy

Teamwork Diversity Equality Integrity Freedom Democracy

Patriotism Justice Equity Interdependence Independence Conformity

Step 2: Find and write the definition of your five terms. Use a dictionary, but BE SURE that you understand each word within your definition! You may need to alter some of the wording!

Step 3: Next, pick 2 of your terms. Then, find and write out 1 adage which relates to each of those 2 terms:

Adages express general truths about life. Synonyms of adage=saying, motto, witticism, expression, proverb, maxim). If searching the internet, you may find these search terms helpful. The maxims you choose should be things you personally believe. Note: your adage does not have to actually use your word; it just has to DEMONSTRATE it (see examples below).

Here are 2 examples in the format I’d like you to follow:

Responsibility (n): the state of being accountable; an obligation. Maxim= “A penny saved is a penny earned”

Self-control (n): the ability to control your emotions and behaviors in difficult situations. Maxim=“Two wrongs don’t make a right”

Step 4: Finally, complete one of the following two activities. Choose a OR b:

a. Write out one of your maxims to involve a rebus. Rebus examples:

[pic] [pic] [pic]

b. Turn one of your five terms into a word puzzle :

“A ( [pic] + [pic] ) ( [pic] - h) +d is a ( [pic]+ [pic] ) earned.”


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