By Deborah Craig-Claar - Adobe

S toTrhye of C ?ristmas Worship the King Created by Phil Barfoot


by Deborah Craig-Claar





Song: "GLORIA!" Song: "GLORIA!"

ALL: Joy to the world! TAhLeL:LJoorydtios cthoemwe!orld! GloryThtoeGLoorddinistchoemheig! hest! Glory to God in the highest!

NARRATOR 1: He is the Lord of lords and King of kings! NARRATOR 1: He is the Lord of lords and King of kings!

NARRATOR 2: He is the Lord of hosts and King of glory! NARRATOR 2: He is the Lord of hosts and King of glory!

NARRATOR 1: Let every heart prepare Him room! NARRATOR 1: Let every heart prepare Him room!

NARRATOR 2: Let heaven and nature sing! NARRATOR 2: Let heaven and nature sing!

ALL: Joy to the world! TAhLeL:SJaovyiotrortehiegnws!orld! GloryThtoeGSaovdioinr rtehiegnhsig!hest! Glory to God in the highest!

NARRATOR 1: And He shall be called Wonderful ... NARRATOR 1: And He shall be called Wonderful ...

NARRATOR 2: Counselor ... NARRATOR 2: Counselor ...

NARRATOR 1: The Mighty God ... NARRATOR 1: The Mighty God ...

NARRATOR 2: The Everlasting Father ... NARRATOR 2: The Everlasting Father ...

NARRATOR 1: The Prince of peace ... NARRATOR 1: The Prince of peace ...

NARRATOR 2: And He shall reign forever! NARRATOR 2: And He shall reign forever!

All Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright ? 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 byAlBl iSbclircipat,uInrec.qTMuUotsaetdiobnyspaerermtaiskseionnfroofmZotnhdeeHrvoalyn.BAibller,igNhetws rIensteerrvneadtiwonoarldVweirdseio.nww, NwIV.zo.nCdoeprvyaring.hcto?m.1T9h7e3", N19IV7"8a, n19d84, "New In2t0e1r1nabtyioBnibaliVcae,rsIniocn.TM" aUrseetdrabdyepmearmrkisssrieognisotef rZeodnidnetrhvaenU. nAiltlerdigShttastreessPearvtendtwaonrdldTwraide.mwawrkwO.zfofincedebryvaBnib.cliocma,.InTch.eTM"NIV" and

"New International Version" are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.TM

The Story of Christmas Narration--2

NARRATOR 1: Joy to the world! NARRATOR 2: Joy to the world! ALL: Glory to God in the highest! (Music begins for "Jesus Is.")

Song: "JESUS IS"

NARRATOR 1: It begins with "And it came to pass ... " NARRATOR 2: "As the prophets foretold ... " NARRATOR 1: "And in those days ... " NARRATOR 2: It begins with "For unto you is born this day ... " NARRATOR 1: And it ends with "a Savior who is Christ the Lord." NARRATOR 2: It's the story of Christmas ? the only story that forever changed the world, today and for all time. NARRATOR 1: Oh, the story of Christmas. The timeless words are woven throughout all of our seasonal celebrations. We hear the story in children's recitations and Grandpa's Christmas Eve memories. We listen to the story as it's shared through beloved carols on every street corner. NARRATOR 2: We read the story in cards and letters from afar. We experience the story through newsletters and tweets. NARRATOR 1: But the story is so much more than simple words. The Christmas story is felt in the warmth of a fire and the aroma of a family kitchen. The Christmas story is shared with every tender smile, with every laugh and fond embrace. (Music begins for "The Heart of Christmas." The following narration is spoken over the instrumental introduction.)

The Story of Christmas Narration--3

NARRATOR 2: But most of all, we live the Christmas story in the changed lives that come from knowing the Savior whose birth we celebrate.

NARRATOR 1: And this is the heart of the story. This is the heart ... of Christmas.


NARRATOR 1: The story of Christmas can really be summed up in a single word: Jesus.

NARRATOR 2: Jesus: the Author and Finisher of our faith, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

(Music begins for "This Is Jesus." The following narration is spoken over the instrumental introduction.)

NARRATOR 1: Before Jesus physically came to our world, a heavenly messenger appeared to Joseph, His earthly father, with words of eternal significance: "`[Mary] will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins'"(Matthew 1:21).

NARRATOR 2: The story of Christmas ... is the story of Jesus.


NARRATOR 1: (spoken in a warm, conversational rhythm) "Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart every word; Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard. Tell how the angels, in chorus, Sang as they welcomed His birth, `Glory to God in the highest! Peace and good tidings to earth.'" (Words taken from "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," by Fanny J. Crosby)

The Story of Christmas Narration--4

NARRATOR 2: Come. Join with us now as we tell ... the story ... of Jesus! (Music begins for "Jesu Medley." If desired, NARRATORS 1 and 2 may invite the congregation to sing along with the carols in this song.)

Song: "JESU MEDLEY" includes "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"/"Unto Us"/ "What Child Is This?"/"Alleluia to the King"

NARRATOR 1: It was almost 4,000 years ago that the Christmas story was first shared with a waiting world. From the pens of ancient prophets, a message from God was delivered to His children: NARRATOR 2: "Your God will come. [He] will wipe away the tears from all [your] faces. He will come to save you" (Isaiah 25:8; 35:4). NARRATOR 1: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign:" The virgin shall be with child. And she will give birth to a son. And you will call Him Emmanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)

(Music begins for "He Has Come for Us (God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen)." The following narration is spoken over the instrumental introduction.)

NARRATOR 2: "Arise! Shine! For your light has come!" (Isaiah 60:1).


NARRATOR 1: He has come for us. This was more than a story; it was a covenant that stretched across the ages between God and His people. NARRATOR 2: It was an eternal promise, first sung by the prophets, repeated by countless generations of God's faithful, then finally whispered in the heart of a young girl. NARRATOR 2: An angel was sent to the small village called Nazareth with words of comfort and expectation. (Music begins for "Noel." The following narration is spoken over the instrumental introduction.)

The Story of Christmas Narration--5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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